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Everything posted by spektraldata

  1. There is a music linux version wich call demudi (with synt midiseq and a very powerfull audioseq) Two version of demudi -live cd (boot cd no install required good for try) -install version... All for free the card work very well with it RME and M AUDIO...
  2. The bass line is good but a little static... The "guitar lead" is very hardcore...for me... But I can hear the work and it's good...
  3. thx benf I think like you...
  4. Do you think I must send this track to label ?
  5. I'm right with digital psyence I 've send to a few label and no answer ! they should send comment on our music....I can "hear" negative comment....
  6. thanks for all the post
  7. to psydreamer your song are great for listen (vision is very relax)... It's another style but good work (clean...) I try making track to "dance and listen" but what a few work !
  8. for your precious comment... http://www.spektraldata.fr/compo/sonicgadget.mp3
  9. thanks for comment... For the basse I use ESM (logic) and sometimes I put two basse -one very low and the other in the "low medium/medium" but the equa/note position/compress work is very important in a track... Your kick musn't disturb the bass and your bass musn't dist.... and it's true for the other instrument fx/lead...etc
  10. So many post for...........this
  11. There are a lot of post for man who are looking for mp3 but we are in "music making" forum !!!
  12. I use Logic audio pro 7 (and all his plug wich are very good...) and a lot reaktor atmosphere albino...on a g5 but maybe the same than a lot of people...
  13. Ok thanks All opinion are good to progress
  14. Pease...give me your feed of this one... http://www.spektraldata.fr/compo/timeprocess.mp3
  15. very good job ...good style...
  16. thanks shaft !!! I've seen zoyd in the pass but i was not sure on his stability and power consommation but...try it... why not ? so i download the synth
  17. thanks benf I use a lot -reaktor and native other -logic pro 6 on g5 -atmosphere -analogue synth...juno sh101 -nord lead 3 -logic plug in (are very good) and monitoring roland with numeric input and with a good processor power virtual and virtual tools. I agree with you for the comment on my two track...very good comment...
  18. is there life on this forum ? I really need your feedback if it's or
  19. thank for your reply... need more....
  20. thanks... of course your can mix it... and listen to http://www.spektraldata.fr/compo/oldprophecy.mp3
  21. I need your listen... give me your feedback...
  22. 2 tracks of my sound world to receive your opinion... http://www.spektraldata.fr/compo/orbitalspirit.mp3 http://www.spektraldata.fr/compo/spaceject.mp3
  23. audiorealism bassline...very good soft
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