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Everything posted by amithaba_buddha

  1. Exactly. Imo CD-r is a good alternative choice for people who want to have it a physical release , i think that nowadays it's just not worth the price of pressing cd's , not many people actually care about physical releases (except the collectors).
  2. Many thanks psyhoe. Just a small notice: I've removed the video temporarily as i'm re-working it a bit more and also working on a few more tracks. Thanks guys for your kind feedback.
  3. Nice one. Might still re-work it a lil' bit
  4. It's been a while. Enjoy folks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4_J70zZRQA
  5. Thanks man. My gear list : -Roland JV1080 -x0x b0x (X2) -MAM MB33 MK2 -Korg Electribe R -Korg Electribe MX -Korg Microkorg
  6. Back after some goa holidays , setting up the gear and now throwing goa with (more) hardware. Enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e83MMZN-ZPM
  7. We proudly present you our tenth release! Boney Arse & Doc Von Ooze kindly let us two of their singles from their big adventure to introduce the amazing Old School Dance 'n Trance vibes that has been missing for so long with everybody DOWNLOAD
  8. Hey but , this is no vinyl. Loads of EP's with 2 tracks. Cheers , spice is always good in the Dune world.
  9. Beer's not annoyin nor even sex. lol I feel sorry for you. Really.
  10. Hello folks . I'm back again and this time it's a next installement of the Goa sound. Some people heard this already but oh well who cares! Drunk Pharaoh comes up with the Grab a Beer EP and why is it so special? It's about beer! You might think 'yeahhhh beeer...' cmon kid don't tell me you drink milk?! There's more to beer than you might think and most of all , it's a GREAT TOOL! C'mon Goa Gil save us from that baba tool crap , no way im changin ur diapers. So let's get started , get your beer and blast this stuff all over the place , already included are Asterixes , Obelixes , Cleopatras , Magic Potions everywhere , batteries , babes , boobs (loads) , beards , pirates , ships , starships , aliens , dolls , pharaoh's , moses , abrahams , pyramids , shiva portals and the best weapon : Da BURP! Now let's dance and enjoy life the way it should be , don't forget beer in one hand babe on the other! yooooooooooooooooooooooo Best to y'all from ... me. PS: Not all Goa-Trance has to be taken seriously... oops Freshly Cut Tomatoesssss! Remember : Drink Responsibly. Yeah and it's a free round , that's 2 free drinks now don't get cocky. Number one hit of the year 20XXX , that 3 X ! Let all the others have their useless tools , Goa got the beer and with just the beer we're all winners. 194 free downloads remaning recommend to get ur free drink fast before it runs out or else it's a month you have to wait for your copy. Sorry guys can't pay everybody. Download
  11. Honestly i don't care about emails or so , i just read this on facebook and i totally understand Richpa. This is not a paid job and everybody must follow his own way , i prefer my own personal life than wasting my energy and time to try a living out of this , there's so much more in Life than nobody can even imagine. And from me to you Richpa , I wish you all the best , you know you're the man and you know where to find me! The most interesting part is all the sarcasm from a lot of people , when this was all made and done with free time . What happens next? Pay him a full time job and he might keep running it , there you go. And to end up i say to you Richpa : GOAHEAD!
  12. haha! guys i don't know what else to say than just 'Thank You'. Really happy for all the positive vibes. @ Diaks concerning your question : it will be different. all because im way much older than i was when i wrote all the favourite songs you just mentioned. The 3rd album will be an hard project to accomplish , that's why i plan to take 1 year if not more composing the songs. I expect my experience to bring the best in this 3rd album. Great to know you have the songs in your iphone specially for the summer! @Padmapani : I still have the gear which i used to bring up chynacid. Despite not being a popular project i can always try and bring up some new songs for Chynacid. Just can't promise anything since i'm working on AB 3. @ Plutodelic : Sort of. Women still have their mysteries , specially when you just meet someone new , it all follows a path. I'm just showing what i wish the most. Someone special. True Love. It's not just about sex , it's way more than that and that's what i've wrote in this song. I don't have it yet , but hopefully me and those who wish the same we can all get there. It's an hard objective to achieve these days. But i'm sure God will reward those who truly follow Him. Rest of the boys : Keep up the positive spirit this is what we most need these days and i guess for the rest of our lives. True happiness. May God be with you all.
  13. Hello everybody. Amithaba Buddha has decided that he will be working on an upcoming 3rd album. It will be a big project and it will certainly take it's time. Maybe up for a year if not more or less since it's something big that i've always wished to do so but wasn't ready for it back in the days. Any labels interested in the 3rd album come in contact by PM or my personal facebook : Filipe Santos Here's a new fresh song from Amithaba Buddha to remind you that Goa is far from dead. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2khYVNM2is&feature=player_embedded#at=114 Amithaba Buddha Facebook God Bless.
  14. Opinions. Won't give further discussion.
  15. Non-sensical pictures? No mod came up when i got that stuff in the music|releases i've done... fail. I've done none of : So that makes T2MU a troll too because he makes reviews with pictures aswel? On the posts i've made i was always on topic , not jerking around. Opinions. Yeah , it does Dave.
  16. Don't even try to compare this to the Portugal Boom Festival.
  17. Now i'm a troll and now i put a knife in your back? Man you can reveal all the stories because i don't give a toss i'm off it dude ! You can even reveal what time a guy goes to the toilet , his underwear , i don't give a toossssssss! That's Untold Stories to you , so much shit behind this scene , so many people hiding shit one from each other while everybody is sayin' peace and goa and goa and peace? Take things this way , i'm being real i'm not hiding shit , i'm being frontal. If people like here don't like it , too bad , get out of the pigeon-hole get out there and start living real life! Grow up man , i'm so glad i don't live this scene but real world instead. And by the way don't take things that way because i'm not saying you never helped that's not true and you know it , you did and I thank you for it , the thing here is just because I did music and do music doesn't take me away the right to say and express my opinions about what-so-ever because i'm no dickhead going around in planet Earth. I asked Imba to talk to you about what? Only thing i remember was asking Imba to speak to Basilisk if he was ok to release my stuff on his website but there's no point because me and Basilisk don't go well togheter so there's no point of putting my stuff on his website for goa or psy sake because both of us won't feel well about it. Btw have you played on the Euro Millions today? I did. Good luck. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY0WxgSXdEE
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgjNb-6EOYw
  19. Here's a nice Goa Trance compilation :
  20. Since i'm not so kind i won't reveal and why should I? Are you gonna pay me for it? Modern Goa-Trance | Neogoa | New Skool Goa , maybe they are popular terms but not genres. There's no point of keep pressing the same key , even Mars himself agreed to it. I Quote again the words from Nectarios : Whohoooooo Michael Jackson! http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym0hZG-zNOk
  21. looking at psynews - this topic.
  22. I'm also on hiphop , not listening to much stuff because i haven't got too much time , work work work. Usually i do some beats on my korg sampler if you guys wanna have a listen let me know i can do some records. Also working with a local portuguese mc but don't think you guys will understand a thing .
  23. Good that you agree. It's something that everybody should start working out.
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