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Everything posted by amithaba_buddha

  1. Thank you for your review Depths/No Hits! . Luna Nova is now on discogs , everybody are welcome to contribute for this release and future ones. http://www.discogs.com/Various-Luna-Nova/release/4276740
  2. The CD is now available aswel. Wish you lots of fun tommorow with Luna Nova.
  3. Bit too late im afraid , i guess if i would've picked Luna Nova Records probably this compilation wouldn't come up as such , but oh well , the name's not all , we're gonna let the music speak for itself. Anyways , it's just been released and you can get your free copy if you're in time. http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/65459-va-luna-nova-moontrip-records-goa-trance/
  4. Happy Chinese New Year! Today , February the 10th , it's a total new moon and such a perfect time to announce our first release 'Luna Nova' for this year 2013. At Moontrip we bring you a fine selection of complete new talents and some already known ones among the Goa-Trance Scene. So ladies & gentlemen we finally present you... LUNA NOVA - the first chapter from the magic of the Moon! Tracklist: 1 - Goamora - Bouncing Between Realms 2 - Jayex - United Sound Experience 3 - San-Kari - Muladhara 4 - PharaOm - Mastaba 5 - Sleeping Buddha - Acid Pyramidian 6 - Laughing Skull - Golgolet Beats Shiva 7 - Jayex - Jupiter 8 - Galactic Mantra - Temple of Cosmic Sun 9 - Faxi Nadu - Cry Life Also available on CD. For more info & prices : http://www.moontriprecords.com
  5. You and me both. Let's wait and see. Interesting interview , I also think that 'Dreamland' has the most amazing cover of all the Asia 2001 albums and seems that Gilbert agrees that too. It was my first CD from Asia 2001 aswel.
  6. Thanks for the info Anoebis.
  7. Seen him playing live and he's really great to see. I think he just released a new song on a new compilation , hopefully he'll get back to Goa-Trance without even knowing.
  8. DJ Shoom , another great Goa DJ
  9. Me having a label i am really aware of piracy and it doesn't bother me much , neither does people sharing the music i have produced and composed on youtube . If people want to share it's because they love it and that is good . I'm not in this for the money anyway and if people really support us by buying our records , then , i will be happy to pay the artists for their kind work and invest in more Goa Trance music.
  10. Thanks very much Cosmogenesis , much appreciated.
  11. I actually said thanks for your attitude towards the label and I described the facts after that have been happening , wasn't saying you were supporting negative energy. So please don't be sorry. And thanks for your support once again. Now for the rest (not you HappyHorse) : I guess it's enough of dramas , so i really don't care what people say about suntrip or moontrip. Logos the same? Seriously... Keep arguing and acting childish as long as you like won't make any difference to us. In space no one can hear you argue. There is no point of starting 'wars' or 'divisions' or etc because at the end , we're all in the same boat. MOONCD01 - Luna Nova coming soon... Let the Moon Shine.
  12. Not really , i actually addressed it out to everybody. You're welcome. And the Sun to be in full harmony with the Moon. Thanks Cosmogenesis.
  13. Sad how some people in nowadays Goa Scene state that are so 'open minded' and so positive that they all dramatize about names. Such people might think we're 'hurting' their favorite label , which is totally not what we're here for. It's the Music we care about first above all. Quality first aswel , quantity might come aswel if a lot of quality music will come in and to be honest , we have been receiving lots of great music! We stay connected , we are one. Thanks for your support DJ Inada (Cronomi Records) . Now back to work.
  14. There's no need to blush , Cronomi is really good you should know that.
  15. Great news. Please keep up Cronomi! Love your Quality.
  16. Ahhhh then i apologise , really sorry. You could've come back to me you know and I would keep you updated & informed. It's ok. Sorry once again.
  17. ACP will stay up if people wish to download / buy older releases.
  18. If i remember well , i think you were busy with other projects so nothing actually got done . I don't wish to cause further delays to my Project / Art. Doesn't matter if it's a glassmaster CD or a CDR or digital , as long as people are offered my music in the proper time , im happy. Thank you for your good wishes.
  19. Built around my beliefs of Goa-Trance yes as I believe any other label does. Thank you for your positive energy.
  20. Feel free to send us any demos from Space Elves.
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