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Everything posted by Dajek

  1. The Prayer is a top notch track; it has a plaece in my Special Top 4 Full On Tracks The rest is not so great
  2. The Other Side isn't ambient, guys. Ps. on topic - I really like most of the tracks from that side... though I ave something against I Wish .
  3. AS I stated in another topic: To me those 3 tracks have a special 'cosmic' feel th them, especially the Alpha Centauri Hallucinogen - Alpha Centauri Space Tribe - In the Hands of the Shaman Slinky Wizard - The Wizard Chi-AD Anno Domini is different from those tracks, but the whole album is deep and 'cosmic'.
  4. To me those 3 tracks have a special 'cosmic' feel th them, especially the Alpha Centauri Hallucinogen - Alpha Centauri Space Tribe - In the Hands of the Shaman Slinky Wizard - The Wizard
  5. GMS - Star Wars GMS - Arabian Knights on Mescaline
  6. Yep, you are right. For me full-on = that certain (GMS-incented? Probably not, but still) bassline. And I have heard about 24 such tracks that I like to date, about a half of them being by the Misted Muppet..
  7. I like Talpa and The Misted Muppet from today's scene, but I still liked old IM better.
  8. When I started to listen to psy (year 2000) Infected Mushroom was my fave and I also wondered why the fuck Hallucinogen is considered better? The first Posford tracks I heard were Demention and Alpha Centauri. And I didn't like them at all. But over times I listened to them over and over and now I love those tracks. Since I heard LSD somewhere, Hallucinogen is my favourite trance artist..... Still, when I finally 'got' the hallucinogen catch, there were a few tracks I didn't like much (Trancespotter, Gamma Goblins, Spiritually Antiseptic) and after some time I started to love those as well I guess his music takes some time to .... umm.... I can't rmember the word in english at the moment ... let's say 'understand', tho that's not what I mean.... Ofcourse not all people like his music even when hearing it over and over again, because his music is kindof specific. BTW there is still one Hallucinogen track I don't like - Beautiful People. But concidering the history, I will start loving it some day
  9. Saiko-Pod - Silent Running
  10. Dajek


    I wouldn't be.... It's a matter of taste... For example i really like the 'early' (1-3 album, very few exceptions after) IM melodies :/ I know I'm not tolerant always myself, but for fuck sake, respect other peoples tastes even if you don't respect their opinions :/ ...Because taste is just something too abstract to be judged.
  11. I like Talpa - The Moon And also Electric Universe - The Prayer.. it's a fullon track, but the vocals are IMHO really good.
  12. No they are *not* overrated. Because, you know, it's a matter of opinion. See: You don't like The Misted Muppet. That's perfectly understandable, I like them very much, but I can understand that their music isn't acceptable for anyone (not that any piece of music is, but well they are kindof more specific) and in fact many psy people also DON'T like them. But very many people do, and therefore they praise this group over the internet etc. If many people like them, then they *are* worth the hype, because .... well, because many people like them. They aren't good for you, but if people say they like something, how can this be called OVERrating? Uh, I couldn't arrange my thoughts much, but I hope you get the point. Dajek
  13. About music... I've previously only heard the Spiritual Healing track.... and I like it. It's no 'killer', but I like it. The new samples are .... well..... shitty production and .... and cheese (more than the SH track).... and ... well.... awful bass ... and..... well, it's crap, really :/ [imo] btw - the 'ibiza' in record company's name spells it too: this is balaeric trance really, far from psy.
  14. Haha, the new cover is funny. I'd never expect anything psychedelic from there... Looks like some... dunno.. tehc house cover or proggy trance cover or smth... or minimal techno I don't like it ofcourse... I'm not into minimalism...
  15. Hmm... that's weird. Because as I see it; You can create everything during an AP, so why couldn't you turn the OoBE into a psychedelic OoBE? From what I've heard your perception can change (and changes) during an OoBe also... altho maybe in a different way. I'll add again just in case: I haven't had an OBE myself and I havent done any hallucinogens, so my talk is theoretical.... I'd like to hear more opinions still
  16. I like the track. It's the fullon that has somehting to me as well... with some oldschoolgoa remindings.... Misted Muppet's The Mist is about the same style I think... As for cons: it gets a bit monotonous for me... Maybe the same fullon bassline shouldn't last for the whole track, but change after some break... just my 2 coins
  17. That's true... hm, maybe I haven't just danced enough
  18. Has anyone here had an astral projection? I haven't reachd this myself but I have made a lot of research and it seems that walking (well floating) in the astral plane is very psychedelic and you also create world with your subconcious. If anyone here has had such experience (w/o drugs I mean), please share it! It could prove that 'psychedelic experiences' are reachable (tho not easily) without the use of drugs.
  19. Well stuff like "Active meditation through dancing"... Maybe it's true and works, but I doubt that it could be as good as ordinary quiet meditation and such.
  20. That neoshamanism thoruhg psytrance is kindof bullshit to me; but that doesn't make danceing to goa less enjoyable I really like oyur selection of tracks... Though I would have 'ended' the first track earlier, it gets monotonous to me... Anyway nice 'old school' so to speak. Keep up the good work and try to mix live too
  21. haha! That's a bit extreme for me. I like the track, but apart from the melodies it's too monotonous and simple.
  22. Deedrah's Remix to Lepton Head is probably in my top 10 psy tracks list.... I haven't ofcourse discoered all the psy scene has to offer, but at the moment .. yes, Lepton Head Rmx fits there. Awesome stuff. BTW - to all trance gurus out there - is that track goa or psyy or some other splinter genre ?
  23. btw, all forums in the internet mostly contain of bashing. It doesn't matter what the subject is, be it music, philosophy, politics, computer games..... all same.
  24. I will make my own psy-forum where people can bash minimal. Btw: when you reply to this tread it will say on top of thereply screen: "Replying to Full-on has reached a new low"... D
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