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Everything posted by amithaba_buddha

  1. dead on big Cosmo
  2. happy to see u here mate
  3. FREE DOWNLOAD : http://acprecords.bandcamp.com/album/at-full-goa-force-chapter-one
  4. yea tnx for your feed
  5. way to go Afgin keep up man u know it
  6. been a while ive been absent here's the new stuff : https://www.facebook.com/xcelent604 and no im not making music with buddhas etc musik : http://soundcloud.co...nt-triple-score
  7. really nice to know ur a lot involved with the Old School of Goa. PS- Love Perfect Rainbow.
  8. Yes but that doesn't mean he has to totally forget it completely .
  9. Exactly Penzoline , Suzuki is way older now.
  10. veryyyy goooddddd
  11. hummmmmmmmm , i passed!
  12. hahaha! NICE!
  13. Seen him Live and he is good.
  14. So , after this great experience of playing Chynacid Live for the 1st time , specially in Belgium and getting these amazing vibes from The People while Chynacid was playing , I was really happy to feel all that weight specially on the kick and bass part and still going strong with a lot of Acid. Now I am now looking forward to start making an album as Chynacid. Why? Because I Feel. Don't you agree?
  15. Anytime bro and million thanks for this amazing album please keep going like this! PS - Anoebis almost forgot , these are the first great 5 and now we have to get the other 5! DIMENSION 5 bro and im part of it.
  16. Very interesting topic. IMO to summarize , there are infinite Goa Styles where each and every artist has something different to offer.
  17. Nice one Biller. For when are you making new music with the Optimystique vibe?
  18. yes that's him not much of Prana anymore
  19. Chynacid album will be on it's way , it won't be easy but not impossible! YES! Power Bass Goa'Trance
  20. i bought this album from Joske and it's amazing to see that we can cross our minds amazing progressive Goa Trance. love it. hahaa welcome back Diaks keep following the right way. Thanks for everything Mars. All the best!
  21. ahahahaha niceeeee. Imba this is awesome
  22. No problem , i'm sure you'll dig this one day. Many thanks Penzoline. hahaha It was! LOL :P yes Padmapani , i loved Chynacid on the dance floor , it was amazing! O_O here's Tofu from me live at this amazing party in Belgium: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=scYDUxu9d3k&context=C4b65659ADvjVQa1PpcFMEmxoS1PJjWP6QZvYjzfclgWjJBNDh6Kw= Totally Heavy Power Bass Goa really like it here's another one aswel from the new EP from Chynacid - Zen Dimensions also available on Acid Chemical Plant Records : http://acprecords.ba...n-dimensions-ep and video Live : http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqCAfwgZ1dk&context=C4ba4a74ADvjVQa1PpcFMEmxoS1PJjWMN2PHPxJzNnIK8kKor6gyM= Also if you and everybody else wants to keep updated about Chynacid visit me @ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chynacid/102688083122807 you're mostly welcome. GOA 4 EVER
  23. True man. I'm with Anoebis here . My advice , take a break from it for a while , explore new things for yourself and then when you get back to psytrance again you will feel it much stronger! PS for Anoebis - The new CD = pure bliss , thank you very much.
  24. Played Chynacid live on Paramatma and it was great!
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