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La première compilation de Yamaga sera disponible le 4 avril 2014 chez tous les bons disquaires, sur toutes les plateformes de téléchargements légales (BeatPort, Google Play, Itunes ...) et bien évidement sur Hadra.net ///// English below ///// Hadra est très heureux de vous présenter la première compilation de Yamaga : Rollin'Grooves, Depuis maintenant de nombreuses années, Yamaga uvre au sein du label Hadra et nous propose des sets endiablés aux ambiances à la fois intensément psychédéliques et très énergiques. Cest donc tout naturellement quil sest penché sur la réalisation de sa première compilation, après avoir tissé des liens avec de nombreux artistes locaux et internationaux dans le style quil affectionne le plus et que lon nomme couramment : la psyché. La sélection de sa compile condense toute lénergie de ses sets, avec des tracks d'artistes locaux et du label Hadra Records : Lakay , Tweakers, Curious Detail, Ivort, et des artistes psyché : Chris Rich, Psyberpunk, Whiptongue, Dirty Saffi, Harmonic Rebel, Neutral Motion, R2 et Braincell. Cette compilation possède un fil conducteur sans faille : un sound design travaillé (ça roule!) et un nombre élevé deffets spatiaux en tout genre qui vous garantissent des sensations que vous nêtes pas prêt doublier: ça groove ! Ne manquez pas la soirée Metamorphosis de Hadra ce Samedi 5 Avril à Porcieu où Yamaga présentera sa compilation ! https://www.facebook.com/events/548467785249255
Le 2nd album de D_Root sera disponible le 25 avril 2014 chez tous les bons disquaires, sur toutes les plateformes de téléchargements légales (BeatPort, Google Play, Itunes ...) et bien évidement sur Hadra.net ///// English below ///// Fibres de Purkinje : Fibres musculaires situées à la face interne de l'oreille droite et des ventricules du cur, ayant pour fonction de coordonner les battements. « Purkinje », 2ème album de lartiste D_Root va sortir en avril sur Hadra Records, presque 4 ans après le 1er opus « Rootart » en 2011. Ce nouvel album évoluant à travers des rythmiques incisives et un kick bass massif, prend ses sources dans la techno pour aller vers des tracks psy/progressive. Comme à son habitude D_Root évolue hors des sentiers battus et pourra vous surprendre par son originalité. Il nous emmène dans son univers parfois mélancolique, parfois lumineux, suivant ainsi les émotions quotidiennes du cur humain. « Purkinje » est avant tout un album qui vous fera voyager, rempli de surprises et démotion. Vos pieds, contrôlés par les neurones de Purkinje, danseront en rythme avec toutes les palpitations de vos muscles et votre cerveau, abandonné au simple voyage de ce nouvel album, profitera de cette expérience unique. Ne manquez pas la soirée Metamorphosis de Hadra ce Samedi 5 Avril à Porcieu où D-Root présentera son nouvel album ! https://www.facebook.com/events/548467785249255
TITRE : 2nd ALBUM OF LUNARAVE « DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ? » OUT THE 10th OF JANUARY 2014 DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ? (Hadra Records) 2nd ALBUM OF LUNARAVE Out Now: Hadra Shop - Deezer - itunes - Google Play... Out on the 10th of January 2014 Le 2nd album de LUNARAVE sera disponible le 10 janvier 2014 chez tous les bons disquaires, sur toutes les plateformes de téléchargements légales (BeatPort, Google Play, Itunes ...) et bien évidement sur Hadra.net Fr: Signé sur le label Hadra Records en 2009, Julien Humblot, alias LUNARAVE en est aujourdhui l'un des artistes les plus prometteurs. Il vous propose son second album « Do you know who you are» pour notre plus grand plaisir ! Après son premier opus « The 4th Sun » sorti en octobre 2010, qui a remporté un franc succès auprès de la scène psytrance, voila qu'il nous propose un album au style novateur qui séduira incontestablement ses auditeurs ; fruit de ses expériences et rencontres scéniques en France et à l'international, compilé à sa créativité débordante stimulé notamment par ses projets annexes (Lovpact, Angry Luna...) Les morceaux nous conduisent sans détour dans son univers si particulier. Cet artiste aux multiples facettes, sans cesse en recherche de nouvelles ambiances, a distillé de nombreuses mélodies à la fois lyrique et épique tout au long de son album, sonorités qu'ils lui sont chères. Lensemble transportant ainsi son auditeur dans un univers spatial aux ambiances à la fois guerrières, apaisantes et méditatives. Ce nouvel album riche en rebondissements et en émotions, nous conte une histoire fantastique dont seul Lunarave a le secret... Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lunaravefanpage Souncloud: https://soundcloud.com/lunarave Hadra.net: www.hadra.net/label_releases.php?view=HADCD40&&lang=fr Quelques liens : Hadra Records Soundcloud : soundcloud.com/hadrarecords Hadra Facebook : facebook.com/Hadra.official Hadra Shop : Hadra.net ---------------------------------------------------------------- Eng: Julien Humblot signed up with Hadra Records in 2009; and has since become one of the most accomplished artists on the labels directory. We are thrilled to present his second album Do You Know Who You Are. Following the remarkable success of his debut album The 4th Sun released in October 2010, Lunarave is striking back with an innovative style that will again monopolise the attention of listeners. This is the fruit of his many encounters and acoustic experiments in France and globally, combined with his overflowing creativity; and stimulated by his side projects Lovpact and Angry Luna. The tracks directly propel you to his unique world. This multi-talented artist on a relentless quest for new ambiances manufactured numerous melodies that are both lyrical and epic. The final product is a mood catalyst that will take the listener through varied states of consciousness: from appeased to meditative and even sometimes belligerent! Rich in twists and turns, this new album depicts a fantastic tale for which only Lunarave holds the key. Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lunaravefanpage Souncloud: https://soundcloud.com/lunarave Hadra.net:www.hadra.net/label_releases.php?view=HADCD40&&lang=en Links : Hadra Records Soundcloud : soundcloud.com/hadrarecords Hadra Facebook : facebook.com/Hadra.official Hadra Shop : Hadra.net
Hadra Trance Festival 7 22 – 25 August 2013 / Lans -en-Vercors (Isère / France) The must-see french psytrance event will happen again this year for its seventh edition from august 22 to 25 in the mountains of Lans-en-Vercors. To end the summer season on a high note, the Hadra Trance Festival will propose a thriving international programme rich in a hundred of musicians, performers, video installations, and some more for a timeless event ! The Festival is a unique and remarkable experience thanks to its flawless organisation, the nature of the surroundings and the values it stands up for, but also due to an eclectic and multidisciplinary programme offering 120 concerts and performances... Over the years, the festival has become the largest celebration of trance culture in France and is now regarded as a reference in Europe and worldwide. Each year, the Hadra Trance Festival is highly anticipated by a devoted audience coming from further and further to enjoy these few days out of time. Few names (complete line up below) Protonica • Shangaan Electro • A-Team • Goth Trad • Electrypnose • Carbon Based Lifeforms • Everblast • Sync 24 • Hyper Frequencies • Dj Click • Hoodwink • Bird of Prey • The Commercial Hippies • Celt Islam • Broken Toy • Soom T & Renegade Masters • Aerospace • Kalya Scintilla • Headroom • Drumspyder • Audiomatic • Trio Bassma • Psyberpunk • James Copeland • Merkaba • Tajmahal • Lost & Found • Lakay • Chris Rich • Secret Vibes • And many more... LINE UP >> Thursday 22nd August (From 08/22 - 7h30 PM to 08/23 – 4h PM): Main Floor : MERKABA (Zenon Records) - Australia …................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/merkabamusic HUMEROUS (PsynOpticz Productions) – South Africa......…....................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/humerous HARMONIC REBEL (Psynon Records) – UK….........................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/harmonic-rebel ELECTRYPNOSE (Electrypnosis Media) – Swiss.…............................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/electrypnose MALICE IN WONDERLAND (2to6 Records) – Austria...…...............................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/malice-in-wonderland YAMAGA (Hadra Records) – Grenoble - France …........................................................DJ SET https://www.facebook.com/yamaga.yann MANU (Hadra Records) – Gap - France ..............................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/manu-hadra STRETCH (Timecode) – Paris – France…...................................................................................LIVE EVERBLAST (Chromatone vs Eartgling) (Zero 1 Music) – (US – UK)..................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/everblast EARTHSPACE (Mosaico Records) – Brasil…............................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/earthspacelive GINO (Sonica Recording) - Italy…................................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/twinlights LUNARAVE (Hadra Records) – Chambery – France…......................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/lunarave LOVPACT (Hadra Records) – Chambery – France…...........................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/lovpact HEADROOM (Nano Records) – South Africa….....................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/headroomusic MAYAXPERIENCE (SoundLabPirates) – Austria…........................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/mayaXperience PROTONICA (Iono Music) – Germany….........................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/protonica Alternative Stage : SHANGAAN ELECTRO (Honest Jon's Records) – South Africa....................CONCERT http://qujunktions.com/artists/shangaan-electro RAFAEL ARAGON (Caballito / Fresh Poulp) – Paris – France .............................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/rafiralfiro MATEBA (Inside Recordings) – Monpellier – France .........................