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Everything posted by RTP

  1. ...and the future now has a name! word of the month: Grexit Meaning: getting Greece out of the Euro countries and back to their previous currency. We will see what is to come. You know what I find annoying: this crisis thing is already going since years, on and off, there were periods where everybody was discussing and media was hyping it and NOTHING was happening and it's the same now all over again. This shit will hit the fan every now and then in the coming years, I bet. It's all for nothing, because there's no solution. It'll cease now again till after the next greek election in some weeks.
  2. Yeah, that might be the answer... although then why don't they release the new tracks for free? Would be the same?
  3. This is funny, because the question made me think ... and I have to realize that I am absolutely not the guy for melodies. I am very minimalistic when it comes to that. I mostly prefer long stretched synth effects that play a slow, ever-looping tune. It must be kept simple at all costs or my mind looses the traction and starts to skid, which is something that I absolutely don't like. I want it simple and devastating. I mean, I can listen to all this goa and even find it good, but when it comes to favourites I prefer the tunes the easier the better. I believe it has something to do with focus. When my mind can focus 200% onto a track, on every sound, every kick, every pad - then it is perfect. When I really have to pick one favourite then it would be the melody from Eat static - Abduction. Every sound, every timbre, every volume change, everything is just perfect in this
  4. Thanks a lot for this thread ... Electric Universe is coming to play live here and I don't really know if I should go so I wanna listen to stuff to see what he's doing now ... last stuff I heard was many ages ago ... so this really comes in handy for me now I would mention Gaijin Rocker in your best of though. I find that one not bad, first half especially.
  5. yeah, same here
  6. RTP

    Google Doodle

    This is cool! I played with it a little and this came out: http://g.co/doodle/pjdt54 Not very epic though because it was cut off and has one or two hiccups
  7. I think the Astral Projection album will come ... it might take another year, but it will. The material is already there, they play some tracks in their sets ... whereas Simon does not make the impression to have anything ready. However, he might release something under another name - again... It seems to be a kind of syndrome that old and established artists nowadays need ages to produce a new album. There's the (by me) always mentioned thing with the new S-Range album (who is now claiming to release something "soon" since three years straight). Then there's Magnetrixx, who hasn't put out anything in AGES after his collab in "Audiomatrixx", but who's also (claiming) to produce material and such. And remember there was a really long wait for another Etnoscope album (until they finally released Way Over Deadline - and way over deadline it was indeed). Atmos had such a thing too until he finally put out Tour De Trance ... and the strange thing is: now the Atmos EPs are coming out like crazy (as compared to before), I really don't see why there were no tracks before for so long... The list is long.
  8. First of all, great thread ... good to have some greeks here to shed inside light on the situation away from the media attention. As I see it, the actual problem is that none of the money Europe is lending to Greece is actually going to any of the Greek population -- it goes to the banks that have been borrowing the money to the Greeks in the form of loans in the past. Now these banks want their money back, but the Greeks can't pay. And instead of making a proposal to the Greek to pay the money back later, the banks push on Greece to get the money now. And as the Greeks can't pay and would be bankrupt, Europe is now paying for them. And instead of the Greeks just being in the situation to face stress from the banks, they now also face stress from the other European countries forcing them to save money, because these European countries need in turn to tell their populations that the money they pay is not "for nothing". And in the end, it all saves the banks, not the people. But do we need to save the banks? Well, if not, then it would look quite bad for our money, because what the banks did with the savings we gave them is to invest it in these countries like Greece -- after all these countries pay the highest interest. But if you let go crash one of them, you let go crash the others too and in the end there would be no more and the invested money would be gone -- our money. So in the end, Europe is merely trying to save its own money with all of this. But the banks, they don't need to do anything but just to lean back and make more money.
  9. The stuff is starting...

  10. Uh. Did he chew on the CD aswell? You're lucky it's still in one piece then. Reminds me of that thread about a CD that advertised to have "edible packaging" ... anybody remembers?
  11. that's really sad ... heartbreaking indeed
  12. Nice. Mine's Google. Boring, I know. And utterly pointless, since every modern browser now has this search bar where you can directly search google from off the site ... but I am just so used to it. It's a relic from the old internet times where my connection was bad and where I was using Google as a reference site whether the internet works or not -- all other sites needed far longer to load than this one and a ping tool would have been to much effort for me ... so this got established... When I open a new tab I have the Opera standard "home screen" though, consisting of several webpages. That could also be seen as my "homescreen" somewhat. Psynews is among these
  13. Whoa, the new Miranda track is actually pretty awful... Listening to that, I would buy the rumor of the "creative talent" behind ... he's probably gone now, as one can hear Thanks for the ManMadeMan excursion, it is a great track to get my ears back into gear
  14. I was at the launch party for that book The author, Tom Rom, is from here after all ... and I think Pascal Querner too... But I don't own the thing
  15. Done. Thanks for the opportunity I second that it would probably be better in the general section. I will take the liberty to move it there. Edit: done.
  16. I changed it. Hope it worked.
  17. Shooters without mouse? I can. Playing UT3 on PS3 with the controller since it came out. Meanwhile there's not enough time anymore for me to play it hardcore, but there were times where I had no hard time surviving on servers where people used to play with mouse. I just feel better with the controller. My hands are so twitchy, I had problems with the mouse, I was not hitting straight, I believe my nerves do need very little action potencial and therefore my reactions are rather too fast and very twitchy ... and the controller practically gives me the delay I need to react more precisely. I don't know if that makes sense, but I just feel like that. And also dodging is much more comfortable in UT3 with the controller. With the keyboard, I never was getting it straight -- either I was too slow resulting in not dodging and then, when I was on a cliff I would sometimes hit the strafe fast enough to dodge when I don't need and fall off the cliff. With the controller, it's easy. Since I play with controller, these problems do not occur anymore. Currently I play Skyrim. But I'm not far into it yet. I also play slowly, I always need a long time to play Elder Scrolls games, because I really get immersed in the game world.
  18. I quadruple that.
  19. I don't wanna bring this back up ... but what is interesting is that I came in contact with this mentioned photo today in a totally different context ... and I got very upset and sad about it... But now that I know more about it, I feel a lot better. This is a funny coincidence. Thanks, dear universe, for giving me that input by the way, these dog photos are awesome
  20. I normally hate people wasting food or "playing" with it, but this is awesome
  21. RTP

