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Everything posted by Dajek

  1. actually i really digged the pic in the trancelucent cover, where all the artists were drawn in a 19th century outfits. that was actually darn cool
  2. lol @tip strikes again... altho i like Bley more than other new tip stuff, the cover is bs.
  3. The Filteria album seems damn promising.
  4. Actually for me the best Derango track is Puro - Deranog Tango
  5. Umm... could this be worse than Skazi???
  6. heh, quote: "This psychedelic trance plague is strictly limited 500 copies worldwide. Be proud, no trends." So they wont even make much money with it.
  7. That DVD doesn't affect our lives.... Don't you understand that we will never see it ? ....and isn't that just wonderful
  8. I don't like the pics
  9. Well........
  10. I have started to value Derango, so thumbs up
  11. I see... I don't like house less now, but I have never liked it much anyway. Then again I don't dislike it either, It's good to listen a house track once in a blue moon (there is a saying like that, right?).
  12. True that, we amateur producers are getting only little attention there =/
  13. Well.. house is very funky, isn't it? At least it's supposed to be... EDIT I reread your post.... House was born in Latino gay clubs?? Where is that info from?
  14. Ok, I checked it out.. ..and I really liked it. So heres a short review: The bass is _a bit_ too distorted, it could be better for production if it were slightly smoother... And after the start the more original sounding bassline is replaced by a full-on sounding bass, which I personally like less... The pad/layer first introduced around the 2nd minute could use some more work, it sounds _a bit_ dull at the moment, but it has potential. What I like in the track: It's powerful, energetic and evolving. The effects are great and the acid line tweaking is very psyberdelic. The speech sample (from space oddysey?) has been fit in perfectly. The highhats are tight. I have a soft spot on highhats that are not formularic and the snare is very fitting.. subtle, but doing its job. Also the bass key changes are nice, although ,as I said, not full-on basslien would be better and added more to the atmosphere. and finally... the kick was verry juicy =) About the end of the world... It's not that dark, but I'm glad it isn't Anyway... Great track, I would give 7/10 (and this is being quite harsh.) Good luck on future work, I'll check them out from now on.. PS. What did you use to make this track?
  15. Of cource not, I was just wondering.
  16. It occured to me that I don't know any black psy producers nor have I seen black people on any gig pics. Is it that only caucasian and asian people are into psy? Does anyone know any black psy producers or at least has a black friend who listenes to psy? I know its a bit funny thread, but I find it interesting.. a bit...
  17. Estonia represent
  18. In some Raja Ram interview he said Simon was 26.... I think that interview was made in 1998, but I can be terribly wrong =P
  19. Juno Reactor - Conga Fury
  20. That's sad.
  21. tally ho But seriously, does anyone know the translation?
  22. Btw what does Bom Shankar mean anyway?
  23. This comp has some good tracks, but overall Apsara is better to my taste.
  24. Derango - Suggy maybe... I don't think it's great, but it's quite good ......and verrry twisted
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