Yard Hippie
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Everything posted by Yard Hippie
I never knew she was putting out a new album but based on Driftwood it'll be an essential purchase for me. One of my favourite releases to really space out to after a long days work. Absolutely breathtaking.
Eat Static-Revisitation (2cd)
Yard Hippie replied to Pandemonium's topic in Artist News and Labels announcements
So this is their anniversary disk right? I don't know why but I'm sortof disspointed somehow. Was expecting some brand new material from them and although I havn't heard the majority of these tracks it still seems like a bit of a cheat. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE eat static, but suddenly this doesn't fill me with excitement anymore. Bah, maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something, I'm sure it'll be great anyway. -
Personally I actually feel I know very little about many of the concepts that are batted around in Psy. I don't know much about the Hindu Gods, not really, and I don't know much about the conspiracies and the vibrations and the aliens and etc etc etc but what I do know and understand is that these things seem to be thrown in there because they create an air of wonder and intrigue since they are such off the wall, crazy, unknowable things. Can't say I neccessarily believe in them, but I do enjoy the tantalising energy that talking about them generally provokes.
Shawshank by a long shot. I enjoyed The green mile a lot when I watched it but I can't say it's made a lasting impression on me. Shawshank on the other hand is just one of those movies that everyone has to watch. Just fantastic stuff.
Slackbaba - 'and the beat goes Om...' is fantastic psychedelic downtempo and is very dub influenced. Not totally clued up on the sound you're looking for (not listened to anything from Waveform) but other than Slackbaba I would recomend: OTT - 'Halucinogen in Dub' and 'Blumenkraft' (both of these go without saying really) Kilowatts - 'Ground State' Nagual Sound Experiment - 'Invisible Movements' Can't think of any more off the top of my head, which probably shows I have a massive hole in my collection that needs filling I've heard that the V.A. 'Brixton Session' on Celestial Dragon records is very good as well. Am sure the others will be of far greater help.
Just recieved a physical copy of (val)Liam's 'Daydreamer' today. I can see this one getting overlooked by a lot of people and that's a shame because it is a fantastic release. The sounds are clean and crisp, the atmospheres incredibly dreamy and detailed. Basically just another wonderful release from Celestial Dragon. The use of the piano especially marks this one out from the crowd to me and it could well become a personal favorite for downtempo of the year. Very highly reccomended.
Were you not asking for ES reccomendations a week or so ago? I mean sure, this is definately their weakest album for a lot of people but to say they don't have soul is going a bit far dontchathink? Abduction was great like you said, but so was Implant and De-classified and Prepare your Spirit and to me these guys are in a league of their own. Implant especially is just bursting with soul. Each to their own I suppose.
well we've had the whole black vs white right the way throughout every season so far, and suddenly they've switched the forces, presumably due to the supposed death of jacob, who would represent I don't know what so.... I mean probably it means nothing, but again it's one of those lovely little elements that makes you go 'ahhhh'
I listened to this for the first time in a while again today whilst walking home in the rain and yet again I've fallen in love with it. It's definately mood music of the highest calibre and when you are in the right space almost nothing can beat it. Imo this is better even than 'Movements'; possibly Magnus' finest hour. @murphythecat: Btw, you mention in the 'about time' thread that you don't understand why music could sound better in Summer than winter... Well this is another of those albums that has a definate sweet spot with the weather. It just works perfectly on stormy, dreary days and turns them into something quite special.
I love the fact that I never even noticed they did that It's details like this, along with everything that Ormion has already said, that makes this show amazing. People always seem so surprised I still watch the show, always saying they gave up because nothing got answered, but I'm with Ormion, if they gave you all the answers it would just be crap. It's the joy of attempting to work things out for yourself that gives it that extra oomph e: just to clarify, of course I realised they put the Lost as black on a white bg, but I didn't understand until right this minute that it actually meant something
Listening to this for the first time now. Very nice crisp and chilled sounds, I'm a fan
Filteria - Daze of our Lives It may be fantastic but I'm going to kill it soon if I don't stop continuously playing it
Actually... I've given this another couple of listens since I wrote that and although it's still by no means a favourite I think I slagged it off a little too much. It's not bad, just not immediately gripping. It's strength could very well be in it's subtelty and for that I'm wondering whether this is going to be a grower for me.
