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Everything posted by mushiwushi

  1. It's allwayz worth to check it out..will see what this version has to offer... and the only thing I have to say about reason....nice program but it's a game like |||OM_VIS| said
  2. problem solved! thnx anyway..it had something to do with the set ups.
  3. Hi, my name is max Just installed cubase but I can get no sound! Can somebody tell me what I have to do to turn the sound on? thnx
  4. definitly 2007!! just give me a year or 3 just joking!!..or maybe I'm not hah
  5. already tried to ask god?
  6. already tried to ask god?
  7. can you post the tracklist of your mix...soms tunes are very nice and I want to know who made them...(if you have the time huh! thnx)
  8. I like it even more than you it has that swingthing in it...big up for nemo back in the days
  9. Hey NEMO, what are your experiences with that minikorg you have?? I consider to buy it.... what are the advantages and disadvantages on this little one?
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