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Everything posted by Dajek

  1. Dajek


    Crop Circles - Lunar Civilization EP (white label, no sleeve) 12" No price there. What would it be?
  2. I like it ... a lot... but I was still somewhat dissapointed, maybe I wanted too much after Spontanious Illumination... Anyway it's defenitely worth having.
  3. Alien Signals seems to have a nice tracklist overall, I'll give it a try some time..
  4. I strongly second Carbon Based Lifeforms and Celtic Cross. And well, Entheogenic too.
  5. Actually one dude still makes music under The Misted Muppet name, I just wanted to know if anyone knows why the other dude left the project.
  6. Does anyone know for any reason why the Misted Muppet split up?
  7. Ultimae records has very good stuff
  8. I like the guitars... but most of the track is lacking imo =/
  9. Shpongle Falls ...and the Day Turned To Night Around the World In a Tea Daze Once Upon in the Sea of Blissful Awareness Shpongle 3 is too tight and full of tracks to choose only 2 tracks :/ ...but they would be around Schnitzl'd and When Shall I be free I guess...
  10. I meant what charactarizes the 'scando stuff'. I havent noticed any real difference... I think... I dunno really... Anyone?
  11. What's the scandinavian stuff?
  12. I don't know.. I have listened this album for many many times now, and I still think it's the best album I've heard... Tracks 4-10 are the core of this album for me, sounding truly ingenious.
  13. Psy: Hallucinogen - Space Pussy or MiLoonyUm Not psy: Ricardo - Only Dj Noiskick Will Survive
  14. I seriously dislike the hard dance genre. The track is horrible, it's basically typical fullon (that i sometimes even enjoy in small doses) + very crappy acid lines that are trying to sound more like the 'hard' shit..... Geez, maybe progressive is the right way to go after all... This 'im more hardcore than you' shit leads to.... fear. And fear leads to anger and anger leads to suffering
  15. To anyone who possesses the knowledge: I would need the addresses of record shops in London that sell Shpongle - Nothing lasts (CD OR Vinyl). Please let me know, I have failed to order the album from online shops so I want to send my friend (who will visit London anyway) to buy me a copy. Thanks in advance....
  16. Some ott track and some shakatura track uses same oriental singing sample (different speed tho).
  17. Hallucinogen - Demention 'There is an area of the mind that could be called unsane, beyond sanity, and yet not insane. Think of a circle with a fine split in it. At one end there's insanity. You go around the circle to sanity, and on the other end of the circle, close to insanity, but not insanity, is unsanity.'
  18. I somehow find flaws on all albums I listen =P
  19. I think it is the best album I've ever heard, together with Are You Shpongled. I like this one even more at the moment, but maybe time will prove me wrong. It wouldn't be a 10/10 if there was a better album around that I have heard, but there isn't. It has it's flaws, but any album does and Nothing Lasts' awesome parts greatly outnumber the misfires. Misfires being (IMO) Levitation Nation and some parts in the ... third fourth maybe. But what I dig especially is the part after Levitation Nation up to The Statemen of the Shaman. It's brilliant I'd say. Oh, and more flute could have maybe made it better, but I guess they grew a bit tired of it and didn't want it to be dominant. But as for now, 10/10 for sure
  20. I don't think he is a god in terms of the mainstream meaning of the word, but yes, he can be a god in some alternative meanings. Yep, he sure sounds like he is.
  21. Forgot to add that I will buy it as soon as possible =P
  22. I just listened it for the first time and at this time I think this is the best album I have ever heard
  23. out of topic: it's not that bad. The short version is even really good (tho it's about 10 times shorter and faster)
  24. It's a matter of taste, man. IMO it's their 3rd greatest track after Conga Fury and Rotorblade =D The commercial remix in the Once Upon A Time in Mexico sucks big tho as for bad tracks: I don't like more than half of the tracks I've heard much, but they aren't bad either... except some moments from the latest album. ...which is actually the only album i have fully heard from JR.
  25. Prodigy isnt very repetitive. All their albums are different style (the last one is supposed to be bad tho, havenät heard it myself)
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