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Everything posted by amithaba_buddha

  1. DAMN i am listening to your tune and I AM ACTUALLY MOVING!! Dude we need to talk.. This is a Great Work and we have to combine our forces... I am working on the Revival of Acid Trance and this is Awesome... Just Kontakt me here's my new work : http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/57623-e-o-e-robotik-organism/
  2. nothing's wrong man you just have to see things in a different way it's Psybro's Art.
  3. It's supposed to be like that
  4. working now . yea man this is darkpsy and done with rebirth! 2:11 dig the bassline , really subtle! drums are really full of anger and madness. 4:42 really nice acid line man !! mystical.... if you would play this at a party , you would roast , burn and smash all them darkpsyers with Rebirth In general it is very well done , it's full of madness , some mysticism , some subtle basslines and drums full of anger and weirdness. If that's what you wanted you got it You also proved that old software never sounds old , it just depends of the person who uses it. Great Job , loved to see you using Rebirth.
  5. Hey man : Oops, looks like we can't find that page! Please fix it
  6. It will take time for the Music to get there
  7. Yes i can agree with you there. Thing is : why putting drugs when we can do it just by ourselves? Why changing someone's Life if maybe that Person is happy the way it is? i prefer to do everything just by myself , it will prove to me how great i am as a person and not needing something else for it. some people cannot find it in themselves that's why they go and try drugs and i perfectly understand. this is just my view of things. People put on drugs for several reasons and one of them might be they are lost but they want to find themselves in someway or could be just for fun aswel. It's not good for youngsters and for that i will quote a classic phrase that my parents always used to say : "when we are young we think we know it all , but we don't".
  8. Damn if you are good , great work! thanks a lot for posting your Art!
  9. Finally after lots of work and exploration , i have the pleasure to introduce my new SnappyCrackleACiDTechnoGOAPsyTrance (like the old ones used to say ) Projekt. E.O.E. stands out for Element of Earth or Essence of Earth but can stand out for other many things , hence why it's E.O.E. This EP will soon be available as a free download mp3 and as a CDR for those who wish to buy it for more quality , collektion or simply many other reasons! Enjoy the ACiD and Keep the Konnection! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSuq5snrj_k
  10. Hey man this is really nice! Glad to find another live act around this place Check out my stuff over http://www.youtube.com/user/HumanKreationz , i mostly use hardware , same as you
  11. Hello again everyone , i would like to share my first "official" song on the MC505 , "Lounge Moves" . You will be able to watch me playing Live on the MC505. The music style goes between House and Lounge. Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvndZQS4Wlc
  12. Totally agreed there
  13. Thanks again man , really glad you're diggin this one! It's late for it sorry man , i done this way to give a bit less emphasis on the acid lines and give more attention to the rhythm in general , the acid is always there creating rhythms! I will take your opinion for the next trip. Thanks again! PS- What you can do is pushing the volume on your stereo to listen the acid a bit louder I also managed to fix the lead sudden volume that came up on it's introduction. Rest is perfect. I will keep working and i might do a Release of this work.
  14. It's Acid Goa man what did you expect? Thanks a lot for sharing your words and vibes to me man! Btw check the 2nd Acid tune i dropped over here : http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/57578-five-on-five-proper-edukation/
  15. Oh man , thank you very much for your kind words and vibes! Of course i will , i am thinking about dropping a mini-album for a start or something and share the love and adventure with everyone!
  16. The 1st Acid Trance i made with my Hardware: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcxNS1DqTnw Enjoy
  17. I dropped a new Acid Trance tune , you can listen it here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ivni3CsWyms Enjoy!
  18. Really glad to hear that Ormion , in a way Filteria is really good , someone here said something about him beeing unique and he is because he grabbed like the whole golden era and added his insanity which caused his unique sound. Me? Well i might not sound as crazy as Jannis on the music but i got my thing because i don't copy anyone. Indeed it's like i said Goa is an open Genre not just about one thing and that's what's Goa to me. And it makes me happy to hear what you just said. I didn't want to go offtopic but some people were talking about the Old Times and i just gone Hardware to get the sound i want. Seems I am really going into the Acid Trance and i'm loving it. I done a new track yesterday i don't know if you heard it Ormion check it over this thread : http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/57563-five-on-five-spiritual-acid/ I know you're crazy about the acid that's why you love the old Psygone so much (same here) About the New School i do am proud of some of the new Artists and i am sure some of them here can say how much i done for them , i'm not against anything i just think the same way you do , needs more variety and not to turn out in Fanatism but to be Open Minded instead. I totally understand that the New School of Goa is different because the Technology now is different and causes things to be different , that's why you reffered to the presets etc. It's mostly based on software and it's something that me personally gone more hardware and i prefer to drop a bit of both which is fantastic . Keep it up Ormion! EDIT - Forgot to mention : It's all about Experimenting!!
  19. My View on this matter is the following: -Drugs don't do good to anyone , because if you are a young person the drugs will give you that "expanding" which is the knowledge you will reach after a lot of years when you grow up . Reaching the knowledge really fast is not good for you Mind and that's Dangerous. I tried some stuff but i am glad i didn't do too much and i'm not doing it anymore , i just prefer things to Flow Naturally. Everybody will reach that "expanding" with time and our knowledge will get always bigger and bigger because when you get older you will learn to control yourself and know the person you are which that's really important, but not thanks to an artificial thing.
  20. Now that's funny! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA And now in respect to Trance2MoveU please let's get back on topic since it was the person which started it.
  21. Don't worry man , everyone is the way it is and to me that's none of my concern so don't worry 'bout me man but thanks anyway.
  22. Messij Receivd Glad to hear that seriously.
  23. NICEE ! Use it man , the JV is gold and do you know that the Dreamweaver 1st album was totally made with a JV synth? The 505 uses the same engine so you got a gold piece with you man. Hope to hear something from you one of these days! Keep me in touch of it!!
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