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Everything posted by Dajek

  1. So this is all unrelated to anything else but the fanboyism towards Simon Posford (which I am somewhat part of myself). I hope noone is against some humour and this topic doesn't raise any flaming Simon Posford could make a better trance album than The Lone Deranger, but there wouldn't be any point because all who would hear it would fall into unrecoverable trance. Simon Posford knows the formula of a truly killer bassline. It is hand written by him on an old parchment and secretly buried under the Stonehenge to keep Skazi from commiting genocide. The reason the twisted releases always delay a year or two is that Simon Posford has to test them on animals for a few months to detect and remove any physically and psychologically addictive melodies and tweaks before the stuff hits the market.
  2. So I have worked on this demo a lot and it has reached a status that I think is enough for going public. So here it is: Ghostwheel - Acid Merlin All comments welcome
  3. I did, too... but I discovered that I knew both releases already I can reccommend them myself, especially Ghreg on Earth.
  4. I know what's next! Threads about Simon like those about Vin Diesel and Chuck Norris! Too bad I cannot think of any original ones...
  5. I don't think he is a girl... His posts are somewhat... masculine I don't know... Sorry if I am wrong, OOPIUM. And, Radi, I didn't want to upset you, but really... OOPIUM's post was totally correctly written.
  6. No offense, but his english _is_ more understandable than yours, sorry
  7. Maybe Chi-A.D. - Anno Domini. Maybe not. Heck, I don't know. It is quite entrancing... With a flow... yeah..
  8. same
  9. On topic: It's a matter of taste and 'overratedness' is even more subjective term than 'taste'. So there is no answer. Stating something sucks (in other word 'I dont like something') is ok, but saying that something is 'overrated' is saying that 'Other people like it, but I dont' WTF? I cant see a point. I say its bullshit. Music cannot be over or underrated. My opinion. Ill post it on the other thread too
  10. This belongs here too. On topic: It's a matter of taste and 'overratedness' is even more subjective term than 'taste'. So there is no answer. Stating something sucks (in other word 'I dont like something') is ok, but saying that something is 'overrated' is saying that 'Other people like it, but I dont' WTF? I cant see a point. I say its bullshit. Music cannot be over or underrated. My opinion. Ill post it on the other thread too
  11. http://www.omnisonic.com/bbillings.html a bassline can be killer. I know you probably knew that, but maybe it's time someone sent this to Skazi so he can make literally killer basslines..
  12. Do you notice the face of the handcuffed girl _forced_ to listen the music with headphones? Self-irony?
  13. Could it be Trance Induction - N http://www.discogs.com/release/17822 Released in 1993.... And it is _very_ full-on. Can anyone confirm or am I messing something up? (mp3 tags )
  14. No, you were being stupid. Now I am being rude. So: sorry. Peace =)
  15. http://www.discogs.com/user/dajek It's a small one tho
  16. Hmm... interesting.... I have 2 paths available in my life now.... 1] Commit suicide 2] Accept that Simon Posford is just a human being and try to move on with my life. That being, only the beginning of the sample sounds crap, maybe the whole track is OK... And it's a remix after all...
  17. I started making electronic music in 1998, making über shitty tracks with a program called Sound Club. (The stuff was crap, because I was only 11 years old). Actually the progress hasn't been too good taking into consideration that it has been 9!! years... But I have actually never stopped since then, I just don't make music very actively. And I still don't have any 'serious' programs that I coudl use, so I'm stuck at Jeskola Buzz currently.... Since the program isn't too good, the quality sucks and I have no chance to get my stuff released currently.. But I keep trying. I should get a new computer soon that can run Cubase normally, so I'll start learning it. As for DJing.... Well, I have learned playing stuff, but I'm not good and I don't know any organisers, so I have only officially played 2 times. The first time wasn't actualyl official, but it was a bigger party so I even got payd. The other time I had to replace a friend who couldn't play himself at some Reggea bar... It was Bob Marley's birthday and I played back to back with some other friend. I mainly played psydub like Ott, Dub Trees, Posford's dub stuff etc... so it was quite unfitting Maybe if I can polish my djskills a bit and finish school finally, I'll contact the few psy organisers in Estonia and try to play somewhere.
  18. Yup. The ripoffs are present in 'your messed up too'... oh well... I have listened to it some more now, but I'm not inpressed. It sounds a lot like old Infected Mushroom (often too much like it to be good, as it lacks originality), but not as good... There are only 3 tracks on this album I like, but none of them is great But at least its something different, so thumbs up anyway, I'm glad people like it.
  19. "Trashy heavy metal freaks are running the scene now and all the hippies are gone."
  20. Dajek

    Pleiadians - IFO

    I do. For me TFoL has only 2 or 3 tracks that are _quite_ good, but nothing really great on there, and some tracks I don't dig at all.
  21. Yeah, but how does a shitty cover help him sell more? Or do you refer to the... umm... I don't know, it just looks so stupid that I can't think of anyone who would buy it for the cover.
  22. Dajek


    I know most are... but ... Well, maybe they all are then. Makes me feel better =)
  23. Dajek


    I think some Shpongle flute lines actually _are_ taken from sample CDs, but I'm not sure. Any confirmation?
  24. Hehe, Asura is pretty much the one artist from ultimae that I _dont_ like And btw I understabnd that CBL can be boring... but for me it's very interesting... smooth, floating and moody, quite hypnotizing at times and at times also very beautiful melodywise. Anyway, on topic... (?) (lol) Ultimae is one of my favourite labels, if not the most favourite.
  25. Yeah it has this skull from The Lone Deranger artwork... neat... But then again, its only a mousemat. A MOUSEMAT, damnit!
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