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Everything posted by Dajek

  1. I haven't heard the whole Aes Dana album yet, but Memory Shell (track name) is really good.
  2. I would say Talpa, but since he's not on the list, I chose Filteria.
  3. I liked this mix a lot It gave me a wider overlook on progressive psy and its quite good. It's nicely mixed too and the mood stays the same so (Y) from me. I still generally prefer the '90s psytrance & goa, but it depends on the mood and it's nice to have some good variety.
  4. The last one is more commercial trance imo
  5. Bust A Move, After 1000 Years, None of this is Real, Overload, Drop Out... also Scotch from collaborations. ....Damn, IM was so fking good some years ago....
  6. Very hard choice... depends on mood etc... I'd say Hallucinogen - Demention.... Pleiadians - Alcyone has the best melodies imo, but overall the production isn't perfectly... ehm.. "intelligent".
  7. I like The Misted Muppet, can't help it =D Their track on this one rocks too (for me).
  8. I like the album cover It's not some mediocre new-age suff like TOTI and not the I-personally-really-like-it-tho-a-bit-minimal AYS cover, but really psychedelic, yet not stupid as some psyart
  9. Yeah, this is pretty goooood.
  10. New Pleiadians track on this compil. Yep, it sounds full-on to me.
  11. Thanks, I'll check it out for sure
  12. The Mystery Of The Yeti
  13. Haha! Is it just me or does Yahel look like Billy Idol there? Anyway the tuning cover is really damn stupid, I mean it has to be a joke... The Rem0t3 Viewzor cover is just plain ugly, I bet the dude who made it did it for 7 minutes to get the few dollars he was promised for that. The spaceboard cover is plain silly again =D and looks very cheap too. To advance the subject; whatr was the last really goooood psy cover? I can't think of any myself atm
  14. I have just started chekking out the progressive stuff and I really like some of it. To my cosmology progressive isn't psychedelic tho... except some of the Posford's proggy stuff... Well, maybe this opinion will change....
  15. I actually feel the same about Shpongle using latin american samples than Sherlockalien. My hopes go for such samples not being included in Shpogle 3 =)
  16. So you kidna ruined the record, huh? -- Anyway... to try to give some wannabe-objective comment about Shpongle's success: I think the key might be in variativity (hope I spelled it correctly). Not only do some Shpongle tracks include many different themes (...and the day turned to night is a nice example here too), but also they have many diffent style tracks so one album isn't one track in different key (this is ofcourse very roughly said, but somewhat it is true for an album that has tracks in the same style). For example Once Upon the Sea of Blissful Awareness is very different from Aroudn the World in a tea daze which is very different from Saudade pt2 which is very different from crystal skulls which is very different from Behind Closed Eyelids which is quite different from Shpongle Falls. So you get some trance, some ambient, some wourld music, some drumfunk etc with shpongle and I find that this mixture has a good atmosphere in it etc.
  17. Dajek

    your taste

    I voted for Hard Nitz because I have no idea what that is, so it must be awesome =D Otherwise I like early english psy and goa most.
  18. Errr. People like things that make them feel good. Shpongle makes some peopel feel good. It doesn't make you feel good and you are most probably not the only one. Its stupid to consider what makes Shpongle good because the term 'good' is not the right one..... Well something like that. Shpongle isn't good or bad, nor is any band its all a matter of taste and taste comes from so many things that it's not possible to discuss it.
  19. Awesome names. BTW I even like 1 holymen track. desert storm or smth. sure, it's a bit funny, but it has some catch in it's stomping beat and .... yeah I kinda dig that nitzonot melody......
  20. After listening it over a bit I found that I like Hikimori and Audio Chemist stuff best.... But Yeah, it's lacking a bit.... Well, it's still enjoyable
  21. Oooh Rotorblade rocks me too
  22. IM - none of this is real.
  23. I have hallucinogen - angelic particles 12" and that's it I try to collect more, but I have so little money and I live in a country that psyshop.com doesn't ship..
  24. I don't like Logic Bomb too much, but Neighbour of the Beast, 3rd Revelation and Drop by Anytime are quite nice.
  25. From the samples I like this one. To me it is full-on, but it's not boring. And IMO there is a lot of old Cosmosis in here
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