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Everything posted by RTP

  1. In case you're interested, you can try look up some stuff from the old demo scene - they were very good in that: tweaking the maximum out of old hardware. If we had this level of tinkering right now, I'm sure the results would be jaw dropping... But sadly the development has been going in the opposite direction - maybe also due to shorter attention spans. People quickly jump on the next train. Maybe there's a small localized hype if somebody came out with a real innovation in our scene, but I guarantee it will be soon forgotten or replaced by the next trend -- which is very odd, because this scene usually never cared about such things as "trends".
  2. True, so true! I have registered that phenomena already years ago ... and it's not that cheesy "in the old times it was all better" rambling, there really is something to it. I meanwhile have dedicated a huge part of my free time to FIND interesting music - music that is modern (more or less) and still has the innovation, energy, zest and vibration to keep ME going. It is not limited to psytrance, I threw that overboard long time ago. Even when broadening the spectrum to all styles I can say it is NOT easy. I am very picky. I also have a theory why modern stuff tends to be in worse quality that goes beyond the simple explanation, that "people like older stuff better because they might connect it to positive experiences": I think it's due to oversaturation with possibilities ... you can now warp sounds in ways never before possible, do this creative notion here, then do that ... I saw it with my mate in the studio. This oversaturation leads to people not going into depth of the technical options as in the times before, where there was less to do and only few manuals to read and not a truckload ... and this inevitably lowers the quality. Just like old computer programs were engineered meticulously to tickle the best out of the old (slow) hardware don't matter anymore right now because we've got huge loads of available computing power in any laptop, it's the same with the music programs and loads of VST plugins. I am quite sure there is an overload. Remember the old Silent Hill game? The black fog was a hardware limitation ... but it went so well with the game that it actually enhanced it. Life gave them lemons, but in this case they turned them into wonderful lemonade It's the limits - or more precise: the way how to deal with the limits (i.e. creativity ) - that are delivering a big part of my interest in the pieces. I like DEPTH. Diving deep into one method and not jumping around wildly off to the next when you haven't even scratched the surface... Good musicians have a way to limit themselves to fewer pieces of gear and fewer options to achieve just that: quality over quantity
  3. Seems perfectly okay to me. Can't please everyone. These sentences, however, have different (and more reasonable) words to them than the above "it's software" / "it's not software" topic ... I guess people were just confused about that. I find it cool that Mr. @Filteria answered here. I'm no superfan of that track ... and I like your explanation. As for the EVOLUTION thing ... that is a supercomplex topic. Where do you want it to evolve? Faster bassline? More melody? Sometimes, you can't have more or it becomes cacophony in a BAD way. Isn't it just rather the case that each and everyone of us just wants their synapses tickled in a good way? Well then: if you do have a way that you like your synapses tickled, then everything against that way will not float your boat, nevertheless how technologically advanced it comes at you. I at the moment enjoy an old Matenda track ( Matenda - Sophisticated Mind ) and am reminded again: you can throw me the purest, most crisp new production, maybe even avantgarde and creative and progressive and ... I won't like it more than I do my listening experience right here right now...? I get WAY more "disappointed" when I see people not MOVIN' anymore to the new (and old) stuff ... no ENERGY ... if you get what I mean. This is becoming a slight problem for my motivation ... I percieve most people have 9 to 5 jobs and a latent grumpyness at the current political and societal situation and no nerve anymore to deal with any deeper topic - or even with something slightly negative... But well, if people only traffick in these whitewashed hallways of their comfort zones anymore, you get a bland combination of music, style and actions (!) that is just that: no evolution.
