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Everything posted by amithaba_buddha

  1. So you're basically telling me you cannot even notice that if you are 'sober' ? ... God please take me out of this place lol
  2. Santorini is an island down in Greece. If i remember correctly Shidapu made a song titled 'Santorini'. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santorini They took the last 'i' off so who knows ...
  3. It's called a bird. You see ... birds do that.
  4. #BURPs# apologies , must've been the cheeze i just ate 5 minutes ago.
  5. (UFO crash booomasndlahkjsdflkahfkjn adf sound) hmmm , what the..? what am i doing here? yes that's right my ufo ran out of petrol but soon scotty is going to beam me up in a few seconds. what? me? apologise to mars? are you crazy? that rocky thing is drier than the sahara desert and you guys still trying to look out for life up on that thing? lol , get yourself a bucket of water all over you will you? Mars is a dead planet , there's no life there ok?? jeeezz ... Meltdown? lol these people are really nuts all over here. Scotty can you read me ? Are you there?... ahh damn.. cmon dude get me out of this place... (static sounds come out the intercom) Damn why is he taking so long?... Oh and yes I am still making music and there's new stuff going on also a new release (facebook people!) outhere but i ain't gonna use this forum at all , can you not read suntrip invasion all over the place? ... Ah and for all you Goa (since everybody seems to talk so much about it , neo this , new school that nitzho etcetcetc lol) fans don't forget to check and support the closest indian restaurant or take away near you! Have fun everyone and to my fans around here i wish to say : teleport yourselves to the new secret spot aka find the new stuff on facebook , this forum just... (flushes down toilet). Note to Pedro and you are portuguese : O meu nome e FILIPE nao Felipe. / My name is FILIPE not Felipe. Thanks acid-brain for enjoying the music. Respect. (alien pet barks) oh , my alienpet says that neogoa needs air compressor 9000 . It's flat. Goodbye. (intercom beeps) Scotty mate , beam us up! (teleport sound)
  6. One big King Kong for this album coming right up.
  7. https://soundcloud.com/sleeping_buddha/king-kong-god-eye-synced
  8. Amazing really happy to see this dude.
  9. I will continue to make Goa that's for sure. It's great to know you enjoy our first release , our desire is to bring more variety to the Goa scene else things will begin to be predictable and that's just boring imo. Guess the first release did ok , we're now thinking ahead , GOAHEAD! Thanks for your good wishes
  10. Cool About the track , well that's the way was supposed to be done , its more straightforward Goa , but of course some tracks may have the more smooth transition and climaxes (depending on the story itself) .
  11. Heard the samples from the Martin Cooper album. It has a mix of House / Trance / Gilbert Style and there's also 909s 303 etc (all digital im sure) . Funny that the Martin Cooper album sounds more Asia 2001 than Asia 2001 itself. Martin Cooper - Ticket For Tokyo sounds great
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRVmWESqaN0&feature=youtu.be
  13. Emotions are for winners and we're winners! Good set Anoebis
  14. Where's all the old TR909's etc? Mostly everybody is using 'full-on' basslines and sharp kicks... I still prefer the old Asia 2001 and I wouldn't mind if he would do that same style nowadays , but oh well , my groovebox will keep on rocking Old School Goa with Asia2001 or not.
  15. Play : https://soundcloud.com/sleeping_buddha/sleeping-buddha-eyes-of-osiris For more Sleeping Buddha : https://www.facebook.com/sleepingbuddha604
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