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Everything posted by Musicoman

  1. I have to add these: Entheogenic (any album, but especially Dialouge of the Speakers, Fight of the Urubus) Kick Bong Abakus The Orb Im agree with all of them except The orb album I already try twice to get some chances but i'll find it very monotous both time maybe i should give it a last listen....
  2. The new Daheen album Mylanta song play at the moment
  3. Come on everyone!! i need more suggestions!!!
  4. Uh, sorry, but that album sucks ass! I thought those album was good indeed it's not typical dub of course,but its a great dub vibes inside of it.... Whatever I particularly apprecied the Deadbeat-Roots and Wire album especialy since I learned that this guy its a ex Montrealer! Its a shame that I could have miss this great cd . Again many thank to Amphiton for his recommendation. btw is that so off-topic?
  5. I know for fact that many people does not agree with the popular statement of finding new name for every differents styles... Whatsoever I decide to go thru my idea. I find out that some of the Ambient cd's that I have are more like deep minimal beat with this big relaxing ambiance. Well I know that my description its not really clear and that the major reason why I brought this subject. Just a couple of exemple of what I considere that be classified as sleep night music: 1-Midnight Soul Dive on ALEPH ZERO RECORDS 2-Mimesis/art imitating life 3-Vataff Project/Kalitz 4-Solar Fields(the two first albums) 5-Ear Pleasure/compilation by CHILL TRIBE RECORDS 6-Sattyananda/Internal Activities 7-Ishq/Timelapse In Mercury 8-Intermittent Memories on CELESTIAL DRAGON RECORDS 9-Elemental Journey and Music for a busy head/ABSOLUTE AMBIENT So my question its the following one did you believe that those record can be call by other name that just Ambient? I wonder if maybe its already an name for that type of music please let me know.
  6. You should also try the last liquid soul album Love In Stereo great piece of art Some others recommendations: Kiwa/On The Frequency Ace Ventura/Rebirth FREq/Strange Attractors Kiwa/On The Frequency this one its a classic that for sure Haltya/Book Of Nature (one of the funkiest album I ever heard!!!) Son Kite/Colours New Order Compilation cd by HOM-MEGA PRODUCTIONS Shadow FX/Direct Influence Zen Mechanics/Holy Cities you may also like Sensient/AntiFluoro its a liitle darker and more minimal that the others suggestions but wow amazing work
  7. Well im totally sold with Posford work so it might be change my perception... 1-Are you Shpongle without any doubt 2-Nothing last probably the more complex and Psychedelic by Simon so far 3-Tales of the Inexpressible 4-Twisted 5-Eclipse A Journey Of Permanence & Impermanence 6-The lone deranger and that's about it for he's full length album
  8. Three words Are you Shpongle?!!!
  9. Wow im impress by the number's of the answers!! thanks a lots to all of you!Specials thx to Amphiton and murphy the cat Now Ive a bunch of dub music to listen at....
  10. Hum after the new Solar Field album and the Aes Dana ep can be anything else than a true masterpiece Any official date??
  11. Hi everyone! Im a big psy and ambient fan,but recently I'm get surprised by two great Dub albums Ashtech / Walkin ' Target and Sub Signal I wondering if anybody can suggest me stuff can sound like these two cd's?? Many thx
  12. For the most chill-out stuf go try: -Children of the Bong/Sirius Sounds -Saatvik Sequencers/the Middle Path -Also if you like Shpongle its obvious that you gonna fall in love with Eclipse-A journey of Permanence and Impermanence wonderfull album!
  13. ]One the saddest and more darknest lyrics that ive heard:Alice in Chains and Mad Season
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