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Everything posted by amithaba_buddha

  1. And i had no idea you were producing too , congrats to both of you.
  2. I had no idea you were skilled in digital art , this is awesome.
  3. Thanks man. I actually don't mind to give a full mp3 copy of this for free so that people can put some heavy acid techno beats loud 'n pumpin , that of course if people want it. I can also put it up on CD if people want to have a physical copy of it as a second option and in someway as a donation and reward to the work. Cheers!
  4. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtPaP2Koido At this time i think i have an acid album ready but dunno if i should put it out because i think nobody will actually give a shit about it. If you're interested , drop a comment and if many people are interested i'll release it. Spread the word! www.extinctrecords.net
  5. My most recent side project , also working on an Acid Techno album . This is work purely made with real hardware and recorded live. Gimme those 303 Lines!
  6. It's cool man , just wanted to know that from you. Keep up and all the best with your music .
  7. Man , i was gonna ask you if you were plasma force , seems i found out you are. Really heavy traxx man , you got some really killer stuff going ! Keep it up!
  8. Moai , Psybro and Marsh , thanks guys. To be honest time went by and i got older (lol) so i now dig other type of things , more into the drum & rhythm than mostly dropping lots and lots of super 'euphoric' layered melodies. I actually thought that nobody would dig this because could be tagged as 'simple' or something , but again i always did what i feel and if people like it , well that's awesome! I'm quite happy to see that you guys enjoyed the groove , that suprised me for sure. Lately i've been writing mostly Acid Techno , 2 tracks are up there if you guys wanna give them a listen. Thanks very much for checking these out and for the kind feedback .
  9. C'mon Elad 93 followers over Soundcloud and you are not following anybody? I know that you like to follow yourself but don't you think that this is a bit egocentric? Good music nevertheless.
  10. Sorry man , just been remodelling everything lately. The track is still there. Soundcloud
  11. This is something i just finished a few minutes ago playing live in the hardware instruments. This music is mostly hypnotic and rhythmic based , so don't expect too many top euphoric melodies. Track is available over the Lost Buddha SoundCloud page Enjoy and of course constructive feedback is appreciated.
  12. Thank you everyone for your kind feedback. Proud to announce the new Lost Buddha Official Myspace page. I kindly request for all the people and artists which have the old Lost Buddha profile to trade it for the new one. Thanks everybody , Filipe
  13. Thank you Diaks.
  14. This man always impressed me by his music and the way he plays it Live. Chronologie album , one of my favourites of Jarre. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLLSDqxBpUM&feature=related
  15. Thank you all for sharing these great experiences. First time i have listened to Jarre was at the Planetarium and i was a little boy , no idea that it was Jarre. But certainly when me and my class we all got out of the Planetarium , everybody was singing the song. I only have discovered Jarre's work later on when i was in the 7th grade. Went to a colleague's place and i found this Oxygene cd. First time i heard it i fell for it just because of the fact it was only an instrumental and i love instrumentals and everybody must know that here . And here is the song that played over at the Planetarium @ Lisbon many years ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvJVIXxb4Mw
  16. +5 for Imba and Arronax.
  17. Glad we finally got to understand each other.
  18. Take care and all the best to your release. You've could have said so , no need to joke about it.
  19. I have no issues with you whatsoever since this is all it mattered. Keep up the good work Frozen Dream.
  20. Thank you for having the material analysed Digitoxin.
  21. I am happy you will give it a listen , certainly it will do good to you. Best regards , Filipe
  22. As Digitoxin just stated most of the old work has been lost due to hdcrash. I was much younger at the time and i never had the chance to get a better computer to produce the material i produced at the time. Most of this old work was produced under a 600mhz Pentium 2 and i had several problems with it. The release which will be about to be out it's something i played Live in Belgium if i remember well. Most of it was recorded on a CD in Wav format , so i'm positive that Phototropic will do it's best to offer the best quality to the public.
  23. That was truly unecessary and childish. You are certainly unable to establish a conversation. Also your free services are not required here as you just offered me in through a PM you just sent me. Take care.
  24. Exactly Imba , quality services for quality Music. Thumbs up. This is just my advice , now Frozen Dream you are free to do whatever you wish. Best wishes , Filipe.
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