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  1. i just wish it could sequence external synths... least it can sync with cubase
  2. anyone like it?
  3. try the 300$ bose noise cancellation ones. if they worked it could possibly eliminate the need for monitor speakers. give it a try for the team.
  4. you can actually get a big refill of TB 303 samples in all sorts of forms. its on the propellerhead webpage if you own your copy of reason. if not i have a copy. good for the classic distorted acid sound.
  5. these are all new goa influenced tracks and it gives the mix a unique feel. Tempest - Akshara i promise youll get a kick out of the ending
  6. have you heard these guy(s)? i love their stuff, its so. . . psychedelic. i suggest to anyone who hasnt heard them to give it a listen.
  7. yes i have to concur with you that both the Ra and dimension 5 albums are SICK.
  8. depends on the mood im in... open mindedness is a wonderful thing
  9. yes indeed, it was sick.... the bassline made my house rumble.....
  10. whoah ... take it easy.. i think it would be interesting to work on a song together over the internet. like if you were using reason we could exchange all our samples and stuff over the net through aim or something and just kind of remix one anothers work and add to it. im down for it. i have reason, cubase sx, and a nord lead 2 for now.
  11. very thoughtful i hope i didnt rape your bandwidtch cause i downloaded em all
  12. I have a few requests for you if you have the time cause i think these are some of the sickest sounds.. psyside - lost soul exactly @ 2:45 into the song (that 'crunchy' nord sound during the breakdown) psyside -lost soul (again) @ 4:57 they do a very short solo of this synth (or sample?) that sounds like its 'talking' (they repeat the sound throughout the song but this is a very clear sample of it at 4:57) space cat - power up @ 3:33 is a very similar 'talking' sound but it has some effect on it i think infected mushroom - bp empire @ 3:50 is also sort of similar to the afore mentioned 'crunchy' nord sound anyway that would be AWESOME if you could tell me how they made those sounds ( i have a nord lead 2 btw)... im not tryin to make cookie cutter tracks with the exact sounds - i just want to know the settings that make them so perhaps in the future i can create some sort of similar yet even sicker sounds and plus theyre really fun to play around with on the keyboard paix
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