Ok, here goes! I'm actually writing a review to this!
This is my very first full review in Psynews I believe... I hope it's helpful.
Before deciding to listen the album I knew two things about it:
1) It's dark
2) It's hyped
Actually before I listened to this album I had already heard a few compilation tracks by Ghreg on Earth and they were quite nice. So my expectations were high. Not too high, since darkpsy is not my nr1 genre, but still high.
The album pic is already given, so I'll add a pic about Ghreg himself:
Ok. To the tracks:
1) Table of Contents
Intro track, nothing much to say. It's dark ambient I guess, thus totally fitting and let's the listener know what mood to expect...
2) Withinfinite
A bit more interestingly structured basslines than the usual darkpsy bass that has been adaoted from the notorious full-on bassline. Don't get me wrong, the kbbb kbbb is still present, but there are other bass layers that make it more interesting. Otherwise it's quite noisy track and there are no melodies until the very end part. It's a decent track, but not a highlight for me. The end is quite powerful however, so it's definately no filler.
3) The Invisible College
From what I have noticed from numerous psynews posts this tends to be a favourite for several people. The atmosphere is more subtle than in the previous track, which is nice, but in this subtlety (misspell? ) lies something quite powerful. In the end of the second minute we are introduced a weird melody which is quite minimal, variating only a few keys, but it's effective in given atmosphere. Many gloomy layers are added, both pads/strings/whatever and effects. There is also some electric-guitarish sound, but it sounds really twisted and good. (no Skazi for sure... sorry, had to add that ). The power and atmosphere somewhat diminishes in the middle part for me, which is somewhat a shame, but every element Ghreg uses is still effective. In the 6th minute we can hear a guitarish noise sound, which might sound too chaotic, but it quite adds to the power of the track, so I think it's overall a good element. The bassline also varies a bit in the end of the 7th minute/start of the 8th minute. Overall this could be a highlight track for many people, but it's not my total favourite. One final note: awesome snares.
4) Sigilweaver
Awesome melodic intro with nice subtle, but spooky bells. ...but the intro is not for long, soon the track gains it's full speed and starts pounding. The track doesn't get me in the start (well, after the intro, which is great), although some nice percussion and effects are being used, but in the 4th minute where all power is unleashed I find it very enjoyable. But again, the power doesn't last for long and in the middle there is a more subtle (I like the word) part so that some power would be reserved for the end part. Another decent track, but not my favourtie and not as good as The Invisible College. However, it most probably has the best intro.
5) Thoth Sphere[Dajek's pick]
Very quiet intro... until a screeching noise cuts it off. I like the way how the beat starts - it's not straight 4/4 beats, but something more breakish. It seems like the track is winding itself up The distorted vocal samples are very nice too. Soon the atmosphere is enrichened by different elements that change constantly. Most notable element that I really like is a solo guitar (i guess) vibrating in a very high tone. Again, not a cheesy guitar, but a really good element. In the 4th minure we get again something that could be called a melody, but the line between a melody and non-melody is not very clear on this album In the 4th minute the track slows down (looks like the winding-up has tired out) and we get some vocal samples and very industrial breaks mixed with gloomy effects. A great breakdown. After that the track starst again subtley only with kick/bass and layers. A melodyish element can be heard again in a while and then the track starts gathering more layers of elements again. In the middle of the 8th minute a climax is starting to build. I really dig the vocal sample which goes something like "Fire, humanity, frequency, vibration. Fire, humanity, frequency, activate DNA!" Weird and seemingly pointless, but it sounds cool In the background there are now many layers of pads/effects, also a guitar. The bassline does some groovy changes too. The track ends subtley ( ) with padlayers again. All in all I think this is my favourite track from the album.