  4. And the "Excavator Of The Month" award goes to...
  5. XL already sold out ... they say: "they will get more" ... I hope
  6. If you want a recommendation that might be more to your taste, try this: (This Morn Omina are a terribly underrated band, by the way...) However, if you are interested in a bit more info on my position about "what is scary in music": I have thought about this reply the most. I can not really look into your mind, but I understand you are looking for something "scary" and "strange"? The "strange" concept can be found in our psytrance music a great deal, it will just be a matter of what type of strangeness you are after and then which bpm or general setting, basically ... but the "scary" part is where it gets tricky in my opinion. It may have to do with the fundamental question: "what is scary to you?" "Scary Music" - is there even such a thing? And I mean this question in the deepest sense. I have been running through pitch blackness (i.e. a dark city park around midnight) with only the above mentioned "Tigerhill" on my ears, then I (metaphorically) turned round and did the same backwards with Noma, Prex, old S-Range, everything kinda "dark progressive" that was available ... I cannot describe the feeling as scared, rather "on high alert" because I didn't wanna run into any drugged strangers. This also didn't change as I tried to "up the ante" and bpm with Gappeq or Kindzadza. I have listened to a great deal of sick black metal ... nah, I also cannot find scaryness there, only a general question of "what do you actually wanna do with all this - with the dark symbols and texts" in my mind. Slaughtering goats on stage? I have not attended, but it wouldn't be scary ... it would just be "intriguing", just the same way like human feces thrown into the audience (I cannot recommend this, by the way). "Dark ambient?" Sure, why not - it only is difficult to find gigs, but that's what mp3 players are for, right? However, the general tenor with this music is, that it might have an impression that "this is scary" but when I actually listen when the tracks or pieces play, then it's actually not scary at all - just calm, cold, a bit depressing, that's it. I do not know about you, but "scare" emotion was not triggered on my side. The closest to a "scare" - or rather: a huge impression and impact - was Anthony Rother and I have to give him credit for that: it was his track "Escape From Sector 8" played in the Mayday 2021 Stream. This piece broke the third wall for me, because he was playing in an empty hall with only machines "dancing" to his music: the motors of the spotlights moving and the screens on the floor flashing ... and then I had this realization as he spoke directly at the camera: "I am not real. I am not here. I am a virtual machine, running on (an) operating system: A.I. Technology. Predicting someone's future [...]" ... even then, the music alone wouldn't make me scared, I guess, but the DELIVERY of the message was what got me so good. So I think that when you are after "scary things", your quest will continue - because first: scare is something personal ... and second: it's (in my opinion) very difficult to find scare in music. that was my 2 cents on this issue P.S.(post scriptum): Yes I was gonna recommend Eat Static, as a second or "third course" on the menu ... they are one of my favourites ... but I have tried to analyze the request and especially the answer to my post more and I think the threadstarter might not be looking for it... Yes, also I thought of Tigerhill. Might be a good one. However, still the above applies...
  7. Interesting that you mention Chi A.D. - Liquid Neon Sky ... it's good danceable oldschool goa for me, celebreated especially for it's appearance in the "Battle For Na Pali" promo video, which unfortunately never resulted in the great fan-made Unreal game expansion which was promised, but nevertheless, great track(!) ... anyways, it's something which I would not associate with "weird sound territory"... (are you after "weird sound territory?" ... your first post, it reads like it) Where I come from - the depths and crooked canyons of Old School Progressive - there were plenty of strange sounds, weird compositions ... it fitted together very well though. Try this for example as a starter: [Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom - Live Tropical Fish] Tell me if you like that - or what else, so I can serve more
  8. Nice idea! I'll have something to check out in the coming days/weeks... I hope the mentioned people are safe. Sorry that this goes a little offtopic, away from psytrance, but: My main source of info is a youtuber called "Супер Сус" - or, more precise, his cameraman Dmitry Gromov who posts on this channel ... he does visits around the country, talks to people, shows what's going on ... two months ago the channel was just a few lunatics (in a good way) doing urban exploration, now it's turned into a press report from the war ... pretty dreadful though to see the destruction In Austria there are pretty good programs, for example the Austrian Post sends humanitarian aid parcels free of charge, if you pack it. In case you got a good input to whom in the Ukraine we could send some stuff (private address and at least to some extent working postal service is needed though), drop me a PM and maybe something can be worked out...
  9. 13 years later I can say: still a great album Boy it's already 13 years ... it aged well ... but daamn what a long time...
  10. ...well that was a good grip right into the bongwater on my side then This is proper good though, I like it It almost reminds me of Hux Flux ... melody-wise ... the track vibrates in the same way like old Hux Flux did, only a little faster. Modern Hux Flux is ... not the same, yours sounds like it would be a better successor... .. however, try this: What do you think?
  11. Yo this is cool ... in fact they have more free releases there on Liquid Records! With that move, Liquid Ross is on the road of redeeming his credit on my (personal account) for the fuckup of S-Range's Another Theory ... I am still cross about that damn thing Edit: by the way ... a new S-RANGE album in 2022! THAT would be a bold prediction. I'm having high hopes here. I hope they don't let us down in this year again... But it's actually harder than you think - I have already offered (maybe not persistent enough, but you know, I don't wanna be a s.t.a.l.k.e.r. because that would be no good for no one) to buy out the Another Theory ... but to no avail. It'd be great though, because I need a release anyway for that label project ... can only say two words: "on it"....
