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Everything posted by Dajek

  1. Not true. For example I find it possible to enjoy myself at a party even when the music is very crappy. If it's danceable I can go with the music, accept it as it is and take it just as a medium of dancing and nothing else. Whereas at home I'd never listen to it. edit: grmmöer
  2. Wow, that's really cool. Like Picasso, but actually GOOD
  3. Psychedelic experience and separating styles and expressing your opinion isn't connected, Okay, thankyou, goodbye. EDIT: just to give an example: I have been listening psy from 2000, I've never done any psychedelic drugs => I cannot tell the difference between prog and goa. Simplified example, but isn't that what you were trying to tell? (PS. I know you didn't address me, I'm just discussing your view) Peace
  4. "Ecstasy" is the greatest cheese track of all times. The melodies are so cheesy and so effective. Nice intro too.
  5. They do... but not in this case. EDIT: to add something on topic: I would love to hear Derango in a thick coniferous forest at night... Would probably be one of the greatest experiences in my life.. I think. Actually any good dance music would be nice to hear in the forest, but well... Derango should be somewhat desined in such mood.
  6. I really dig Ultimate Experience. It's far from perfect and has fillers, but is still among my favourite psy albums. It's so... cyberdelic!
  7. Xenomorph... I ought to check it out, although he looks as intimidating as Skazi with a guitar :/ As something on topic: What I appreciate in this fullonish-dark-forest-not_dark sound of Derango is the _extremely_ well fitting melodies here and there. They are not in every track and often they are verrry brief, but mostly they are awesome. In tracks like Fnatt, We're all Mad Here rmx and Boomorgon rmx, Sluggy (and most notably the pre-derango track Derango Tango under the name 'Puro') there are melodies that create an unique atmosphere to me. Too bad I don't connect with some aspects of Derango. All in all - I think Derango is a positive element in our scene, I would give Tumult about 6.5/10 and thats in a scale ranging from 1 to 10 and I'm being as objective as I can.
  8. This requires a very special mood... Just listened this as a background while sitting in front of the computer and I find it painfully boring. Gotta try it while relaxing or somehting.
  9. Dark Forest Full-on? PS. I don't think 'dark psy' exists for Cinos, he labels it all full-on anyway. And in many pways he is right.
  10. I agree that the bassline is very fitting, but I don't agree that it's something 'special' and 'unique'.
  11. Heliopolis samples are (Y) Most of the melodies are better structured than on Sky Input, but it's still maaad. I'm really looking forward to it Lunar Civilization remix - yeaaah! Killaarghh in a good way.
  12. Actually I agree would you... but it's a hard situation, because the idm artists are a totally different scene... and psychedelicness is also differently translatable (bad wording, I know, I hope you get the point).
  13. About ambient... I think You shouldn't widen the touch to 'non-psy' ambient , that is ambient that is not connected to the scene (Biosphere, FSOL etc), because that would be off point. I think the point should be categorize every aspect Psychedelic Electronic Music, thus exclude 'normal' or 'classical' trance and ambient. We have Psy Dub too, but I don't think your scheme should include Mad Professor or Lee Perry for example... PS. ohyeah - add psy dub to the chillout branch PS2. I actually wondered about The Lone Deranger (Well, Im just so much into that album for the last one or two years and I've been thinking that maybe it's actaully something from the 'general psychedelic trance' or 'acidic psychedelic trance', because it doesn't have this 'goaish' feel like Astral for example.... Just my 2 senti.
  14. I want some good dub names.. been mostly listenign to only psy dub and the dubbish chillout to date, but would be interested in venturing further into the original dubsound
  15. I don't really know anything I would call 'general' psy, but there must be something not Goa/not Full-on/not Experimental/not dark/not Prog... I guess such things still go under 'goa' and the Goa term is actually wider than I have thought.
  16. Where are examples of 'psychedelic' trance? as in generic psytrance? I know it's hard tho.. also maybe add general melodic psytrance like pleiadians.. EDIT: Dark Goa trance is in 2 places. And 1 more thing... where would you place the album in my avatar?
  17. Astral for me... but MFG is not far. ...and their both not my favourite artists.
  18. Umm.. He basically says that he made it himself.
  19. No, 1200 mics is not goa..... ...for me... but I guess the term isn't so closed and actually it is arguable.
  20. Agreed, nothing is static.
  21. Well, to be honest, when I first heard the tracks on TDL I didn't like them at all (with the exceptions of Horrorgram and Jiggle of the Sphinx). It took me a whiel to 'get' them, each track individually. Gamma Goblins was the track I 'got' last, I think it was this summer when I finally discovered its greatness. To me there are no bad tracks in TDL, although Sharling Remix and Snakey Shaker are a bit lower class than the others. But they too have unique elements and are really good tracks. btw at the moment I think the best track from the TDL is Trancepotter, an absolute masterpiece in trance music. When I first heard it, I thought it was annoying and empty
  22. Heh, I find most of the track boring (except the last minutes, which rock) and it sure as whatever doesn't kick me away from 'oldschool'.
  23. It's great, but I prefer The Lone Deranger.. It's technically superior and IMO also psychedelically superior. In fact for me TDL is the best trance album that is ever made (and probably - taking into notion todays scene - will remain the best trance album for me). I don't bother to write anything of more depth at the moment, sorry =)
  24. haha
  25. Derango mainly uses the kbbb kbbb formula on one key. Sure, it changes sometimes, but the main formula is this. Who else uses that bass? All full-on and darkpsy artists maybe?
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