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Everything posted by amithaba_buddha

  1. Hey Psybro! Thanks. Soon , as i stated on the last post . I'm getting positive that everybody that have always enjoyed my music will certainly look forward to the Beast 303 . Real instruments were used to produce the record which partly i am proud of the sound itself specially concerning the Awesome & Godlike 303. Keep up the vibes!
  2. Same here , just about a few days i got the Alien Quadriology , then i found this announcement you just posted. I am looking forward to it .
  3. The pics i seen there are really cool and that devilfish man... gold . Good to see some of your past-present photos of yourself. Keep it up Jannis!
  4. Clean , sharp and professional . Keep up the good work Jannis.
  5. Full quality my friend Congrats Cronomi & Artha!
  6. Thanks guys I had to make a downtempo acid to finish off the album. The EP is now on mastering process and when the time comes the word will be out. Then i just hope that everybody can enjoy this work as i've enjoyed writing it and performing it. I will make a free mp3 mastered version available for everybody to download and a CDr version to those who wish to support my work where in return you will all get the hi-quality mastered material. Stay in touch!
  7. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wBJUiyN0oY Thanks for listening! Beast 303 on Myspace Beast 303 on Facebook
  8. Go Hubble!
  9. Affected by the recent Iceland volcano huh? :\
  10. Djuna , you don't need for me to say how good your Acid is
  11. Nothing to add than my sincere congrats and what an amazing piece of musical art.
  12. Very nice overall , it has a very intense composition and there's so many layers for the listener to get lost for probably more than half a year Thumbs up UAF and Sky Technology.
  13. He indeed had good stuff going , i think he was even here as a member (not sure) . At the time he was having trouble syncing his gear from some demos he was showing. Would be nice to hear from him again that's for sure. Nice one Penzoline.
  14. A video that was talking about Good Vibes ended up in a thread full of Hatred. Destroy the Ring Frodo!
  15. Soon i will do the first release of Beast , the Acid Trance project. Keep in touch!
  16. @ Toxic Amigdala good "speach".
  17. very nice thanks for showing me this.
  18. My microkorg needs fixing and im getting out of room in my studio but nothing that i can't arrange , the keyboard would provide great pads. for the hardware sequencer , humm , i think i can do this with the EMX-1 since it's a groovebox , it's just a matter of dumping the MIDI that i wrote on the computer to the groovebox. Btw is this Ice Planet track yours? It's AMAZING. Very psychedelic and lots of Astral Projection vibes.
  19. Worked all night over this one. Beast - Pyro Acid This is what i would call a definitive Goacid . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsW9Fel8WNE
  20. Hope you're talking about the "Beast" I am extremely happy for this track , i have to say it's the start of an Acid project , the "Beast" . Finally after a lot of work on exploration and research , it was worth it . Thanks again for taking your time to listen to it. More lies ahead and now i'll produce some more along with time and i might gather a disc and release it for everybody. Also thanks goto Diaks who gave me some boost to get on the computer and start "midi-ing" all the hardware . ACIIIIEEDDDDDDDDDD!
  21. ok here's one i just produced with all the gear and using the computer sequencer. it's not Goa but it's Acid Trance since it's what i've been working on mostly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFAEAhHuoW4
  22. Thanks again Diaks . For the overdrive i used the Korg EMX which has 1 audio input to add effects on whatever instrument you want . Yes i have to agree that there's nothing like having the real thing , can't cheat what's real. The computer did nothing else than just sending MIDI.
  23. thanks for taking the time to listen to it Diaks. since you mentioned the DAW i just tried a quick composition to see how the gear would respond by midi , i have to say it's flawless , so its promising. here's what i composed : http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrAKzexuXok
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