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Everything posted by Dajek

  1. Teens into full-on don't count. I'd like to add... Underhead - Whirlrain of Fire and Unify Feeling.
  2. I'm refering to the track. Why? To strike chaos upon this thread! Why? hmm
  3. nö
  4. My Very Favourites: Simon Posford [the governor of trance.. what can i say] Darshan [pure sci-fi cybertrance. i wish there were more music like this] UX [cyber again..] Chi-A.D. [to some extent.. not all tracks are good, but some are brilliant]
  5. The Hallucinogen track is very good, although maybe a bit 'soulless'.. but that's the future of psy anyway... I kindof like the QPD track, although I don't know why.. Maybe the samples Sybarite is quite good... The rest either need more listens or are too empty. I'd give it 6/10 Which means above avarage because I rate albums 1-10 not 5-10 Defenately a shot at the right direction tho... but still too many full-on elements in many tracks.
  6. IDM/Breakcore, some Drum'n'Bass (older), some Nujazz, some ... everything (electronic)
  7. Not a perfect comp, but maybe the best for me is Twisted - Dementertainment
  8. Now we know.
  9. The 45 sec samples don't sound too good to me.
  10. AAARGH!!!!!1 GROSS!!!
  11. I have pretty much lost interest in psytrance. So I don't know.. I don't see any bright talents in the scene that are making something unique and enjoyable. In psy(ish) chill however there is still hope. Which is nice =)
  12. It would be cool if Infected would get to MTV, just too bad Beavis & Butthead aren't there anymore. It would be so cool to hear Butthead say something like: "Infected Mushroom sucks." Anyway - Duvdev is a retard. I sing better than him and he acts like some kind of a superstar... which he maybe is. And that's even more disgusting. Infected just reached Skazi level Also - the crowd is retarded... all those ppl filming it with their phones... geez
  13. Dajek

    Derango :)

    I digged Derango for a while... But after listening for a while I'd say I really only like 2 tracks from them + one Puro track. Although there are really nice moments in some other tracks, there is just too much random noise shit all over for me.
  14. Melodic? Theres a melody in like 3 tracks and its verry brief. no?
  15. Matter of taste. My picks: 1] Hallucinogen - The Lone Deranger 2] Darshan - Awakening 3] UX - Ultimate Experience 4] Chi-A.D. - Anno Domini 5] Pleiadians - I.F.O.
  16. sounds promising
  17. anyone heard the original of 'war'? the sample of the remix is quite good. If the original isn't too similar then there's hope that st Posford still rocks.
  18. EDIT: I realised I had nothing to say.
  19. w00t, gif epix!11
  20. The first is a blast, but I enjoy the last two tracks as well (especially the very last). But the stuff between... is kindof background music for me. Doesn't really move me in any way. But for those 3 tracks .... and the fact that the background music in between is not bad.... Id give it like 7/10 or something.
  21. I don't think they are really ambient... But fuck genre borders. 1 - Shpongle 2 - Carbon Based Lifeforms
  22. Dajek

    Review Requests

    I saw him 'live' (Well, saw him spinning his own tracks). Not my taste... Full-on with some weird sampling... Not dark and hard as most russian stuff, but... to me it was quite silly stuff.
  23. I really like this one. Airships are THE SHIT
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