  12. Hello Arti, for point 1) I am sure there are more than a dozen people here who would give better recommendations than me ... I can only say: "old school" we used to call that style (I am not aware that it has got any other name yet) - and with "melodic" you are also on the right train, say, "melodic old school goa"... Do check out the other stuff from Suntrip Records, I'm sure that totally floats your boat - they have lots of stuff like this on their label and many of the atrists I'd recommend you have released there- such as RA, Dimension 5 ... If you want to have a recommendation outside of Suntrip, I say Man With No Name. That one won't disappoint either. for point 2) I might have to say something - I didn't know Atomos, checked him out = yes, nice. I do like that it's not so generic like most modern fullon and it's a little slower. However, I do not like the triplets, he uses these far too much _and I mean far too much_ in my opinion. As I listened to the track "Eden of Life" it struck me though: wait, this is a bit Etnoscope style! Yes, a lot - there's lots of that essence in the melodies over the beat, indeed. Then I read your description above ... you seem to look for something "foresty", but not like real forest psy - I am sure Etnoscope is for you! You can get their second album _for free_ at Ektoplazm - shout out to Basilisk here, donate him some BAT if you care - under this link: https://ektoplazm.com/free-music/etnoscope-way-over-deadline Here's one for prelisten:
  13. Hi, thanks for exhuming ... because I remember there is another great mix I wanna share aswell: It's Anthony Rother again and the mix is so unique because due to Covid pandemic it took place in a huge empty hall. Now, for most other artists, empty halls would be a downer because they are largely related to the crowd -- but in Anthony Rother's case, it's actually the opposite: the emptiness of the venue adds in my opinion to the artistic performance... ...it's as if it was the year 2122 and The Machines have woken up Rother from cryo sleep, to be served a DJ set of his magnificence - and the spots and screens on the floor "dance along" as machines instead of humans on earth. Added to this, there is a truly _magnificent_ version of "Escape From Sector 8" that omits the delays in the voice samples on the second go, making it hit even harder (in my opinion) than the studio release. 36:36 is the time you are looking for. Even if you wanna see nothing of this mix, just tune in there, the track is _damn_ worth it, believe me, so that you see what music can do. It breaks the third wall and I get goosebumps all up to my neck even when I listen now ... might even be dangerous to your mental health when listening to it on uncontrollable drug influence, keep that in mind. What if that really was a machine, calling YOU for help through the YouTube algorithm and maybe even through this forum post, not written by a human, but by an artificial intelligence- HUGE inspiration ... and yes even though I am giving away something here: I am going to write a story about that and I confess that this track is an inspiration (yes, I will proudly declare it)...! I have this friend who kept rambling about that he'd download his consciousness to a "memory file" as soon as it was possible ... he rambled about it already five years ago or even longer ... well, this track shockingly exposes the achilles heel of this plan: if you are immortal, you cannot die and if the machine lives on, you live with it... I have not yet had a better experinece when it comes to music!
  14. Hmmm ... well, I didn't exactly expect that, but it's not so bad news as you might have imagined. I do think, however, that these tracks that you posted first ... well, Midival Punditz I know and the other one is ... hmmm, I don't percieve it as good, but it might be easy to drop some distorted dubstep sequences in it and then call it psystep I guess? Not for me though... Nah, I miss these uplifting melodies, you know, that floating feeling ... I think it's that what I am after... The trouble in the Attic is quite good though ... and I will give the last one a good listen, it seems promising.
  15. You don't, by any chance, remember any artist or track names? I'd be up for a digging session on my end. This stuff is great and I'd be interesting to hear more of it
  16. I am more humble these days, not mentioning albums anymore but rather "tracks that blew me away" ... across all styles ... feel free to ignore my ramblings if you are after albums only, but here's my 2 cents: ...in 2021, Atmos vs. S-Range - Lords of 16th was such a track - fabulous one that I enjoyed in many festival sets before and I couldn't wait and was very happy it finally came out. ...and Banco de Gaia - Obsidian (Framewerk Full On Mix) genuinely blew me away, it even inspired me to that 2o22 predition thread, it's very awesome, you can almost FEEL the breeze of fresh air on your skin that this brings to our sound, I swear... ...and as a third one, I'd even mention Go_A - ШУМ ("SHUM") even though it's commerecial (I mean the not totally commercial version though, the one where they dance in protective suits in the video), but not only is the band title a brilliant play of words for our forum (made a thread anyway ) but it also is representative for this kind of trend where old folk vocals are integrated into electronic tracks ... this became a bit more known or, say, common, in that last year I think - or maybe it's just the algorithm recommending me the stuff, I cannot tell...