What are your favorite albums from EAT STATIC
Yard Hippie replied to murphythecat's topic in General Psytrance
Implant is probably my absolute favourite, followed closely by De-classified and abduction, but I like all of their albums for different reasons. They all have certain moods to them... I wasn't a great fan of Science of the Gods though. I've never tried Epsylon and damnit now I want to spend even more money buying from you Tyler Good job my girlfriend reigns me in on money matters like these. -
I bought this last year and just havn't managed to get into it. Hardly ever reaches my soundsystem. Perhaps I need to give it more of a chance but from the few listens I have managed it just seems there is so much better out there... I also find this very surprising since generally I love anything that Abasio rates highly
Well yeah it is ridiculous... hence why I'm so glad they're re-releasing it next month... at like, normal price
This was mentioned a while back by Abasio in some topic or other that I can't find now, but it seems like it's confirmed. It's on both Amazon and Play.com so it's looking to be a fantastic month ahead for those of us who don't already own it Anyone know when the anniversary Eat Static is being released yet?
Tbh I think I'm more addicted to caffiene than anything else out there I tend to vaguely skim reviews to get overall feelings, order the cds that people seem to be liking a lot and then totally ignore any post that may have some sort of value judgement about the said album until after I've listened to it at least once. THEN I read everything in depth.
The albums that dissapointed you the most
Yard Hippie replied to Ormion's topic in General Psytrance
Lone Deranger disapointed me as well. Twisted was out of this world when I first heard it and still is now but Lone Deranger was just... Tbh I don't even know what's wrong with it. Just not a fan at all. -
voted both because I love the feeling of the music physically hitting you at a party (due to awesome setups) which my budget just can't come close to achieving, but like Ormion I feel I appreciate the music more at home where I can pick and choose and know who the hell it is I'm listening to at any one time A fantastic party though, with the right people and the best lineups, gets difficult to beat. There just aren't as many awesome ones as there are mediocre ones round here.
The graphics aren't as good as they could have been, there's nothing here that you havn't seen before, but they're still good and they don't spoil the game at all. The creature design is just as good as it was under team silent, and they still writhe around in interesting ways, plus the level design is fantastic in places. The nightmarish version of silent hill is markedly different from previous incarnations and it's a nice and fresh approach. As for storyline, it's okay. Nothing special again, but not lacking either. All in all it is a solid game, there just isn't much to make it stand out from the crowd. If you liked the older silent hill games then it's worth checking out.
It's not as good as the others and it takes a while to get used to the fighting since you have to actually think strategically about when to swing and when to duck etc, but it's an okay game. The bosses are awe inspiring and the last bit is truly twisted
Personally I absolutely love the silent hill games (Don't even mind Homecoming too much) but that movie I hated, and I don't get it but everyone I talk to seems to have thought it was a work of genius Perhaps it's just me
From what I've read about the magic theatre it would be an awesome idea for a party, though I'll bet that someone somewhere has already done it Never read the actual book as I always assumed it would be difficult to get into for some reason, but I should most definately get rid of that stupid stigma and put it on my to read list.
It's funny but you're absolutely right. I hate epoch calypso but love pharoh I think you've basically hit the nail on the head anyhow; when I first bought this album I just couldn't decide whether I liked it or not, and even now it's certainly the weakest ES album I feel I've listened to BUT there are tracks on there that I very much enjoy... Flippity Flippity also deserves a mention since it made me curious enough to try out 'Swingers in Paradise' which I cannot help but adore.