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  1. Exactly! Thats what I'm about. Thanks for new music and new influences here. What really kinda spurred my curiousity/attention was when i saw the disco bisquits a few times here on the east coast. These bands seem kind of along those lines. Thanks for the new music!
  2. I'm not exactly looking for that programmed sound exactly. I want my keyboards and my computer and the parts of my form and know what sounds to use and how to use them when that part in the song comes. Maybe I'm speaking of the wrong genre, but I do want to here more "trance" style grooves in my music Its not just any old thing we put down when song time comes. Just looking for tips here.
  3. http://www.sendspace.com/file/ds3s4p This may work.
  4. Sorry. Like I said, big newb here. The link is this. http://www.sendspace.com/file/92rqr3 Please check out around 210 or so
  5. Hey, ok, so heres kinda what I'm wanting to move towards. Look at about 210 for another minute or so and tell me what you think please! Also, please keep in mind, it is truely a jam, very rough, and we were a little stoned. Help me with this please! Thanks
  6. THanks man, I really apprecieate it!
  7. It sounds kinda bach like with the fast broken chords and almost made for a harpsichord. I guess I'm no help here though
  8. Hey, I just joined this site like, oh, lastnight and I kinda suck with uploads and stuff. I'm tryin to upload a tune onto a topic. Can somebody please fill me in? Thanks
  9. Um, yeah, how do I post music?
  10. Ok, ok, cool, thanks for replying. I'm workin with a Roland fp5 and a Korg triton le...Triton has some cool lead type sounds and the roland has some built in effects which are kinda crappy...Basicly i've been using a midi chord to enhance my keyboards together and i'm lookin at reasons to use along with my computer. I have some theory behind me, but i guess what I'm lookin for is more of the theory aspect of the whole trance groove. Anything you all were doing when you started? I'll post the latest jam when i figure out how to...Thanks
  11. Hey, I'm real new here, but I've been into trance music lately and have been trying to experiment with the style with my jam band. Do you all have any practice ideas, techniques, theory or excersizes that would help us on our journey? If it helps we are a 3 piece with keyboard, bass and drums. We would really apprecieate some feedback! Thanks
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