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Yard Hippie

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Everything posted by Yard Hippie

  1. Yeah, I'm forever getting confused with who's who DJ wise over at Cabbage/Kulu (I know who I like, just not the name that goes with them...). I'll keep an eye out for you anyhow
  2. I love the chill out room at Cabbage. There's a DJ that plays there, think he's a resident, and he always takes me to brilliant places. Plus now they've opened the back area outside you can get a cup of tea and go chill in the breeze for a bit. Also v much looking forward to the 10th birthday bash
  3. Damn that Cascada filth
  4. That's also useful to know. Then again I'm not likely to get this much money to spend in one binge again in quite some time so even if they did all stay in stock the chances of buying many of them later on are still slim. Still exciting to think the rest of their catalogue will be up for grabs at a later date though
  5. Heh thanks for that, I was considering buying all included in there but seperately. Clearly I need to read these things more carefully, you prolly just saved me some money
  6. So I've just been given £250 to play around with and I'm torn as to what I should buy with it. I'm thinking I'll either put the whole lot towards buying a decent amp (only have a shitty old pioneer thing, though it does the job) or go on an Ultimae binge and spend around £100 there then put the rest in a pot again towards an amp. Thing is that I'm thinking if I leave the ultimae buying too late then their releases will end up unavailable at normal rates, whereas the amp can maybe wait. I have very little in the realm of ambient/downtempo and Abasio's mixes have made me see the huge gaping hole in my life that they could be filling as I type. Then again maybe the money is just burning a hole in my pocket and I'm wanting instant gratification. Decisions Decisions.
  7. Yard Hippie

    Cosma - Nonstop

    That surprises me. I was considering buying this as one of my first proper outings into goa trance a while back. You're the first I've heard who didn't enjoy it.
  8. Maybe I'm missing something here, but if you want chilled out music at 2-6am then is there not a chillout room at the parties you go to? I guess comparing the London crowd to anywhere else in the country is difficult but I've only been to a few where there was none (though I have to admit those that didn't sucked. Variety is the spice of life). Perhaps it's because it's London that they always want to 'mash it up' to hard hard hard psy? Far as I've heard they don't seem to like doing parties on the small end of the scale but if you want a captive psy loving crowd then maybe a huge crowd size isn't really going to give it to you.
  9. Acid Air Raid - Solar Quest
  10. Yard Hippie


    Cool, shall have to invest
  11. Just bought a pair of Sennheiser HD280Pro phones to replace my Skullcandy T1 set. Yet to burn them in but enjoying the ridiculous improvement already
  12. Yard Hippie


    I can second that. Horrible summer Love the mixes btw, the summer sirocco mix hasn't really left my system for a few days now; makes me want to buy the Nuclear Ramjet album 'mission to Sedna'. Is the rest of the album a similar style to the 'Cloud Sailors' piece?
  13. Is it really? Learn something new every day. I actually thought that our laws on alcohol were lax in comparason to most countries but even so I really dont think you'd have much of a problem getting in. Or with going up to the bar. Perhaps see what Heva thinks?
  14. heh, I said you'd prolly not have trouble with being 17, not that they wouldn't give you a quick frisk first As for dancing in it I dunno. May also get quite hot. Will have to look at what designs they have
  15. Prolly between those two figures. I could look it up, still plenty of time. It would be pretty damn funky
  16. Now that would be a dream come true I'm sure there are hundreds of places in Manchester that rent out such things but alas I do not have the money to do this right now. They can be uber expensive. Believe me I've looked it up before
  17. Tricky question. Maybe we're on the wrong track here. Maybe a panto horse duo instead? It's on my list of things I want to do before I die...
  18. No but I do have some exceptionally baggy trousers. How tall are you?
  19. I seem to have been carrying around an illuminaughty buissness card thingy for months now... Very much looking forward also.
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