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Everything posted by amithaba_buddha

  1. Oh yes , definatly , i love the general feeling of it (and i also love blue) Another great step for Goasia.
  2. This was still a practice session with the composition. Soon i will polish some bits and do the full studio record. Enjoy! http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKdVpCBRC0E If you wish to listen to the final recording please check over Acid Storm myspace : Acid Storm myspace
  3. Oh yea man you know i love old Psygone as much as you do. PS-wish he would do that re-release of Psygone's first album , Organique.
  4. I heard this one some days ago , it's insane! really good acid.
  5. here's something i produced today : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3aVqVFH3CI
  6. hahaha yea man , Brain was REALLY MAD in his own good way and there's another that you all will love : http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4VOXzLPvHo
  7. I can't tell for how long Imba , i just started it! Any good music is more than welcome and i will be glad to listen to it! Nice music will be my friend but it will also depend on everyone's taste and that is not arguable. Thank you for your blessing. Here's some examples of YK sound : http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yegb95ANeY And this is another artist which i have the most pleasure to have him also on YK : http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCsd5V5axQQ
  8. Cover is really nice , the "creature" is very well thought of . Congrats Artha , Mike A & Cronomi for this release. PS for Mike A - Your Jim Carrey & Friends were just bouncing to the beat here , exactly on the same tempo.
  9. Yuman Kreationz is a record label of Space Ninja , founded in 2010. We are a kollektive interested in Art and in unique Artists which have a great talent and love for the Music. We're mostly based in electronic and all it's genre varieties , because if it's good , we want it! If you are interested to join us , please send your demos to : elektriber@hotmail.com We look forward to hear from you! Yuman Kreationz Home Page
  10. I wouldn't see it that way , believe me he's very good he just needs to keep working. I'm really happy he got in 19 , he really deserved it with such an original work!
  11. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yegb95ANeY I am also working on my new label/kollektive. Make sure you check it out as new musicians will join. Please visit : Yuman Kreationz
  12. What , sita nitzhogoa got in 2nd? amazing! i am truly happy to know such a thing! Thanks for the results Mars and to all who voted!
  13. Indeed , Emmanuel Top is awesome. I found this bomb recently : http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkOIuv1HIPc Enjoy , this is really nice. Love the whale sounds and the vocal really gives that underwater voyage. Awesome!
  14. That's indeed a massive one and i also love this one : http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7ea7TTbmWU
  15. Same here Afgin.
  16. I was reffering to this one : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYb31hlYYNA don't know if you know it. Hardfloor are just amazing and about the Jaws track , it's a very good one too but you just got it
  17. Hello party goers ! Just as me i know you're all crazy about the awesome and powerful Acid lines on which of course started with the dear Roland total failure on the TB-303 that blablabablalaa (long story just google for more info about it). So now start posting your favourite Acid based Traxx as i will start here with mine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAolLRCs2i8 Have Fun!
  18. Glad to hear it , thanks Afgin and keep it going. Jaws is good but i've heard much better Acid. Sorry Afgin! PS - If you want i'll indicate you one.
  19. Frozen Dream i honestly don't see what's funny , i really love the flowers.
  20. I've been experimenting a lot and trying several things out , finally i came out with something solid and the vibe i was looking for. I know its something not very usual here in this forum but at least i can't say i didn't try. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l2Hnp_LhoM the mp3 is available here DOWNLOADsince youtube restricts videos up to 10 minutes and this track is 11. Enjoy and comments are welcome. Credits : Tools : Korg EMX-1 & x0x b0x Written , Produced & Performed by DJ Santos Recorded Live @ the 4o Studio
  21. Here's another one directly from the studio : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqjhbropp-8
  22. Trance is beautiful.
  23. Hello everyone . Been away for some time , building up my hardware studio and want to share a record i made of my acid project , Acid Juice . Weaponery used : x0x b0x (tb-303 clone) & Korg Electribe ER-1 Sequencer : Myself (live recording) http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVOZZpBl5sc MP3 Download : I want this Acid!
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