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Everything posted by amithaba_buddha

  1. i heard this , its real good stuff and INSANELY CRAZY!! and thats just it
  2. met Laughing Buddha , what a great guy and rest i know almost everyone of the 2nd generation of Goa all great people!
  3. Good to hear it check most of phototropic's music , we have lots of variation on our releases. I also got a new and it will be my last ultimate project "Rama" , im sure it will be such a big pleasure to your senses. check this thread : http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=55965 anything just PM or something just not to keep this topic offtopic. Regards, /Filipe
  4. Sorry the bit of the offtopic here . Chis instead of beeing here almost on your knees asking Suntrip to do something , why not and check out the music its on Phototropic , it's also a goa label and we have lots of goa music with bass key changes , still not going on the "cheeze" side. Try us and you might got out surprised. Suntrip is not the only goa label remember that Continue the good work out suntrip. /Filipe
  5. jelly bellies hahaha thats a good one as someone said here dark is about the feeling , amanians has it for sure , its dark but well over constructed darkgoa music , not about random noises. its about hard and acid agresssive melodies and rhythm. about the key's im aware of it as i've gave that hint to amanians he's a great artist and for sure a new talent do dig up , about the keys he just starts to compose and throwing up craziness and who cares about the keys on parties anyway? just throw the acid!
  6. great stuff i have to say. if you're a fan of 95-96 goa style then this is for you
  7. yes i do imba and once again thanks for your support
  8. Amanians is underrated but he's really good! you guys can get the jelly marbles va on phototropic where he's on aswel. Dark and acid goa its his speciality. A must for the fans of the like
  9. Some of the stuff is really good and talking about IT , at the time people didnt have much of the technology they have today so mostly of the stuff that had to be shown off and made was on the composition part . ex.shidapu , luminus and so on , not much super crispy quality and no vst's i think and thats why jon cocco mentioned its more creative.
  10. great topic! can i ask you , aero , to update the page to www.myspace.com/ramaproject , thats the main page now thanks and good job!
  11. Hope not Basilisk anyway , congrats to moonquest records for their first release which looks really great!! great job!
  12. all that i can say is that us the nitzhogoa team (me agneton and goalien) are working on a compilation for the people that dig this kind of stuff ... itll be a surprise!
  13. hope the future won't be "invaded" by those compact "sticks"...
  14. more nitzho is on the way thanks for the support Agneton!
  15. another demo is uploaded this time is a Goalien remix
  16. what a lovely cover indeed!
  17. Thanks for the support all i can say is that the new Rama material is under production and i'm sure soon it will be unveiled to everyone. i'm doing the best not to dissapoint and to bring the real fresh and sweet innovation that the music can offer. /Filipe
  18. I have to agree with Mike there , there are lots of releases but not so many sales , but still , old skool is getting more attention which is very good , i remember when i started to make old skool , there wasn't almost anybody doing it or even listening to. i'm really glad things got this far , the fruit of my work and all the other artists is starting to come up but dont forget : things may not be as before , they will sure be different but it can be better! /Filipe
  19. Hello everybody! Recently i started a nitzhogoa project to join up the forces with the might Goalien and Agneton You can take a peek @ HERE! /Filipe EDIT: Link updated.
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