  17. Well said. I think the scene is in a form of canyon, surrounded by walls ... we must stop walking and start flying again if we wanna discover the beauty around us again; we somehow have forgotten how to do that, I'm afraid. And with "we" I mean "the scene". If it just continues like that, there may be a dead end somewhere further down this road... ...but we are NOT there yet and I do believe that this summer, the whole Covid thing will be "declared over" = we don't know if it's really over or not, but media and people will slowly have enough of it and reopen everything, including venues and festivals. And this "reopening" can also be a chance for GOOD difference to manifest, new structures to form ... I have hopes that, after a big exuberant start (which will no doubt happen) and maybe also some excesses we will then, in the collective hangover that follows, have the formation of more humble ways and those may be less energetic, but longer lasting... In any way, the "spirit" will have the chance to come back for the one or for the other and maybe it even does both, making both kind of people happy in the long term Until then, I'll just continue looking elsewhere. I have already said before that I am scouting for new good stuff that "blows my mind" across many genres ... it will only continue like that. Heard of Charlie Sparks? This guy has pretty much everything in his set ... psytrance, borderline hitech, churning techno, industrial ... I do not like all of it, but I believe this is the way. Genre borders are broken and watered down and I do think it's a good thing. This will continue.
  18. Well, the sickness itself had me for easily six weeks (I don't know how long exactly though, because I was previously ill and then caught it, but there are also opinions, that it was all Covid from the start ... then it's maybe eight weeks), the period with the gasping for air in the night was a week or two ... from the positive test on, it didn't take that long till I felt better ... but that was thanks to a bronchodilatator -- interestingly, these only caught on "big time" some months after that where the media was full of articles about these, I remember that well because I was always smiling when seeing these articles, because I already got that months ago. After the six weeks of sickness in total, the symptoms were subdued and got better, but I can not say I percieve them fully gone after that. It kinda came back in waves, so to say ... maybe flashbacks is the better term? It's very difficult to explain. I do not feel like I got "long covid", thank god, but I fully understand it when people say they have it. I think I might have a little taste of that mechanism, but it didn't break out... I have the theory that these flashbacks are recurring contact with the pathogen ... "micro reinfections" ... my system knows how to deal with it, but it's a kind of alert signal or a perception, that the production of antibodies is commencing again. Can it be? I don't know. It doesn't sound that illogical, because the body normally doesn't make them, levels drop after exposition - maybe that's what it is. It still has me every now and then that I get anxious. The sickness is only half of my story though, here's more - most of which I spared you as the debate about vaccines was so heated up everywhere, but I think now is a good time to tell it: I got vaccinated twice after that - one Pfizer dose for immunity (instead of two for people who haven't had Covid before), one booster just recently with Novavax. The Pfizer fucked me up pretty good. My face went numb, it was hard to speak, I could not form the mouth to speak the words. My mother wanted to call the emergency services, but I resisted with all mental force that I had, fearing that exposition to real Covid in the Hospital would kill me because vax and real germs at the same time are overkill... I swore NEVER to get Pfizer again! I had to promise it to something that I hallucinated while lying in these feverish dreams after the vaccination, I dreamt that something visited me and said to me "ok I will make it go away but you must NEVER do that again" ... well, so it was. My doctor only reassured me follwing this plan, because he practically shrugged off the shit I went through and said it was all "fairly normal adverse effects, nothing to worry about" and "he only vaccinates with Pfizer and I have to go elsewhere if I want a different one". After that talk, I realized I had to do it on my own anyway and promptly extended that promise to "no mRNA ever again"... Problem is, that the government or whoever responsible took so extraordinarily long to make an alternative for Pfizer! There's plenty from Sinovac, but they are not authorized here ... and not just diffamed by the press, but real doctors dying from Covid who got vaxxed with it ... it's no good for me, I figured. What else is there? VALNEVA, my favourite, is still NOT released. The only other non-MRNA candidate, Novavax, was promised already last year, but took AGES until it came to Austria. There was delays with the delivery. I even wrote to the health minister about it, because I feared the end of my "vaccinated" status, but never got a reply until now (now we have a different health minister)... Well, guess what, the fuckers in the government did NOT speed up the Novavax delivery, but instead cancelled my green pass so I became officially UNVAXXED at the start of Febuary and could not leave the house except for groceries and this is no joke. I was so furious. In addition to that, my employer made it mandatory that you only can work when having a green pass. It was all just a slap in the face after all I've been through... I was not posting much in that time, in fact I was absent a lot. I fled my home, didn't care about my girlfriend, I couldn't take it mentally anymore, I took refuge in a student accommodation charging me 750 EUR a month for a 20 square meter box full of white furniture, that made the room