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Everything posted by Dajek

  1. I actually keep a .txt file where I write down my temporary favourite tracks. It's not exactly only top 5, but just for fun.. here it is for 2005: 02.01 - Filteria - The Snuggling Snail 07.01 - The Orb - Apple Tree in My Backyard later - Juno Reactor - Rotorblade 12.01 - Enthenogenic - Invisible Landscapes 16.01 - Hallucinogen - E later in january - Entheogenic - Twilight Eyes start of february - MFG - New Kind of World 03.02 - The Misted Muppet - Prince of Darkness 16.02 - Electric Universe - The Prayer 24.02 - Chi-A.D. - Liquid Neon Sky end of february - Pleiadians - I.F.O. [the whole album, especially Alcyone & Asterope] 03.03 - Astral Projection - Liquid Sun 23.03 - DMX Krew - You Can't Hide Your Love 03.04 - The Mystery of The Yeti - The Yeti Revelation Sacred Communication a bit later - Jungle Funk - Cycles 20.04 - Infernal Machine - Loin king (MWNN Remix) 24.04 - Phutureprimitive - Rites of Passage 04.05 - Goon - Panic 15.05 - Cosmosis - Key To The Innerverse 16.05 - Phutureprimitive - Darkness 28.05 - Shpongle - Nothing Lasts...but Nothing Is Lost [the whole album, especially tracks 4-9] 28.07 - Great Leap Forward - In the Name of the Super Natural 10.08 - Goasia - I'm Ready 24.09 - Flyh - Beware of the Evil Mushroom 02.10 - Puro - Derango Tango 13.10 - Eat Static - Abduction 22.10 - Phreaky - Paranormal Activity somewhere in between - Rhian Sheehan - Hiding Place (Fiord Remix) aka Antix - Hiding Place 14.12 - Alan Parsons - Return To Tunguska 18.12 - Flexitones - Cafe Spring 22.12 - Darshan - Tranceformations 30.12 - Ghreg on Earth - Moonstone Avatar
  2. Alien mega plur to everyone for teh nu year !! =)
  3. "* Shiva Boom & Boom Shiva cooperated and made a new project named Shiva Boom Boom Shiva" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!1
  4. Heh, release date irrelevant? Hmm... only noticed this now That screws thigns up abit, but eh.. who cares anyway.
  5. Actually... I agree with all you said.
  6. Dajek

    "Dark" Psy

    You are probably right.. I'll take my time and check some of that out.
  7. Shpongle: Schmaltz Herring Nothing Lasts Schnitzld in the Negev ..but Nothing is Lost When Shall I Be Free? umm... yep, that's 5 Some follow-ups that spring to mind first: Filteria - Tiny Universe, Goasia - I'm Ready, Ghreg on Earth - The Invisible College, Venetian Snares - Die Winnipeg Die Fuckers Die, Derango - An Ancient Tale. Uh, I have heard too little =(
  8. Dajek

    "Dark" Psy

    I've always disliked the russian style dark psy but I have given Ghreg on Earth and Derango albums some listens and I actually started to really like them. They _are_ dark, not _hard_, but _dark_. Which is nice. Cause KinDzaDza is just too much for me These artists made me believe that atmosphaeric darkness still excists in psytrance
  9. Made me laugh actually, sorry:D It's not bad at all, just so.. typical. Btw: where's the fortress?
  10. -.
  11. Simon Posford
  12. Dajek

    v/a Lyserg Lesson

    You would, huh?
  13. another crappy year. (PS. according to me every year except 1997 is another crappy year. Actually there were many relaeases this year I enjoyed)
  14. Darkpsy - what an interesting artist name
  15. Dajek

    "Dark" Psy

    I'll ad UX - Ultimate Experience to Maxx' list.
  16. I meant the picture.... not music.
  17. Agreed with Manuser, Tranceformations is stunning. British psy is teh best. Maybe I'll write a full review some day.
  18. I haven't heard much unfortunately, but I'd say The Shpongle tracks 4-9 from Nothing Lost.
  19. I checked Xenomorph out a bit... Seems like melodic goa or something... not dark at all But well, that opinion is based on only one track.. I'd maybe say that Darshan = oldschool dark psy, UX = dark goa.
  20. http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/wky/wky1cd003.html check the samples... and discuss My opinion: very weird comp, old tracks and new ones, some seem really good while the first one for example is like... wtf bad. The reason why I made this topic is that this album seems ... just weird. There is no theme, the styles vary etc. But overall it seems decent.
  21. Dajek

    Pleiadians - IFO

    I think that it's very complex in many ways... but there are also downsides like boring and bad-quality percussion.. I don't also think that all tracks are equal. I like Alcyone the best and Asterope is really good too, other tracks are slightly 'worse' and TBH I don't dig Taygeta, Merope and Caleano much... But the originality and harmonic quality of this release is not to be underestimated! It is one of the landmarks in the scene.. Released in it's 'golden era' (1997 is THE year in psytrance IMO) and even if I really like only half of the album I still think it's one of the best releases.. And Alcyone is one of the best trance tracks for me. So all in all I'd give it about 8 in my subjective view. (And I have become very critical lately )
  22. awesome.
  23. http://www.discogs.com/release/381959 Far too experimental for common taste (and far too gabberistic ), so even I don't enjoy it much, but track 5 is awesome and really psychedelic to me. Try to check it out.
  24. Psychedelic Tunning. It's not the ugliest, but it's most stupid and out of concept. Fucking poor. Most ugly, cheap and hilarious is the Shiva Space Japan cover, but it makes me giggle, the Tunnnnning doesn't. NT's cover is brilliant.
  25. Yeah, I'll give this more listens for sure.
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