    Prex - RFN / Mandrake

    I generally agree with the former poster. Both tracks are building slowly and monotonous, but this is the genie behind it I think. It's actually entrancing and not putting you in and out of dance mode with breaks, fancy uplifts and comedowns and whatnot. It's delivering the energy more constantly. RFN (which is actually R.F.N., which stands for Right Fucking Now) is a deep and pumping track with a very dominant vibrating bassline. The Noma style is coming through very significantly here. Not only in the bassline but also in the rhythmic effects (I don't know - can you call it "percussion"?). If I wouldn't know that Prex was the artist, I'd guess for Noma. It sounds very mechanic, machine-like, almost industrial. There's some of the old S-Range style in it aswell though, you can notice it in the effects. It sounds good, like a merge between S-Range and Noma, which it is. Mandrake is a slower track where the old S-Range style comes though more, especially in the melody bits. It's less vibrating, with a less dominating, less all-engulfing bassline and it feels a lot lighter than the other track. It's building slowly. I like to what it is turning in the end, there is a good rhythmic melody that makes it all the more interesting. That's the thing I love in all these old tracks (S-Range especially) ... you get presented with a solid progressive tune and in the last third or so they enhance it with a melody that makes it all the more better. Kind of "resolving the riddle to interpret the track". What I find notable is that I don't really know what RPM is the correct one to play each side of the record. R.F.N. seems to be a 45RPM track. But Mandrake seems to be a 33RPM track. It doesn't state it anywhere on the record, so I have to guess. Opinions would be welcome. It's no masterpiece as I would say, but it's a good release. And as this is actually the only complete Prex release out there (the rest being a few compilation tracks and a "split EP" with Vega), it's a must have I'd say. People who like Noma will like this one and people who are familiar with the old S-Range will like it too. Fans of old style progressive should look out for it. Prex, by the way, was planned to be relaunched as a project recently and there is even a preview of a 2010 remix of S-Range - 2001 "PREX Edit 2010" out there. the project, however, has been put on ice for the moment according to my information.
  22. RTP

    What is Psynews ?

    Nice comment, DP When I look at that first post from Mars and remember how I read it, more than once, in the past, then I actually realize that it's indeed fantastic that I can be a part of this here. cheers!
  23. another priceless one ... how could I miss this... Did it work out for you, Radi?
  24. RTP

    Your sex

    Shit, 22:0 ... if it continues like that you'd have more success to find a woman in a gay bar héhéhé
  25. So it's three weeks that I am back ... about time to post here and say how it was... It was awesome! Seriously, it was. And the riots and safety were a subject, but they never played an overwhelming role that would have influence on the trip except one incident. That was as I was walking to the Souk (market) in Aswan in the evening, separated from the others (they wanted to chill in the hotel). I came near a mosque and there was a hubbub and people screaming and I then saw some guys running out of the mosque beating each other up. At first it was fun and I stayed to watch, but then all of a sudden it turned ugly as the chaos was getting out of hand and people came running from everywhere with large sticks, brooms, iron bars, anything that's a weapon. Egyptians themselves were fleeing already, so I thought it's about time I get my ass out of there and run. But even then people were friendly, they would have helped me onto a motorbike and to get away ... but I didn't need to, the hotel was close so I ran there. Just there I ran into my mate whom the girls have sent to the ATM machine, so we went together to be safe. We saw the chaos raging from afar and stayed away, made our way to the ATM which was in another direction ... and as we came back fifteen minutes later military police had arrived and erected a small checkpoint and the whole thing calmed down. Fortunately. I then was even so hyped by the situation I decided to leave for a walk again because it seemed safe now ... and I promptly witnessed another situation where people beat each other up (but that was not so dangerous, it was near the station). I then called home and said that I'm ok (who knows, maybe chaos broke loose in the country?). But that was the only situation on the trip where I didn't feel fully safe. Other than that there were a few traces of riots, some crashed windows on the station building and on a ministry building. Tahrir square was locked up with military roadblocks. And some tanks were posted at Aswan dam. But that's all else that was. At the monuments and sights, there was nothing. The biggest concern was to keep away from stupid group travel tourists So it was awesome, the sights were mindblowing and generally the people were totally nice (except those asscrawlers that want to sell you stuff at the sights, they go on your nerves). No signs of trouble. If you want to visit Egypt, do it NOW before the elections! Everybody is in happy anticipation and full of hope now, no riots. But once the election has been done and the people will see that they've been betrayed (which they will be ... either the military won't go or some badass wins the manipulated election), then it would be a bad time. So it's best to go now before they vote. I think I have earned to vote for "yes" now
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