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Everything posted by amithaba_buddha

  1. less than 5. seriously.
  2. Just keep up the great work + of course have fun!!
  3. I mean , come on , who doesn't love this band? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqyWf7-Sqi0
  4. actually i didn't , i just said it's the most "catchy" because of the melody , but all the others are great too! i like the way you explore different ways in the sound and create a general experience keep it up Open_Mind!
  5. ahhh so you're on youtube too! NICE! looking forward to hear some of your goa trance aswel! thanks very much for your comments . keep it up!
  6. Hello everybody , just made a new downtempo track and since Ewoud aka Persistent Aura has been delivering these awesome fractals i decided to give this new song a name he gave to one of his fractals , the Mandelbox . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xz1bALg0rrA Note to Persistent Aura - i've put your fractal work over the video and gave you credit+link to your channel. hope you won't mind! Enjoy the music everybody , live on the Electribe MX!
  7. 1st picture looks like the mustache man 2nd an angel or something , looks like it! keep going Ewoud! Love your fractals
  8. love this one btw , in general gives me a feeling of Mayan stuff , love the shapes of the spongebox
  9. From the cover to the music , this should be awesome.
  10. Another Futuristic Fractal , really great . Looks like a big Starship with lots of detail. Great work Ewoud.
  11. these are very futuristic with some alien textures , VERY GOOD! EDIT: Last one looks like Space Water
  12. wow , Ewoud , you're a genius!
  13. i haven't heard this music but both the song titles and the covers are damn funny! A dong in a bong Rambomized Nymphomatic Neferititi i can tell he won the killargh factor and probably the music must be really crazy ! I will check the samples someday and see if i like it thumbs up for the tutankhambo!
  15. Power Review you've made Penzoline. Congrats for the review and congrats to Sky Tech for his great music!
  16. Proud to announce we are now www.extinctrecords.net !! Extinct Records , because good times never become extinct we're also on facebook if you wish to join the group and you're mostly welcome do to so! Extinct Records Facebook See you soon!
  17. Humm are you just looking for new stuff or old stuff too? If so , check out Children of Dub , very good for those moments where you relax , chill and meditate I'll let you know if i find some more. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqOnzWI-e7w
  18. I got this a few days ago and I LOVEEEEEEEE ITTT !!!!!! I'm very proud of the next legacy and proud of SITARCD02 ! Amazing work Elias and Boris! The Music is Amazing (not counting with mine , that would be cheating ) . So check the demos and this sure is another KILLER!
  19. Another blast from UAF!! *download* PS - cover is beautiful.
  20. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L7AmjYMUdY Enjoy! Soon more to come @ Extinct Records Stay in touch!
  21. Thank you Ewoud *going right into my fractals folder*
  22. amazing , the 1st one gives you this egyptian feeling , very cool !
  23. No worries Ewoud , take your time on this specially because it's a large file we're talking here. I've browsed a bit and i will keep browsing over your deviantart with time , you have some mindblowing fractals such as Treasure 3d , no words to describe how beautiful it is and the Lost City which im having on my desktop now because it's not very bright and it won't hurt my eyes , plus , it's not a bit confusing because i have some files over my desktop
  24. Thanks Ewoud , we never know when we might need you!
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