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Everything posted by piginspace

  1. Thanks a lot for the "free" Bandcamp links with the purchase. I wish other labels would do the same...
  2. Since the Moonquest compilation is sadly not available to anyone and was super limited, it might be a nice idea to rerelease that Artifact303 track again on the compilation.
  3. Honestly I simply love this EP. I was so happy reading about it being released on DAT. Never had I thought that some tracks from the tracker world would see the light being released on an actual CD. Tiara is and was one of my absolute favourite goaish tunes. I still ghave ot the FastTracker files and the WAV files exported from MadTracker from the time I was using that software to make tunes. Thank you very much for releasing this Draeke!
  4. very happy to see and hear another old Jaia track in this compilation. I hope you can get "Orphee" for the next one, that would be great :-)
  5. Wow what a ride! This album simply blows anything out of its way. Transmitter having the ability to rank best Psy anthem of 2010. This is truly a standout release and you can't even stress enough that this is all for free. So amazing. Thank you very much Basilisk and Cybernetika for all the hard work you put into making this happen!
  6. well, i do not really think that hallucinogen no. 3 will ever occur. to be honest with you, a compilation of tracks would be cool for me. put some unreleased tracks like "strangled cat" on it, some compilation-only tracks like spike and magik and fill up with vinyl-only tracks. i actually wonder why they didn't do that at least in their download-shop - twisted does not even offer all twisted releases there...
  7. at least you would receive the eternal hate from that canadian guy if you'd re-release hunab ku. personally, i don't like that album and would not buy it.
  8. here's a fun video with steve vai. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30bslKdGw9w one one of the larrivee guitar company with justin king http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xon04MB1rDw&feature=related
  9. yeah, slash, jerry cantrell and james hetfield are still my "rock"-guitar heroes. but then, there's andy mckee... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmE3QaGetn4&feature=PlayList&p=144C8607BF95111D&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExgqnilG4pU&feature=related
  10. don't agree at all, but i prefer hallucinogen over hunab ku also...
  11. doesn't look very trustworthy to me.
  12. urgh. sounds a little bit like a bad take on apoptygma berzerk or vnv nation.
  13. how can it be about massive sales profit when most labels do not even sell 500 copies of a CD, which hardly makes up for the whole production. as far as i remember from the ~100 limited edition releases that i bought lately, these were burned CDRs, no pressed CDs. i actually do not see the point of the discussion, honestly. it is 6 EUR for 10 tracks, which is a great deal and a nice christmas gift. so thank you mars, anoebis and of course jannis! BTW: i would have loved to have the lunar remix of lunar civilization on there. so let's hope for part 2 http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=marsfab#p/u/22/b6W8IDhDnhs
  14. i'm waiting for someone to paint a "jikkentekki"
  15. try these also, when you like kryptic minds: http://www.discogs.com/Scuba-A-Mutual-Antipathy/master/72439 http://www.discogs.com/Consequence-Live-For-Never/release/2024655 http://www.discogs.com/DFRNT-Metafiction/release/1945372
  16. to anyone still interested to know: trackname is "transonic fields" and the track is unreleased
  17. New Music: Solar Fields - Movements Field Rotation - Licht & Schatten Cybernetika - Atropos Old Music in new package: BPC - A Blueprint for Survival
  18. the new kryptic minds is a bomb in a nutshell: life continuum. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsI6jNT0_Ro
  19. it is a wonderful EP. got mine 2 days ago. they really put a lot of effort in the packaging too. you really get something very unique, even though the music is just mindblowing itself and wouldn't need extra-packaging. christoph is very talented. and as this record is mastered by vincent of ultimae, you definitely know what quality to expect. highly recommended.
  20. thanks for your help. sadly it is not one of those, so i need to wait till it is released. huh.
  21. if it were not for the last sentence i would 100% agree. but i was not talking about greed, nor am i justifying the illegal downloads. actually i am just talking about the same as you, just from another perspective. 600 units of a release that is not even out on the market is a lot for the ambient/psychill genre, period. most other labels in ambient/psychill can only dream about that amount of sold units within the runtime - that's all i want to remark here. i know that it is not much sales compared to the mass-market and really urges anyone to buy the music either on CD or digital to empower the musicians to make more music.
  22. so, anyone can tell the name of the track?
  23. just read on the twisted forums that the album has 600 pre-orders right now (http://www.twistedmusic.com/forums/viewthread/3674/P225/ on page 16). even though i absolutely think that people should buy an album and not download illegally, 600 units of an album that is not even out officially can't be called bad sales. most albums in this genre not even make 500 or 1000 within a year. what did jikkentekki say, he sold 10 or 20 units of his first album?
  24. aenima, even though my favourite song "sober" is on undertow.
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