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  1. Ôk try to do that rising pitch sound before a big break or climax with glitch and it´s not possible at least with leads and pads and wird noises !got to try it with drum loops hehehehe must be a wacked result eheheh. With vanguard almost had the result i want ,got to try harder. Vanguard fx as vst fx?New for me i got the predator fx and others. What i really what right now is a destortion fx but not like amplitube fucking guitar lalalalalala tchimmm tchimmm tchimmm something that could give me some wierd fx distortion like in Azax Syndrome leads!anyone one advice some distortion fx?
  2. Normaly i use SWITCH you can find it in downloads.com but you need a crack(opsss i dont know if it is legit to say this eheheheh ) you can do all kind of audio riping and conversion.I use it to rip the entire sound track from a movie (its quick), and then import the wave file or aiff (the format that i most use)an insert all in a audio track in albeton, cut transform modulate it put it on sampler. always only use the part that i whant ilike a noise a ring a talk. After a track is made i also use it to converse the final track or song (wave) in mp3 aiff ogg whatever.. etc..... :drama:
  3. I use Glitch to trigger 16 32 64 built in pattern multi fx in all sort of samples instruments and synths but i do think i cant do sliding pitch upstairs with that nice vst .In vanguard i found a pitch function and and almost got that toooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII effect before tha break or splash!got to try workin so i can get that super noise or glinding to heaven notes! hehehehehe
  4. Hi there (soorry didnt understand what IMO means) i´ve got albino 3 and got an extensive sound bank!normaly i dont use it for fx but i got some cool fx presets(i change them with vst effects)if you are pro with albino and other synths theres something maybe you could tell me how to do it (i just cant reach it ).you know that push up sound like (uuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)that sound´s like going up ,that leads to a break or before a splash!do you know what i mean ,that goes up floating up note by note but with a release and sustain on! i try going up with the oscilator but stays like uuuuuu eeeeeee iiiiiiiiii separated not continuos!Ive try almos every botons in lot´s of synths!!!!!
  5. Ok this was a way out of hand topic in the beginning but sort out to be ok!i think you are all nice people even you buzz :posford: hehehe! Im using some synths and add fx later!Also making with a mic input track done some wird creepy noises.Also use samples adding vst effects later is ok too. Super. :drama: Thanks.
  6. Ok issue solved! :drama:
  7. Wish you all the best! STAR STALKER! :posford:
  8. Hei i think you are really toys(starfucker)fucck bad attitude!kiddies behind the desktop! end of topic
  9. Hei Buzz 1st off all we never talked!So it´s normal if i react like that!!right! Then you answer with a stupid cote thats for sure! Im not a kiddy or a nobbie! But no heart fellings!Im not intrested in verbal fights! Keep Up the Good Vibe!
  10. Ok Thanks for the super feedback for all the artists that add a nice reply! For those stupidsfuckers with fagget answers dont want to read their knowlegde. The point here was to know what kind of techniques people were using! Im not a noobie i got some years of experience with frutty,reason,cubase(a little) and now the supreme ableton live etc. When i made the topic was to find out what was the best in your oppinion and not the the gods finally fucking supreme technique ,because that doesn´t exists(an artist achive is own method and ideas)iknow!!!! Not a stupid question!but stupid users. Im not a kiddie im almost 30 so next time you wana bee´s write, write with good meannig!Capichheeeeee?Entendes!!yah yhaa? Thanks for the support Reznik !! :drama: Cheer´s and Hughs Keep up the good Vibe.
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