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/mateba GOTH TRAD (Deep Medi) – Japan….................................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/goth-trad KALYA SCINTILLA (Merkaba Music) – Australia ..............................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/kalyascintilla OPALE'S ADN (Ultimae) – Toulouse – France .....................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/opale-karine GNAIA (Oreades Prod.) - Paris – France ...................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/gnaia STARSPINE (Nutek Rec. - Alchemy Rec. / ) South-Africa – Spain..................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/starspine ELECTRYPNOSE (Electrypnosis Media) - Swiss …...........................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/Electrypnose DENSE (Chillgressive Tunes) – Germany ...….......................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/chillgressivetunes ZEN BABOON (Electrik Dream) – Portugal ..............................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/zen-baboon TAJMAHAL (Electrik Dream / Ultimae Rec.) - Lyon – France ............................DJ SET https://www.facebook.com/djaytajmahal >> Friday 23 August (From 08/23 - 4h PM to 08/24 – 6h30 PM): Main Floor : HUDA G. ( Moshka Project) – Israël …......................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/huda-g SECRET VIBES (Hadra Records) – Paris - France …...................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/secret-vibes SINE DIE (Hadra Records) – Grenoble – France …................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/sine_die JUSTIN CHAOS (Zero 1 Music) – UK….....................................................................................DJ SET https://www.facebook.com/JustinChaos CHRIS RICH (Bom Shanka Music) – UK….....................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/chrisrich ATARO (Damaru Rec - Free Radical Rec)– UK….....................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/ataro HYPER FREQUENCIES (Mandala Records) – France….....................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/hyperfrequencies BIORYTHM (Teh Village Records – Spectral Records) – South Africa…..............LIVE https://soundcloud.com/biorhtyhm LOST & FOUND (Hadra Records) – South Africa …................... .......................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/lostandfound HATTA (Grasshopper Records) – Japan…................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/dj-hatta BROKEN TOY (Nano Records) – South Africa….....................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/brokentoy LOIC (Free Spirit Records) – Grenoble – France…...........................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/loic-castello TILT (Hadra Records) – Saint Etienne – France…............................................................DJ SET https://www.facebook.com/tilt.hadra THE COMMERCIAL HIPPIES (Nano Records) – South Africa…................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/thecommercialhippies GROOVE INSPEKTORZ (Kosen Prod. - Natural Beat Makerz) – Toulouse........LIVE https://soundcloud.com/groove-inspektorz GOLKONDA ( (Blue Tunes Records) – Germany ...….........................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/symphonix Alternative Stage : LAND SWITCHER ( Free Spirit Records) – Paris – France ........................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/landswitcher DHAMMA BABY (African Dope Records) – South Africa............................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/dhammababy FLUTE & LUTH (Association Yaman) – Paris – France......................................CONCERT https://soundcloud.com/bansouri/welcome-mp3 DJ CLICK (No Fridge) – Paris – France …..............................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/click-here DRUMSPYDER (Dakini) – US ….........................................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/drumspyder BAYAWAKA (Enigmatik Records) – Israël ….......................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/golan-28 GINO (Hadra Records) – UK ...........................................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/ginobannsabaii JAMES COPELAND (3Star Deluxe) – South Africa..........................................................LIVE https://www.facebook.com/jamescopelandmusic ZEN RANCOON (Electrik Dream) – Portugal ..........................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/zen-racoon HENRIQ (Electrik Dream) – Portugal .......................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/henriq-aka-zen-babo SYNC24 (Ultimae) – Sweden ..............................................................................................................LIVE https://www.facebook.com/sync24 CARBON BASED LIFEFORMS (Ultimae) – Sweden...........................................................LIVE https://www.facebook.com/carbonbasedlifeforms SLEEPING FOREST (Hadra Records) – Grenoble – France…........................