6) Hex Vex Elixir
Quite long and noisy intro, it lasts over a minute. And then the track starts very quietly, again the beats seem to wind itselves up and the usual straight 4/4 is not introduced until the 3rd minute. From there on the track is filled with stuff quite familiar from previous tracks. In the end of the 4th minute there is a breakdown where the beats slow down again and even stop for a while. Some very quiet bells can be heard in the background. When the beats start again they are very slow and very good effects are used to enrichen (?) them. The beats stop again before returning to the normal speed in the middle of the 6th minute. In the 7th minute we are given a melodyish element again, which is welcomed by me. I'd call it a climax, and a really good one. Because of the funky () use of slow beats and the climax I'd say this is one of the best tracks in the album, although the previous track is slightly cooler and more powerful. The end part features very nice (even beautiful, although very quiet) pads on top of a beatless festival of noises and effects. Which is nice.
7) Book of Lies
Again a nice intro, although this time it doesn't last for long. The track starts and goes on using similar elements to the previous tracks. At this point it is quite clear that there are no suprises in this album (which I dislike ) and the lack of variation is also already present and cal be felt. The breakdown in the beginning of the 6th minute is nice, but otherwise the track doesn't offer nothing special. It surely carries the atmosphere of the album and in the end it features some nice pads too, but overall I'd say it's the most-less-good () track so far.
8) Siren Starts
A somewhat lighter intro with heavy use of hihats. But again, it doesn't last for long. This one features some nicely-cut layers of pads/choir samples. But at this time the album has become somewhat tiresome. Nothing strinkingly new, the same feeling as in every track... Definately not a highlight for me. It does feature a cool vocal sample though ("..no, I'm a live!") and some nice industrial breaks in a breakdown in the 5th minute.
9) Quintessence Unfurls
Well... actually the intro of this one is something slightly different. It features a subtle melody and has a somewhat lighter mood. However when the beat starts, it's again standard gloomy(a bit gothic?) atmosphere of the album. But the percussion and effects/layers used are slightly different or at least have a bit different feel than in the other tracks. Which is really good, because as I said, the previous few tracks were starting to get tiresome. The bassline is more funky than the standard darkpsy one (the one on one note that Ghreg usually uses too) and I think could work in an avarage Israeli-neo-full-on-shite-track as well, but on this album it sounds like a nice variation We get some melody-like elements again and some weird squeeky effects. In the beginning of the 7th minute there is some good melodylike thingy too, followed closely by a break filled with squeeky effects again. After the break the track goes quite deranged (in a good way). All in all a really good track, maybe the second best of the album.
So finally it is over. Let's make a conclusion:
Good sides of this album:
1) It's dark in a subtle way. It's not trying to kick your ass to prove how dark it is. It's just is dark. And gloomy. And a bit gothic if you wish.
2) It holds it's theme. No exceptions. It has a special feel and it carries throughout every single track.
3) It features melodies. Well, at least melodyish elements. Darkpsy needs melodies here and there and it's a fact! It's good Ghreg understands it.
Bad sides of this album:
1) It holds it's theme. No expections and no surprises.
2) ...because of that the album _can_ and probably will grow tiresome if listened for too much. Plus you might start cutting yourself again if you are emo/goth/both and really get into this stuff.
3) and ...because of that it's only decent in smaller doeses. As is all darkpsy. But if you are to get your regular dose of darkpsy, get this one! This _is_ a quality release after all.
Final words:
It's as dark as promised, it's as good as hyped (for me) and it doesn't dissapoint if you have heard Ghreg's previous work. However, it offers you only one mood and no surprises. The tracks that for me stand out at being a bit different (and thus better) are: Thoth Sphere (teh verry bestest), The Invisible College and Quintessence Unfurls.
So. What's the final mark? It's hard to choose between 7, 7.5 and 8, but since I am trying to be as objective (read: critical) as possible for me (I used to be one of those guys to tends to label everything decent 10/10) I'll give it 7/10.
(After all I gave Chi-A.D. - Anno Domini 8 in a discogs comment recently and this is one of my favourite trance albums.)
(PS. Sorry for the typos that I know are there and the funky use of English. I hope this review helped.)