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Everything posted by PharaOm

  1. Hello, It has been years ! I am back with a new EP, self released, available on bandcamp : https://pharaom.bandcamp.com/album/spacenoids It's been 7 years since my last album was released (Under the Sun of Goa). Spacenoids is somehow a sequel to Shelter Ten, with a strong sci-fi influence, but with less story telling elements and more drive ! Enjoy
  2. Thank you so much Mdk, you know how much I love your reviews ! Maybe I'll definitly have to produce bollywood porn to get rich haha
  3. Thanks for the review !! I love the cover so I don't mind if it fills my whole screen \o/
  4. Thank you very much. That's a big request ! I'm still surprised to see how much people enjoyed this album. I mean it was a bit risky to kind of break down the sacred rules of goa trance this way. Anyway I think I never enjoyed making music as much as I did on this one, and I like to make listeners happy so working on a sequel in the future is not impossible.
  5. Thank you very much ! The funny fact is that your favorite track of the album (biomec civilization) was not supposed to be included, we added it only few days before the release ! Cheers !
  6. I found the first track pretty much exasperating. The Beastie boys samples are so ridiculous... I mean come on internet is full of awesome sounds everywhere, why using this lame material ? The second one is bouncy and a little bit better, but still not awesome..
  7. The 2 first tracks sounds very nice, very well made. I like the cover too !
  8. Thanks for your review ! I'm happy that we received (and we are still receiving !) so many remixes of Cellar door ! But I'm still waiting for the gaga and britney one
  9. God I hate this sound... boring as hell. And how can somebody has such bad tastes to make this aweful cover.. The only good stuff about this VA is definitly your review !
  10. OUT NOW : http://futuredisorder.bandcamp.com/album/shelter-ten-ep-fdr-ex-001-2 Thanks GS concept ! Well I'm not really changing style, I'm just trying to make my music evolve with other things I like
  11. Out on Future Disorder Recordings tomorrow !
  12. Coming soon enjoy ! http://vimeo.com/61236895
  13. Thumb up Renato Great work !
  14. Your chiptune rox Fil, always loved it since bit-head ! Glad to hear some fresh stuffs !
  15. Made with ableton and several midi instruments. Enjoy !
  16. Thanks a lot for your review Ho and don't worry for my rent Sharing my music is the most important thing, not making money
  17. One of my favorite ambient album of all time : http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/proton-kinoun-apeiron If you don't already have it, don't wait more !
  18. @procyon of course concrete can be nice for several reasons when the city plan is pleasant, but it's a very bad material for the planet. First because there's no more sand, they need to drain it out from the ocean often, you can imagine how bad it is... In fact concrete use 10x more "grey energy" than wood at least (and metal more than 100 times !). I think it depends of the school... But every good architecture school must teach sociology and how to understand users needs.
  19. Wow Procyon... Sounds horrible. International architecture is really outdated: stupid solutions as you said, mostly a question of fashion and shape grammar... No place for inhabitants needs, environnemental impact, or even relation to the existing site... !! What is sad is that there are still a lot of architects who think this way ("This concrete is so beautiful, don't care about the huge ecological impact of this material")...
  20. I'm sorry, but this train station is very common in my opinion. 90% of the Paris's suburbian stations look just like this one, and I'm sure it's the same thing in other big cities. Considering the incredible speed of evolution in technical and design solutions these last 10-20 years, I think that in less than a century you'll see a very different kind of futuristic architecture. The Avant Garde of architecture nowadays is dealing mostly with parametric shapes, inspired by construction process of nature... With of course high ecological considerations. Few examples : Here's some pics of La Defense :
  21. I really enjoyed Netherlands, I wish I'll visit Amsterdam too someday ! I'm living in Paris.
  22. radi6404 : Come to La Defense in France, you'll be pleased ! It's all about BIGNESS. Here's some pics I took about half a year ago, check it http://imgur.com/a/9V29B#0 Prog4all : what is you city ?
  23. Nice weather, perfect dj, psyche desert place, I wish I could have been there !
  24. I like these houses, strange... Remembers me a bit the shapes of Aldo Rossi. But the city don't look especially "modern" for me, or maybe just in a historical sense. (the last building in particular, could be a mix between Henri Sauvage and De Stijl !)
  25. You guys should visit Rotterdam The city has been almost entirely rebuild after WWII, everything is very experimental now. It's like a giant playground for contemporary architects ! For example, the hotel where I stayed was inside this construction :
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