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/sleeping_forest KUBA (Liquid Sound Design / Chill Code) – UK …..................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/kuba-laurence-harvey B.BRAIN (Hadra Records) – Grenoble – France …..................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/docteur-b-brain >> Saturday 24 August (From 08/24 – 6h30 PM to 08/25 to 6h PM): Main Floor : COSMOSOPHY (Elestial Records) – South Africa / Sweden........................CONCERT https://soundcloud.com/elestialmusic !FUCKYEAH ! (Dropzone Records) – Brasil….............................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/livefuckyeah HOODWINK (Wildthings Records) – UK …....................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/hoodwinkwildthingsrecords PSYBERPUNK (Free Alps – Shaman Electro) – Swiss.. ….........................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/psyberpunk-1 CUBIC SPLINE (Hadra Records) – Grenoble / Rennes – France…..............................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/cubic_spline VERTICAL ( Psynon Records) – Denmark…...............................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/vertical_parvati SHOTU (Hadra Records) – Grenoble – France…......................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/shotu ZIGGANAUT (Alien Safari) South Africa …............................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/zigganaut-aka-wobblz DHARMA (Looney Moon) – Italy.….................................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/pigiu ENDEAVOUR (Catalyst Records) – Mexico…...........................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/endeavour DRISS (Hadra Records) – Grenoble – France ….................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/dj-driss-1 JIMSON (Hadra Records) – Belgium ….......................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/jimson-hadra A-TEAM (Nutek) – Israel / Spain….................................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/the-a-team NATRON (Solar Tech Records) – Germany ...…....................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/natronsoundz SPIRIT ARCHITECT (Dacru Records) – Macedonia ….........................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/spirit-architect KOKMOK (Hadra Records) – Marseille – France ….........................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/kokmok-hadra LYCTUM (YSE / Tesserac Tsudio) – Serbia…........................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/leectum AEROSPACE (Digital Nature Records) – Israël…....................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/aerospace AUDIOMATIC (Spin Twist Records) – Germany…..................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/benniaudiomatic Alternative Stage : SOOM T & RENEGADE MASTERS (Renegade Masters) - UK....................CONCERT https://soundcloud.com/renegade-masters LAKAY (Hadra Records) – Grenoble – France …....................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/lakay-enjoy-people DIGIDEP (Hadra Records) – Grenoble – France …..................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/digidep CELT ISLAM (Urban Sedated Records) – UK ….....................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/celt-islam BIRD OF PREY (Addictech Records) – US …............................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/bird-of-prey ITCHY & STRATCHY (Hadra Records) – Grenoble / Paris – France .................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/itchy-and-scratchy 6NOK (Konectik) – Lyon – France ...........................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/6nokspurk SYSYPHE (Hadra Records) – Montpellier – France.....................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/sysyphe EROT (Altar Records) – Denmark …..............................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/erot TRIO BASSMA (Collectif Bassma) – Lyon – France ............................................CONCERT https://www.facebook.com/triobassma?ref=hl NIKEL GORR (Unsigned) – Brest – France ..................................................................CONCERT https://soundcloud.com/nikelgorr >> Vjing / Digital Arts << Main floor : Stage Design / Vj Set : Vizual Invaders (Hadra / Totaal Rez) Motion Design / Vj Set : WSK (Totaal Rez) Vj Set : Cycloptik Alternative Stage : Stage & Motion Design / Vj Set : Vizual Invaders (Hadra / Totaal Rez) 1000Errors >> Déco / Scénography << Main floor : Artescape (South Africa) Les Lucioles (Hadra - France) Bubbles Paradise (France) The Mad Studio (Musact / Hadra – France) Alternative Stage : Somethingroovy (UK) L'Oeil Magique (France) La Fôret Enchantée : Musact Dékoration (Germany) LINE UP SUBJECT TO CHANGE http://www.hadra.net/hadra_news/2013/Images/Hadra%2012-2236.jpg >> Associative Village << - Show Zelfir company : show and modern