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About Astrognomix

  • Birthday 05/01/1985

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  • Location
    Portland, OR

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  1. That should be a confederate flag in the background...
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=t4Qv2hCprbs I don't know how to embed the video... really funny though.
  3. Winning
  4. Is it Hackers?
  5. A parable and a half. Definitely helps me feel comfortable in my place.
  6. Is it Brazil?
  7. The Bionic Commando: Rearmed soundtrack is all remixes from the original game, bot quite psytrance, but if you mixed them again, they could be fantastic! This one in particular is so good already http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyFLuTZnXpI
  8. I never thought of the psy crowd as the manipulators. I figure that at least we know we are being manipulated, and as Mr. Leary suggests, choose to question authority. Unfortunately, money talks, and psytrance walks (or dances in a hedonistic fashion ignoring the powers-that-be whose grasp grows ever tighter).
  9. Upgrade to Windows 7.... well, well worth the cash especially if you know any students who can get it for you on discount. Runs silky smooth, and always recognizes new hardware without a problem.
  10. Might be edible, but I'd bet it still tastes like paper...
  11. OMG OMG OMG I WANT ONE!!! Seriously...
  12. Been too long since I was winning here...
  13. Might just be my logistical side, but I like the combination. A score, and a justified reason for it. The worst reviews are obviously the ones that are just a sentence long with a x/10 or a random letter grade, but that doesn't mean a review which is well written is any less meaningful because there is some kind of 'score' attached to it. I'm surprised you get so butt hurt about it, babasio....
  14. Astral Projection Etnica Transwave Cosmosis Doof Out: Tandu This one was TOO easy!
  15. Chakra & Edi Mis Etnica Chi-A.D. Cosmosis OOOD I see your acronym and raise you one...
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