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Everything posted by Penzoline

  1. I'm pretty sure most of you missed his soundcloud page. Check these out! New Born - Stuff On Earth New Born - Walking Peaking New Born - Spiritualizer (blooming, extra flow version) New Born - Follow Me That Way Enjoy http://soundcloud.com/new-born
  2. I'll try to go there, chances aren't too high though.
  3. Yes! But the modifications make it look better than most new games
  4. Absolutely. I have so far listened to the first two CD's. CD1 is worth the full price, it's absolutely wicked. The best remix album ever. CD2 and 3 I have yet to form an opinion on, but seriously, CD1 is completely worth it. Eigou kaiki's new version (it's been 16 years since it was first released.) is insanity. Draeke seemed to forget a link from where to buy: http://techno.to/item.php?id=PAN0013&lang=eg
  5. Check out my screenshot folder guys! For now it's only Doom 3 but I'll be posting my best screenshots there. Works of art I tell ya. Couple previews
  6. Oh my god, finally I got rid of the eye-killing white one. This actually looks pretty nice.
  7. Not sure if remix or original composition
  8. This. Is. Epic.
  9. Me agree. And the remastering makes it sound soooo much better on top of that.
  10. Brookers Brothers - Brookes Brothers High quality dnb with electro and more melodic influences. Really, really awesome stuff. Highly recommend to everyone who enjoys Liquid DnB or more melodic DnB http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2hy8qrwYpA
  11. Please, please, please more tracks like Tesseract. This is the best thing PharaOM has done. Adrenaline filled acid climax! Just so awesome, lot's of power and flowing feel. And that uplifting moment towards the end has a Hallucinogen - Shamanix vibe to it.
  12. Lazy? Do I really have to repeat the other valid points of not enough incentives to go the extra mile? The rare times more people are willing to go that extra mile is when the artist is extremely known, like Infected Mushroom. There's plenty of bad and boring stuff out there. Of course being recognized for doing a review is great but for many it's just not enough. I'm not defending people just being passive and all but I can see the reasons as to why. I would love to see more reviews, but not much I can do about that. I do appreciate T2MU's efforts a ton. Now I do feel a little bit of guilt of not doing something in a while, but I did try to write a few. They're not all that great though.
  13. Great to hear!
  14. I agree, it could have been better, definitely, but this is nothing near the levels of Spiritual rising bad. It's average imo. To note, he has a new album out called Tales Of The Beginning. It's very costy though, 30e with shipping overseas from http://techno.to/item.php?id=TACM-001 . You can also find it as digital for around 10e. Gonna have to check it out sometime.
  15. I actually found toidoi super disappointing. From what I heard they are mostly older tracks too. I liked mother pitch ep far better. Sigh
  16. I would like to try to make all the graphics for it but I have no skill in coding, so that's that.
  17. I must admit, I solely bought it for MFG - Inspiration, but you're right, it is a super duper strong comp. Shame it has so many tracks released elsewhere too, but they're fortunately all quality too.
  18. And that too, nobody is getting paid to do reviews. It is time consuming and unless you really enjoy doing it, there's very little incentive to go about writing something lengthy; especially for stuff you don't like.
  19. 1/10 are simply crazy then. I'd agree if we lived somewhere between 2000 and 2004 Obviously bad production will kill track a lot but usually if the production is poor, then is everything else is as well.
  20. and... *drumroll* Yay.
  21. Then review yourself and stop complaining what others do. Who wants to spend time doing a long review for an album they don't like? I really don't. Most of my negative critical reviews are replies to already made threads because of this. And do take into account the factor of "taste". It's just the way it is and way it has been, though I do wish there'd be more reviewers to spread out opinions. I don't actually believe most(95%) artists come to forums to read their album reviews.
  22. All of them got deleted. Upload a new one.
  23. Oh wait yes, it works on verachors original post, I retract my last statement.
  24. I use firefox and the soundcloud stuff doesn't work. I see the soundcloud bar but it always says track currently unavailable.
  25. Anyone gonna ask about IFO re-release with new mastering maybe by... colin oood?
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