juggling deambulation flaming. - Workshops VJing, participative Sound System (pedaling = energy = power Sound System). - Conférences Relationship of man with nature Accessibility of a deficient public to electronic music .. - Healing zone Massages, Yoga, Relaxation... -- O ver 50 stalls : crafts, world food, etc... - Local actions for a sustainable festiva l Sustainable actions Innovative carbon compensation project Carpooling... USEFUL INFORMATION: PRESALES : First presale period : 45€ / 4 days (limited to 500 tickets) > SOLD OUT !! Second presale period : 65€ / 4 days (limited to 1 000 tickets) > SOLD OUT !! Third presale period : 80€ / 4 days > http://www.hadra.net/shop/new/product.php? id_product=1075 1st of July >> Next phase 70€ / 3 days (limited to 1 000 tickets) 22 of July >> Last phase 90€ / 4 days Think carpooling : http://agenda.covoiturage.fr/festival/12222-hadra-trance-festival-vii Links: Facebook (Page spécial Festival): https://www.facebook.com/hadratrancefestival Facebook (Page Hadra): https://www.facebook.com/Hadra.official Facebook (Evènement): https://www.facebook.com/events/483291931713270/?fref=ts Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/hadratrancefestival Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/hadrarecords More information : www.hadratrancefestival.net
Hadra Trance Festival 7 22 – 25 August 2013 / Lans -en-Vercors (Isère / France) The must-see french psytrance event will happen again this year for its seventh edition from august 22 to 25 in the mountains of Lans-en-Vercors. To end the summer season on a high note, the Hadra Trance Festival will propose a thriving international programme rich in a hundred of musicians, performers, video installations, and some more for a timeless event ! The Festival is a unique and remarkable experience thanks to its flawless organisation, the nature of the surroundings and the values it stands up for, but also due to an eclectic and multidisciplinary programme offering 120 concerts and performances... Over the years, the festival has become the largest celebration of trance culture in France and is now regarded as a reference in Europe and worldwide. Each year, the Hadra Trance Festival is highly anticipated by a devoted audience coming from further and further to enjoy these few days out of time. Protonica • Shangaan Electro • A-Team • Goth Trad • Electrypnose • Carbon Based Lifeforms • Everblast • Sync 24 • Hyper Frequencies • Dj Click • Hoodwink • Bird of Prey • The Commercial Hippies • Celt Islam • Broken Toy • Soom T & Renegade Masters • Aerospace • Kalya Scintilla • Headroom • Drumspyder • Audiomatic • Trio Bassma • Psyberpunk • James Copeland • Merkaba • Tajmahal • Lost & Found • Lakay • Chris Rich • Secret Vibes • And many more... Few names (complete line up below)>> Thursday 22nd August (From 08/22 - 7h30 PM to 08/23 – 4h PM): Main Floor : MERKABA (Zenon Records) - Australia ...................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/merkabamusic HUMEROUS (PsynOpticz Productions) – South Africa.............................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/humerous HARMONIC REBEL (Psynon Records) – UK............................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/harmonic-rebel ELECTRYPNOSE (Electrypnosis Media) – Swiss................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/electrypnose MALICE IN WONDERLAND (2to6 Records) – Austria.....................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/malice-in-wonderland YAMAGA (Hadra Records) – Grenoble - France ...........................................................DJ SET https://www.facebook.com/yamaga.yann MANU (Hadra Records) – Gap - France ..............................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/manu-hadra STRETCH (Timecode) – Paris – France......................................................................................LIVE EVERBLAST (Chromatone vs Eartgling) (Zero 1 Music) – (US – UK)..................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/everblast EARTHSPACE (Mosaico Records) – Brasil...............................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/earthspacelive GINO (Sonica Recording) - Italy...................................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/twinlights LUNARAVE (Hadra Records) – Chambery – France.........................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/lunarave LOVPACT (Hadra Records) – Chambery – France..............................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/lovpact HEADROOM (Nano Records) – South Africa........................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/headroomusic MAYAXPERIENCE (SoundLabPirates) – Austria...........................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/mayaXperience PROTONICA (Iono Music) – Germany............................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/protonica Alternative Stage : SHANGAAN ELECTRO (Honest Jon's Records) – South Africa....................CONCERT http://qujunktions.com/artists/shangaan-electro RAFAEL ARAGON (Caballito / Fresh Poulp) – Paris – France .............................