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Everything posted by Walkabout

  1. Oh god damn it. Yes I would; everyone from the Tokyo Techno Tribe era is awesome. "Revolution" has been on my want list forever.
  2. Japanese psy is not strong in my collection (I'd sure like it to be!). But some important names there are Uni, Ubar Tmar (probably the closest to a Japanese Koxbox), Aoa, Ree.K and Masa. In the Australian scene the biggest names I'm aware of are Ray Castle, Ollie Olsen and Nick Taylor. Here's an interview with Ollie from back in the 1990s.
  3. Qube, Elejam, Equinox, Anoyo, Edgecore, Exogenic, Devic Craft Cordings, Weird Music Society, Surreal Audio, Thirteen Productions and Demon Tea. Koyote had some unusual releases as well towards the end of their life.
  4. Walkabout

    Sci-Fi Movies

    Just saw this last night: Sleep Dealer IMDB doesn't seem to like it much (only 6.0?) but I thought it was amazing. One of the most 'cyberpunk' movies ever made.
  5. http://www.discogs.com/Zen-Paradox-Eternal-Brainwave/release/43051 http://www.discogs.com/Sonic-Sufi-Sacramental/release/57437 http://www.discogs.com/Ree-K-Yammataikoku/release/201544 http://www.discogs.com/Psyko-Disko-Psycho-Disco/release/140786 http://www.discogs.com/Various-Psy-Harmonics-Vol-3-Hacking-The-Reality-Myth/release/234726 http://www.discogs.com/Texas-Faggott-Texas-Faggott/release/58805 http://www.discogs.com/Grey-Area-Absolute/release/371592 http://www.discogs.com/Various-Experience-Psy-Harmonics-Volume-5/release/150829 ...maybe it's better to ask what aren't my favorites. I didn't like Pound System all that much, but everything else I've heard from the label is gold. Psy-Harmonics Volume 5 is a TRIP, and it took several listens before I could really get into it; a lot of the tracks sound like psychedelic garage rock done with psytrance synths. About as far from conventional dance music as you could get.
  6. In my experience the hypermelodic goa trance artists you mentioned give diminishing returns. I love Etnica and MWNN but it's easy to become overfamiliar with their music; I have to step away from them for a while and come back in a few months or years. I regret not appreciating 'alternative' psy labels e.g. Psy-Harmonics in their heyday and buying more of their albums. That's music with real staying power. Sorry, I was talking about Continuum.
  7. Gadflies are useful things for a community to have; I'm not sure that we want to become so thin skinned that we can't tolerate criticism of our favorite artists. And yes some of Elysium's behavior was bad indeed, but it was hardly unprovoked... the other people who flamed and ranted here should take a 'time out' as well and consider how they fed the situation. And I'm sorry to hear about Astral's political leanings; it's dispiriting when artists use slogans of peace and love in their work yet speak ill of real-life oppressed people.
  8. Get The Delta to do a guitar riff version.
  9. Oh yes. As a teenager I thought ODOT was good but nothing special, and then at a party a couple of years later I heard "Psychobabble" and I couldn't believe what I was dancing to. I had a similar experience with Double Dragon's album. Also Saiko Pod - Phutures And Options. I thought this was a complete betrayal when I first heard it, but now I can appreciate their attempt to make a new kind of psychedelic dance music. It's still a pretty unique album. I used to read Wax magazine religiously. This led me to believe that Johann - Blow Your Mind was awful awful awful and Quirk - Machina Electrica And Fornax Chemica was a work of misunderstood genius. Now I think Johann is good fun while I find Quirk (apart from a couple of tracks) distinctly unmemorable. Anyway, later I started reading Dream Creation and got on the road to recovery.
  10. Yeah, I winced at that comment too.
  11. Something I've noticed is that a lot of my favorite dance music was made by artists who typically don't make dance/techno, but make rock/pop/slow electronic music and dabble in techno sounds from time to time. I'm thinking of stuff like this: Ozric Tentacles: Psychic Chasm, Dance Of The Loomi Controlled Bleeding: The Fodder Song David Bowie: I'm Deranged The Fixx: Built For The Future (No Formality Son) Tangerine Dream: People In The News A Certain Ratio: Spirit Dance Ryuichi Sakamoto: Riot In Lagos John Carpenter: some tracks from Ghosts Of Mars Porcupine Tree: Dislocated Day, Idiot Prayer, Voyage 34 Pete Shelley: Witness The Change, Homosapien 2 Mentallo & The Fixer: Abominations Unleashed What are some other names who do/have done this kind of cross-over?
  12. There's this: http://www.edgecentral.net/psytrancecollectioncall.htm It's expensive, even in paperback but I've heard good things about it.
  13. http://www.discogs.com/Psy-Phy-Six-Metaphysical/release/102201 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWdbD1lUpuE (track is mislabeled, should be Das Praparat RMX)
  14. Post 100
  15. Necton, Matenda, Morphem (2nd album), Segment, Shakta, Funf D. I don't care for minimal that puts a lot of emphasis on the bass drum (e.g. that Xdream/Delta/Spirallianz style), but I do like hypnotic progressive psy from the period you mentioned.
  16. Not all-time as I'm still getting to know the genre, but here are some favorites: Ken Ishii - Echo Exit Kenny Larkin - Chasers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2-RgKJj9Mg Dave Angel - Abyss Dark Comedy - War Of The Worlds (Epic Mix) Ismistik - Feel The Drumbox (Bounce) Indo Tribe - Great Danger Luke Slater - Inductive Channels Carl Cox - Phoebus Apollo Sabres Of Paradise - Still Fighting Model 500 - I Wanna Be There Underground Resistance - Analog Assassin Stardiver - Another Moment Of Silence
  17. Walkabout

