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Everything posted by Quazzi

  1. Hi guys! Set 10! Only Goa trance this time. Enjoy Set 10 - Goa trance
  2. Quazzi

    Set 8

    Hey guys. I made a new set full of fantasy trance. Check it out! https://soundcloud.com/dj_quazzi/set-8-psytrance
  3. Enjoy
  4. Hello everybody. My sixth set, this time mostly with goa trance, that changes from uplifting, to darker and again to uplifing. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think
  5. Hello guys, I would like to buy this track in flac quality but I can't seem to find it. I actually bought the entire album in digital format in beatport but for some reason the "Slam" track was cut in half. I talked to them and they say that sometimes they receive the tracks like that. So actually they can't do anything about it. And if you go there and search for the Renegade album it doens't have the Slam track. I tried other sites and can't find it. I have tried in the "Osom" records bandcamp page but they don't the track alone, only the entire album. Does anybody know where I can get it? Or if possible, and I hope this doesn't break any rules, cold somebody send it to me? Regards
  6. Another one I did. This time melodic and powerfull Goa and full-on. Hope you enjoy!
  7. Hello psyheads, I have made a new set and I must say that I'm quite proud of it. Starts softly and at the middle dives into darkness. Let me know what you think
  8. This set has been in my hard drive for a long time! Despite enjoying it a lot, I felt it was too short. I tried hundreds of tracks as follow up but I wasn't pleased with the result. So I decided to leave it as it is. Starts melodic, goes down into a soothing progressive and finishes with the most uplifting track in psytrance! Perfect set to give you a quick boost of energy in the morning. Have a listen and tell me what you think
  9. Beautiful one right here:
  10. Quazzi

    Set 3

    My third set! Starts off sweet and melodic and progresses to uplifting full-on. Finishes with a classic. Tell me what you think about it 142 - 146 bpm Stereofeld - Tuning in - 00:00 Oforia - Into another universe - 08:55 Infected Mushroom - BP Empire - 15:55 Talpa - People are animals - 22:45 Trold - Tricky reality - 30:20 The Misted Muppet - Might and magic - 38:50 The Misted Muppet - From the legend - 44:15 Infected Mushroom - The missed symphony - 50:50
  11. Hi guys, My second set is up and I'm really proud Energy builts smoothly along the set and climaxes at the final track. Let me know what you think about track choice, transitions and flow. 140 - 149 bpm Blue Planet Corporation: Blue pill - 00:00 Wizzy Noise: Tribal dawn - 07:40 Noosphere: Carpe Noctum - 13:15 E-mantra: Dansul Ielelor (Neurosect edit 2011)- 18:44 Pleiadians: Taygeta - 26:12 OOOD: Find your mind - 34:32 MWNN: Possessed - 42:44 MFG: New kind of world - 48:13 Hope you enjoy. Thanks to all the artists for making such nice music
  12. Hello there! Some of you might remenber me from the old Psynews days. It has always been one of my dreams to DJ. I have a feeling i can bring good sets into the psytrance community So here's my first set. Please listen to it and let me know what you think about track selection, flow and transitions between tracks.
  13. Shit! Now I realize how fuck?!g badass this track sounds!
  14. Not well known but it must one the heaviest tracks with guitar riffs i know. Prepare to head bang at 4:30
  15. Hello Astral Projection, send me a PM and we'll talk. I'm a graphic designer and maybe I could help you
  16. What about Alcyone?! One of the greatest psytrance tracks eva! But also agree that the overall album isn't that great. I had it sold it because it was not that special :/
  17. I didn't know where in the forum to post this. Please move it if needed. Does anybody have the contact of Talpa and Amitha Buddha? Thank you
  18. How can we have access to the tracklist?
  19. Do you know a good online store to buy these?
  20. Those look very nice but damn... 165€!
  21. What kind of earplugs do you have drosophila? I have bought these: http://intl.fender.com/en-PT/accessories/miscellaneous/musician-series-ear-plugs-black/ You think they are ok?
  22. Not goa but so mean! Just wait till 00:30...
  23. Are benzos drugs? I sometimes also listen to background music while going to sleep. It helps.
  24. Hi guys and girls. Wondering if anyone here has tinnitus/constant ringing in the hears. How did you get it? Is it very loud? What kind of sound is it? How do you cope with it? Are you making somekind of treatment? I got mine about three months ago from listening to very loud music on headphones. The result? Tinnitus and a bit of hearing loss on the left hear. My tinnitus is not so severe and I'm getting used to it. I can only hear it when there's no back noise, so mostly at night when I go to bed. But it has done some impact on my life. I've been worrying that it might get worse so I bought earplugs to use when I'm in places with loud noise. I'm still listening to music but at very low volume. This is creating a problem because I'm a home Dj and I need to use my headphones. I go into lot of detail in my mixing so I need to listen properly to the tracks at a reasonable volume. I'm wondering if there are Dj's out there that face the same problem. As a Dj with tinutus what do you do? I know that most of us like listening to loud music, but be carefull because the ringing in your hears after a night in a party or dance club might not go away. Stay safe and use earplugs boys and girls!
  25. You'll like these two also for sure. The second one is one of the most uplifting DnB tracks ever made (IMO)
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