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/rafiralfiro MATEBA (Inside Recordings) – Monpellier – France .........................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/mateba GOTH TRAD (Deep Medi) – Japan....................................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/goth-trad KALYA SCINTILLA (Merkaba Music) – Australia ..............................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/kalyascintilla OPALE'S ADN (Ultimae) – Toulouse – France .....................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/opale-karine GNAIA (Oreades Prod.) - Paris – France ...................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/gnaia STARSPINE (Nutek Rec. - Alchemy Rec. / ) South-Africa – Spain..................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/starspine LINE UP ELECTRYPNOSE (Electrypnosis Media) - Swiss ..............................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/Electrypnose DENSE (Chillgressive Tunes) – Germany .............................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/chillgressivetunes ZEN BABOON (Electrik Dream) – Portugal ..............................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/zen-baboon TAJMAHAL (Electrik Dream / Ultimae Rec.) - Lyon – France ............................DJ SET https://www.facebook.com/djaytajmahal >> Friday 23 August (From 08/23 - 4h PM to 08/24 – 6h30 PM): Main Floor : HUDA G. ( Moshka Project) – Israël .........................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/huda-g SECRET VIBES (Hadra Records) – Paris - France ......................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/secret-vibes SINE DIE (Hadra Records) – Grenoble – France ...................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/sine_die JUSTIN CHAOS (Zero 1 Music) – UK........................................................................................DJ SET https://www.facebook.com/JustinChaos CHRIS RICH (Bom Shanka Music) – UK........................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/chrisrich ATARO (Damaru Rec - Free Radical Rec)– UK........................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/ataro HYPER FREQUENCIES (Mandala Records) – France........................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/hyperfrequencies BIORYTHM (Teh Village Records – Spectral Records) – South Africa.................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/biorhtyhm LOST & FOUND (Hadra Records) – South Africa ...................... .......................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/lostandfound HATTA (Grasshopper Records) – Japan...................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/dj-hatta BROKEN TOY (Nano Records) – South Africa........................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/brokentoy LOIC (Free Spirit Records) – Grenoble – France..............................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/loic-castello TILT (Hadra Records) – Saint Etienne – France...............................................................DJ SET https://www.facebook.com/tilt.hadra THE COMMERCIAL HIPPIES (Nano Records) – South Africa...................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/thecommercialhippies GROOVE INSPEKTORZ (Kosen Prod. - Natural Beat Makerz) – Toulouse........LIVE https://soundcloud.com/groove-inspektorz GOLKONDA ( (Blue Tunes Records) – Germany ...............................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/symphonix Alternative Stage : LAND SWITCHER ( Free Spirit Records) – Paris – France ........................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/landswitcher DHAMMA BABY (African Dope Records) – South Africa............................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/dhammababy FLUTE & LUTH (Association Yaman) – Paris – France......................................CONCERT https://soundcloud.com/bansouri/welcome-mp3 DJ CLICK (No Fridge) – Paris – France .................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/click-here DRUMSPYDER (Dakini) – US ............................................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/drumspyder BAYAWAKA (Enigmatik Records) – Israël ..........................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/golan-28 GINO (Hadra Records) – UK ...........................................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/ginobannsabaii JAMES COPELAND (3Star Deluxe) – South Africa..........................................................LIVE https://www.facebook.com/jamescopelandmusic ZEN RANCOON (Electrik Dream) – Portugal ..........................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/zen-racoon HENRIQ (Electrik Dream) – Portugal .......................