    Sci-Fi Movies

    The Quiet Earth! How could I forget that one! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089869/ "wonderful human beings"
  18. Walkabout

    Sci-Fi Movies

    We mustn't forget this all time classic http://serialkillercalendar.com/VHSWASTELAND/HIGH-RES-VHS-COVERS/CIRCUITRY-MAN-2.jpg
  19. Walkabout

    Sci-Fi Movies

    The Brain From Planet Arous could make for a fun psy-sample drinking game. Others I didn't see on the list: Liquid Sky. Interesting low-budget eighties flick, kind of a satire on the post punk electronic music scene. There are aliens but they're secondary to the 'plot', which is essentially crazy doings by crazy people. Nihilistic, but a fun film. Enemy Mine. Another good B movie from around the same period, with an unusual plot and some nice atmospheric touches. Dreamcatcher. One of the oddest movies I've ever seen. Scatological comedy meets alien body horror meets supernatural fantasy and... I don't even know. It's just odd. Wonderful Days, a Korean animated film, really impressed me with its visuals, themes, emotions and message. A lot of people will say that it lacks in story but I thought the film had a real heart to it. A Tree Of Palme, although demanding to watch (it's long, angst filled, and at times very obscure), has stayed with me more than any other animated film. SF/art-house anime with some fantasy touches. Also while I'm mentioning anime, the animated Metropolis, Jin-Roh, A Wind Named Amnesia, and the two Vampire Hunter D movies (setting is science fiction) are all worth checking out.
  20. Here's a few links for your friend: http://prototrance.blogspot.com/ http://soundcloud.com/genkigroove http://www.discogs.com/groups/topic/168381 http://www.discogs.com/groups/topic/159529?page=2 (scroll down for Laurent's Goa playlist)
  21. *checks* Yeah, you're right. Ideally I'd have an 8GB computer but I'll need years to learn the basics, also in music theory (I haven't had a piano lesson in years) and synthesizer theory, so a pro level studio setup is a long ways off. It is a non issue, except that I record my DJ sets direct to CDR; I have to borrow another computer to upload them. This also sucks if I'm jamming my synth on the same analog mixer and want to record some noises. Hopefully the audio interface will take care of that problem and I can start jamming into Reaper instead.
  22. It's a 2010 Mac Mini running Snow Leopard; the processor speed is 2.4 Ghz (don't know how that stacks up) and it has 2GB of RAM. The CD drive is slightly defective (because cheaply made) and won't read CD-R media anymore, but that doesn't affect me too much since I have my DJ setup close by. Still annoying. I hope the RAM is enough to run several programs at once on a DAW; as far as I know it's one of the Mini's biggest limitations.
  23. Dark twisted & experimental: Run Motherfucker Run Psychiatric Hospital Ahead Deep Mental Trauma Mind Games Bonky - Bonky 2 Ghreg On Earth - Sigilweaver Noise Gust - In The Brain Chip Holeg & The Spies - Reality Drift Japanrhythm
  24. OK, the bug has bitten me, and I want to try my hand at producing... I have the interest but no real experience. For hardware, I have a couple of synths (1 digital, 1 analog) along with a multieffects unit, and a Mac Mini with 2GB RAM. I'd like to get: Reaper as an entry level DAW M-Audio Oxygen 49 M-Audio Fast Track Pro interface Some drum/synth AUs... I like old school techno, so I've been looking at programs like Microtonic and Imposcar. Monitoring headphones (I'm a bedroom musician, and live with my parents, so studio monitors are impractical) Does that sound like a good start? Also, would you recommend a sampler? Why/why not? At the moment I'm using Audio Hijack and Audacity for my sample grabbing needs... my history with hardware samplers is tragicomic.
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