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Everything posted by PRS

  1. cool, I loved the last album.
  2. PRS

    Lost Season 6

    alright, so it did not spawn at the moment they were in the plane, which i thought was the case, but already way before that.
  3. PRS

    Lost Season 6

    can someone explain the me the story on land? why was Desmond on the plane, while he was in the hatch in the island story? why do sawyer and miles know each other on land before sawyer goes to sidney, but not when they crash?
  4. Digicult +1
  5. As always, I disagree: I found the original way darker, this is as dark as Count Chocula and I thought Alice was ugly and British On topic: the movie is bad, skip it. And if you compare it to the original, it's an abomination. I got my money back =)
  6. Has nothing to do with Coppola indeed, I didn't know her before i saw this. This movie just makes me feel great, it's like music, I can just watch it and get lost. I feel the same when I listen to MOS 6581. I also like the ambiance of Marie Antoinette, and it's visually stunning to me.
  7. Yeah, same here. It allows you to be very selective/picky all over the place! But being picky is tough when you want to go to parties. In non-psy genres the best might not be as good, but the acceptable percentage is larger imo, and also the number of parties.
  8. PRS - Creatures There is not much psytrance that I really like, but these are all tracks I absolutely dig. It's pretty dark full-on and some darkpsy, but no "night/SA" full-on. Not many real melodies or leads, just alot of twisted sound effects. Also, I hope you can hear I tried to select the best of the best baselines. What I paid most attention to, though, is the flow of it all. I think energy preservation in a mix is crucial and what makes it worth listening to mixes in the first place. One sloppy transition or bad moment in a track can kill all built up energy. So yeah, this was not take one! I would really like to hear what you think, mainly to get to know who likes what I like around here 01. Hoodwink - Getafix 02. Rinkadink - Pacific Producers 03. Error Corrective - Corrective Theme 04. EVP - Prime Directives 05. Hoodwink - Evil Twin 06. Realitygrid - Perceivable Distortion 07. EVP - King Of The Bong 08. Dronebixie - Paths In Nature 09. Jocid - The Machine (Ectogasmics Rmx) 10. Archaic - Visionary Plants 11. Overdream - Extraterrestrial Travelers 12. Guinea Pigs - Have A Nice Flight Download - Rapidshare Streaming/Download - mix.dj
  9. I am from Holland and I'm personally sorry for that music!
  10. yeah, acid is probably more what it is. it's hard to hear as its mostly just a few seconds. I was watching Curb Your Enthusiasm right now: S03E08 13:30 The point is, in real life i never hear anything even close to acid sounds.
  11. Ever notice how in every party scene theres always psytrance or goa running in the background? its not bad psy at all, although it does sound kind of undefined. Why is this so different from the real world? I never walk in to a random party/club and hear the good stuff How do they even think of it when so many people have no idea about psytrance?
  12. PRS

    V/A - Frogology

    My god, what a lineup! If this isn't insane...
  13. I have had some success as well for sure, almost none with uptempo though. Also psychedelic House/Techno fare much better than psytrance I agree with being careful, but sometimes i feel half is just not gonna cut it with psychedelic. CBL is one of the things that is both very psy and very easy to digest, but it's pretty rare. Most annoying though, is that alottt of people don't even really listen to music, try to get them to really listen to a mix or album... so at least your friend is into something.
  14. good way to describe my thoughts! thought it was just taste, but that baseline always hits me wrong. You convinced me to focus more on Solar Fields
  15. hahaha, this is familiar sorry, I have no music to recommend, I mostly give up altogether.
  16. the most tunes of: IM 1200 Mics (i hate even the first album) Shpongle Ott Merr0w Antix (might change my mind some day) Astrix Mr Peculiar Principles of Flight Iono stuff (neo prog baselines are so much more annoying than full-on) Psykovsky & similar these are the ones I really gave alot of chances. Lots more I discarded more quickly and hence not so sure about.
  17. I will just post it in here, seeing as it's not anything really special. I visited a friend of mine for the first time a little while ago and was astonished to find out he had a perfectly fine stereo in his living room but the only thing running it was a cassette deck So I could not pass this last opportunity to make my first mixtape: Download: http://soundcloud.com/pieters/prs-short-stories-side-a-mnl Side A: 01. Minilogue - Six Arms And One Leg 02. Minilogue - Feeling In Spring Beside The Dressing Table 03. Minilogue - Animals 04. Minilogue - Ghost 05. Minilogue - Hypnotized 06. Minilogue - Birdsong 07. Minilogue - Old Water 08. Minilogue - Swamp Op 09. Minilogue - In The Shade Of The Sun Side B: 01. Carbon Based Lifeforms - Refraction 1.33 02. Sync24 - White Pixels 03. Carbon Based Lifeforms - MOS 6581 (Album Version) 04. Sync24 - Cryptobiosis 05. Carbon Based Lifeforms - Exosphere 06. Sync24 - Replicant 07. Carbon Based Lifeforms - Gryning 08. Sync24 - Woodland (Resurrected) 09. Carbon Based Lifeforms - Epicentre (First Movement) 10. Carbon Based Lifeforms - Abiogenesis
  18. Added covers to this and also Bodywarmer 2 for if anyone would be interested. They're a bit sugary, but so is the music i suppose. I have not yet mixed anything close to deserving a Bodywarmer 3 title, but I will surely find a day to really work with some chillout in 2010 =) The problem at the moment is that ambient takes all my downtempo listening time, and it just isnt any fun to mix! (I hate just crossfading tracks) I should probably get into some IDM and breaks, the new Bluetech peaked my interest as well. Oh, and new CBL this year, sweet! I did make a 45 minute CBL/Sync24 only mix (for a casette tape, believe it or not!) if youre interested in that, let me know. The other side of the tape is all Minilogue by the way.
  19. PRS


    That sounds great! Have a lot of fun
  20. Lots of delicious full-on by Wildthings Records (Hoodwink, EVP and Error Corrective are really good) working out what the very very best tunes are to create a mix that will meet my very high fullon standards, so expect one soon if you like this stuff too!
  21. Best album of 2009 for me (or maybe Cymatic Freakuencies, same thing )
  22. First track is DDDDelicious, 120bpm love
  23. Afgin, I love your music. Please promise me to never ruin it with those kind of vocals (those youtube comments give me the shivers )
  24. yes, I forgot Nanorecords. And I have by no means listened to all artists mentioned here.
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