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Everything posted by amithaba_buddha

  1. I'm sure it's a great synth. I own one Korg Machine and it's something I will never get rid of. My eyes are after the great Moog Minitaur (Analogue Bass Synth) , if my hands get on it you may aswel open the book of Genesis and say : ' In the beginning God created the great Acid 303! '
  2. Really awesome and happy to hear such! Another reason why I decided to start a fresh project. Now I'm gonna experiment with some eastern melodies and see how it works and if it will work ... but (!) Goa-Trance isn't just about eastern melodies imo.
  3. Joy of Stillness : https://soundcloud.com/sleeping_buddha/sleeping-buddha-joy-of
  4. Thank you very much. Ok , I am going to explain the decision i took 2 days ago: Because I started to feel that my music nowadays is completely changed , I don't want to compromise the Amithaba Buddha sound and bring disappointment to the fans. So i decided to start something fresh and put Amithaba aside so that maybe one day i still have the chance to get back to it and write something new if i get to feel the style and the project again. The new project is : Sleeping Buddha Style : Acid (Goa)Trance Reasons : Because I've been seriously involved with a tiny box called TB303 over the past few years ( i must admit , i'm 'aciddicted' ) and i feel that my creativity is expanded within this style. Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sleeping-Buddha/408017045942883 Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/sleeping_buddha Please bear in mind that this is my main project now . Cyaneyes : thank you once more for sharing the love you feel towards my music and much respect to your collection! Apologies (to you and everyone) if you feel a bit disappointed about the 3rd album not coming (yet), that wasn't my intention . I like to feel what i'm going to do (or did) really strongly , else it's a total zero from me. As you said and I quote : ' So good balanced, creative, pleasant sounds with storytelling structure, exciting aural pleasure for my ears with soul in it!' Couldn't agree more and that's what I aim for.
  5. Kudos for Taika Kim's music , very original
  6. Just wish to say many thanks for loving what i do and ACP aswel. If there's any more music coming from me & ACP you know where to find it. Btw , noticed you are missing Ethereal in your list : you should check their first album : Anima Mundi.
  7. No idea if you've had the chance to hear the latest but if not , then , you should. https://soundcloud.c...uddha-limitless
  8. 148 BPM Goa -Trance - Amithaba Buddha - Limitless Light : https://soundcloud.com/amithaba-buddha/amithaba-buddha-limitless
  9. I would very much like to hear what you have to say about the first track https://soundcloud.com/amithaba-buddha/amithaba-buddha-goa-gate-ii
  10. Happy 2013 everybody. The so much expected 3rd album is in the works and plans are it to be the so much requested (even by some members of this forum) Downtempo / Ambient album. If any labels interested in , please contact me. Nevertheless the album will be made and wish you all a good day / night. https://www.facebook.com/amithababuddha
  11. https://soundcloud.com/primal-rave
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA-OJZHqZ5c&feature=youtu.be
  13. Buddha Spirit : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DPGnsGZkDY&feature=youtu.be
  14. Haha Frozen Dream , thanks a million , you don't know how proud that makes me feel having you confirming it sounds really out a videogame which was one of my main goals , to sound really really authentic since i'm faithful to the bone on what concerns my projects. Will check that shortly. Yes , all by myself , midi files? NO WAY! I compose \ write this stuff all by myself , it's 100% original work . Basically I can get any sample , convert it to DPCM (Delta Pulse Code Modulation) which is the only way that the NES can play 'wav' files. I'm using drums from Castlevania , Bucky O'Hare , Bass from Journey To Silius , Final Mission and so on.. EDIT: just checked your link , not a bad tune btw , the intro is sorta with marimbas , guess it's the exotic feeling that reminds you of alex kidd
  15. new tune : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COn3JmUkOXA&feature=youtu.be
  16. Yeah I know , that's why I pulled you over to check this out , I knew you would dig this .
  17. you should replay it here's the official Renegade 8 page : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Renegade-8/220819354719354
  18. Dark City : http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYLPSE7FE5g&feature=youtu.be Protector : http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn6N2xgPGOo Feedback is welcome .
  19. That is simply because , we are Old School. Thank you for listening and for your feedback. Here's another track : Amithaba Buddha - Shadow Dancers https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=vb.218312845457&type=2
  20. Available to listen from Amithaba Buddha's Official Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/amithababuddha
  21. Cheers for the heads up mate
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