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  1. 01 Emnowhere 02 Delirian Sponge 03 Whatever Future Continuum 04 Gyroscope Nebula 05 Terminal Malfunction 06 Mutilation Entertainment Game Show 07 Sparkle Descending Music for the hyperactive generations; the sound of angel paralympics; aural pressure for aggressive cavity cleanups; hysteria nearly uncontrollable and gentlecore gentler than ever. And more, and less. http://satumnaisuus....rsion-engine-ep http://soundcloud.com/erisgumma http://www.kahvi.org...ease_number=326
  2. paradox tunes from the mirrorland – now also in bandcamp: http://satumnaisuus.bandcamp.com http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7Y4WWGS-ec http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooYZJIaCtzo
  3. Hidria Spacefolk: live @ Nosturi 17.01.04 The entire Hidria Spacefolk live set, shot with two cameras. Good audiovisual quality. Amazing finnish psychedelic astrobeat jam rock in the flavor of Ozric Tentacles, Gong and such. A wonderful live band! Lick this! Torrent: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4888818 (please help seeding!) Stream @ vimeo: http://vimeo.com/4557973
  4. You can download the whole album as a torrent from http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4127839/Sa...kopedelia_album - for free if you like - donations are voluntary.
  5. Satumnaisuus - Kaleidoskopedelia tämäonääni joka ei vielä tiedä kaikesta jatämäonääni joka ei enää tiedä kaikesta A 66 minute kaleidoskopedelic travel somewhere. Available now. CD for sale at oletustila. You define the price plus postage costs. MP3 available for free download (320kbps vbr), although you can pay for them too if you wish. The whole album with artwork as a torrent here. Individual songs: 01 - Jääkristalliameeba [ mp3: download/stream] 02 - Koi [ mp3: download/stream] 03 - Nesteasema [ mp3: download/stream] 04 - Unelmaailma [ mp3: download/stream] 05 - Puuluolassasuukukka [ mp3: download/stream] 06 - Matkassa [ mp3: download/stream] 07 - Aamunsara [ mp3: download/stream] 08 - Yö ja aurinko [ mp3: download/stream] 09 - Ajan mitta [ mp3: download/stream] Some words people have used to describe Satumnaisuus: sensual ambient beautiful gentle melodic honest psychedelic visual magical transcendental psybient twisted kaleidoscopic jazz emotional forest trippy downtempo progressive silly evolving organized idm chaotic electronic organic hypnotic raw weird finland Thank you. @oletustila.net @mikseri.net @myspace.com @last.fm
  6. Thanks for the nice feedback! Other people, your thoughts are also welcome, and most of all, your ears!
  7. s a t u m n a i s u u s Satumnaisuus - Yö ja aurinko DL / Hifi stream Satumnaisuus - Millainen taikatemppu oikein DL / Hifi Stream http://mikseri.net/satumnaisuus http://myspace.com/satumnaisuus kaleidoscopedelia. contact: aukikco at gmail dot com
  8. Psychedelic travelling with rhythm and melody. * The Intervention 20.9 Download Hifi stream Also check out our myspace!
  9. Psychedelic travelling with rhythm and melody. The Intervention 20.9 Download Hifi stream Also check out our myspace!
  10. Thanks! More to come soon. Listen!
  11. s a t u m n a i s u u s Music for your chilling/tripping desires. Satumnaisuus - Millainen taikatemppu oikein DL / Hifi Stream http://mikseri.net/satumnaisuus http://myspace.com/satumnaisuus musiikkia metsistä, äänet ripottelee taikaa, musiikkia sieltä missä on vielä aikaa.
  12. New psygoatechprog available for deep listening pleasures! * Alkio 14.4 Download / Hifi stream So if you didn't already go, go!
  13. New psygoatechprog available for deep listening pleasures! * Alkio 14.4 Download / Hifi stream So if you didn't already go, go!
  14. Big thanks on the feedback! A new song, a heavily reconstructed version of our old song Stepgnome has been released on Cosmic Flower - Marguerite mp3 compilation. You can download our track here!
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