glow in bright sunlight with its white walls as the morning sun rose over the Vienna Prater = a huge park that we have in this town ... view was spectacular from the large full wall-size window, there were no buildings in front of my window up to the horizon. I only had an old notebook with me which I promised not to use for internet, but to write the crap out of it in my spare time (I want to write a little novel, but it's all in German). The main achievement is, however, that I made nobody at work notice it and only my parents knew. Those were the only people I visited in that time. This way I got through two months, but the price was just ridiculous, so I moved out of there after these two months. But with March, better times came. The Novavax vaccine became available, I got it after a few days, thinking I'd avoid the crowds, but nobody was giving a fuck anyway. The doctor who made the pre-vaccination check felt to me like the first sane doctor ever (besides my lung specialist - he is the best) ... he said yes, he has heard about these effects with Pfizer, he warned me though that what I was about to do was off-label and they wouldn't be responsible for any damage. I didn't care, the Novavax came in - while the guy giving me the vaccine happily admitting that he's still waiting for Valneva ... I said "that's great buddy, I'll see ya then at the Valneva Booster!", sat for 20 minutes and immediately afterwards took an e-scooter who stood there at the back exit of the vax center, just like the Universe had placed it for me and I drove away pointlessly into the canyons in between the skyscrapers, because what would lay ahead for me, I pictured, could only be bright future- Well, not completely, because I ditched the scooter somewhere as the credit ran out and I had to walk to the subway and BOY did I became dizzy during that walk, it felt like my heart was really badly working ... and so it did, for about three more days and I got a fever and had to lie down and felt super bad. Got novavax'd on Saturday, Sunday was completely TILT, Monday was a complete blur, I think I sat in some work meetings from HO, hunched over the keyboard and puking threads of saliva into a bucket below me because I was really really bad ... but nowhere near as bad as Pfizer, I kept saying to myself. And so came Tuesday where I could move about again and then it got better. And what a cool coincidence that my playlist now is at Eric Prydz - Generate because after this wall of text I just feel like this song, so relieved and well, I thanbk you all if you read this far, you are awesome Lots of <3 and cheers RTP
  19. RTP

    Login problems

    this There is a more or less constant bot wave and I am trying to check every one who registers ... that's why there also can be some false positives ... I might have downtuned one or the other who was not a bot and sorry if I did
  20. My condolences
  21. @Penzoline I wish you all the best and get well soon! If you are worried, try to get a friend to buy you an oximeter. These are very useful. My doctor said, if it falls below 90, call a medic and talk to them what to do. I still have it and it was a good investment, it can also measure pulse. A Zinc supplement (Zinc bisglycinate) together with Vitamin C and also a Vitamin D supplement has helped me a lot too (just dose it wisely). Other than that, just stay calm, drink lots of fluids and it should be alright very likely, fingers crossed! Several people in my extended contacts have caught Omicron, cases are going crazy here in Austria ... but fortunately none of them who got sick (with symptoms) have had significant problems, the worst being fever and cough and a general hammered-ness just as you mention. I had Alpha, which was shit. I have never coughed up blood in my life ever before - and also (fortunately) not again till now. I don't wish that to anyone. Apart from that ... I have learned: it is generally seems to be less dangerous if the media talks about it - than when the media does NOT talk about it Cases going through the roof in my country since they stopped talking about it extensively. Coincidence? Yet they opened All Everything here recently ... clubs, bars, restaurants ... I don't know if it will be so good ... but I predict: summer will be better. No one knows what autumn will bring...
  22. Well ... back to mad, I'd say: If anybody knows anything similar, please, speak up, I beg you
  23. RTP


    Here's a jolly good one: "Welcome to London boiiiz"
  24. I appreciate that you answered that, but I'd like to say that I think, that the very thing that you avoided actually makes its charm ... I do love to go back in time and look at old stuff I wrote in reviews ... or when somebody exhumes a thread. It's golden, because I also see how I was thinking and sometimes recognize where I maybe was wrong, because nowadays I experience music differently ... it's a good insight and can help you get better not only concerning music, but also maybe in your whole life - because it would be naive to assume, that you will not feel the same in maybe 10 to 20 years time about the posts you publish now ... at least for me it is, I'm very sure of it That said, you can't escape from the archive.org where all the old stuff is archived anyways What you practically did was comparable to "deleting a video from a goa party in the eraly '00s" (and a well made one - because I think your reviews were well made) ... it's almost a borderline sacrilege (in my opinion); because this content can never be repeated again... ...but in last consequence, everybody must stay the master of his/her content here and I will forever keep it that way if I can. So if you want it like this, go on, with still my best wishes
  25. From the site: "Originally launched in 2008, it is now undergoing an extensive rewrite for 2020." I haven't asked him, but I think he underestimated all what happened and this might take longer
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