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/henriq-aka-zen-babo SYNC24 (Ultimae) – Sweden ..............................................................................................................LIVE https://www.facebook.com/sync24 CARBON BASED LIFEFORMS (Ultimae) – Sweden...........................................................LIVE https://www.facebook.com/carbonbasedlifeforms SLEEPING FOREST (Hadra Records) – Grenoble – France...........................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/sleeping_forest KUBA (Liquid Sound Design / Chill Code) – UK .....................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/kuba-laurence-harvey B.BRAIN (Hadra Records) – Grenoble – France .....................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/docteur-b-brain >> Saturday 24 August (From 08/24 – 6h30 PM to 08/25 to 6h PM): Main Floor : COSMOSOPHY (Elestial Records) – South Africa / Sweden........................CONCERT https://soundcloud.com/elestialmusic !FUCKYEAH ! (Dropzone Records) – Brasil................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/livefuckyeah HOODWINK (Wildthings Records) – UK .......................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/hoodwinkwildthingsrecords PSYBERPUNK (Free Alps – Shaman Electro) – Swiss.. ............................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/psyberpunk-1 CUBIC SPLINE (Hadra Records) – Grenoble / Rennes – France.................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/cubic_spline VERTICAL ( Psynon Records) – Denmark..................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/vertical_parvati SHOTU (Hadra Records) – Grenoble – France.........................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/shotu ZIGGANAUT (Alien Safari) South Africa ...............................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/zigganaut-aka-wobblz DHARMA (Looney Moon) – Italy.....................................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/pigiu ENDEAVOUR (Catalyst Records) – Mexico..............................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/endeavour DRISS (Hadra Records) – Grenoble – France ....................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/dj-driss-1 JIMSON (Hadra Records) – Belgium ..........................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/jimson-hadra A-TEAM (Nutek) – Israel / Spain....................................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/the-a-team NATRON (Solar Tech Records) – Germany ..........................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/natronsoundz SPIRIT ARCHITECT (Dacru Records) – Macedonia ............................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/spirit-architect KOKMOK (Hadra Records) – Marseille – France ............................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/kokmok-hadra LYCTUM (YSE / Tesserac Tsudio) – Serbia...........................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/leectum AEROSPACE (Digital Nature Records) – Israël.......................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/aerospace AUDIOMATIC (Spin Twist Records) – Germany.....................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/benniaudiomatic Alternative Stage : SOOM T & RENEGADE MASTERS (Renegade Masters) - UK....................CONCERT https://soundcloud.com/renegade-masters LAKAY (Hadra Records) – Grenoble – France .......................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/lakay-enjoy-people DIGIDEP (Hadra Records) – Grenoble – France .....................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/digidep CELT ISLAM (Urban Sedated Records) – UK ........................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/celt-islam BIRD OF PREY (Addictech Records) – US ...............................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/bird-of-prey ITCHY & STRATCHY (Hadra Records) – Grenoble / Paris – France .................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/itchy-and-scratchy 6NOK (Konectik) – Lyon – France ...........................................................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/6nokspurk SYSYPHE (Hadra Records) – Montpellier – France.....................................................DJ SET https://soundcloud.com/sysyphe EROT (Altar Records) – Denmark .................................................................................................LIVE https://soundcloud.com/erot TRIO BASSMA (Collectif Bassma) – Lyon – France ............................................CONCERT https://www.facebook.com/triobassma?ref=hl NIKEL GORR (Unsigned) – Brest – France ..................................................................CONCERT https://soundcloud.com/nikelgorr Main floor : Stage Design / Vj Set : Vizual Invaders (Hadra / Totaal Rez) Motion Design / Vj Set : WSK (Totaal Rez) Vj Set : Cycloptik Alternative Stage : Stage & Motion Design / Vj Set : Vizual Invaders (Hadra / Totaal Rez) 1000Errors Main floor : Artescape (South Africa) Les Lucioles (Hadra - France) Bubbles Paradise (France) The Mad Studio (Musact / Hadra – France) >> Vjing / