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About dsobolik

  • Birthday 04/10/1989

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    Fargo, ND, USA
  • Interests
    Psy Trance, Paintball
  1. If someone could be kind enough to critique... http://twistedsessions.com/artists/1087/ Would these songs be an improvement mixing wise? What characteristics do you look for in a good mix? In the song Acid Frenzy I tried to make a small cut to let the high frequencies of the kick and bass go through. I don't know how effective I can be mixing though, as I have to alternate between iPod headphones, my laptops garbage speaker(s), and other random garbage computer speakers. The song doesn't jump over 0db ever, but should I just be putting a limiter on it? A lot of the information I come across with production has been confusing me a lot lately, hard to get a straight answer, differences in genre production maybe? That, or I probably just can't mix well yet.
  2. I had heard that before when looking through some tutorials and some people agreed and disagreed with it, sounds like something I should give a try though. EDIT: Tried it on the kick and bass, but the bass peaks higher with the cut for some reason?
  3. Alright- I think I cleaned it up somewhat decently(at least better than the previous) in the new version. Is there a special way to EQ around the kick without the kick losing it's "mmph?"
  4. Thanks for the advice. I don't mix with compressor on. Compression is a tool I'm really a huge beginner at.
  5. Well after always thinking of titles I came to the realization that most of them never really meant anything, just adjective, noun. Nothing really jumped out at me when I wrote any of them. I literally just updated the song. It'd hard for me to do a quality mix considering I'm alternating between very old Altec Lansing computer speakers, ipod headphones, and Bose headphones- maybe that's just an excuse though :b. I've been too poor for monitors. So hopefully once Christmas comes around I'll come out above and will be able to pick some up. I'm going to try and change up a couple of the sections so the one riff isn't repeated too much. Edit: That better? Changed some sounds, did some more variation on the melodies. Would the compression I'm using on the master channel in order to make it sound loud affect the sound quality very negatively?
  6. I'd like a full critique of this song even if it absolutely sucks. I just want to know where I stand. The sounds were all made with Albino and Predator. Thanks in advance. http://www.twistedsessions.com/dsobo - Track is 145BPM
  7. Either/or- I have to program everything because I still lack an MIDI keyboard and saves me some time scrolling as I like to program everything as quick as possible.
  8. Kind of acid sounds? Down tune the oscillators an octave, then either high pass it or cut the low frequencies with EQ or another filter. I like to add a bit of resonance if I use the high pass. Not sure if that's what you're talking about or not. If you're using a pulse wave, adjust the PWM a bit to get the desired effect.
  9. :clapping: Can't wait until I get out of class to give the whole set a listen.
  10. I also changed the beginning melody I put in since it was crap. Put something a little more interesting in that a friend wrote and that I made a more interesting sound for(I think).
  11. Really looking forward to this. :posford:
  12. The updated 122bpm is up on: http://www.twistedsessions.com/shamadrine I'll work on the levels for the other song, once I either throw down some money to get Alien 303 or put a different bass sound in. Thanks so much for the help.
  13. Thanks for the advice. I get the same feeling about that white noise, I'll get on changing that and try a bandpass filter. The song originally was supposed to be solely comprised of me making as many weird sounds on the synth as fast as I could without having to stop, so that's what came out with me just playing around. I'll go ahead and program another melody closer to the beginning. I'll lower a few of the filters on the second song, is there any way I could use automation to cure the volume problem with the shorter notes, or will I have to just bring up the volume manually?
  14. What can you guys hear that's bad on this? I've been trying my best to properly manage filters and volume levels. My bass and kick total -6db with the kick at -8db and the bass around -10db. My synth leads are all around -6db with the filter cut off ranging from 400hz to 1.5khz with a cut around 8000 to leave room for the hi pass noise. All criticism welcome! Thanks in advance for your help. http://media.putfile.com/122BPM http://media.putfile.com/Interstellar-Comm...n-In-Progress-2
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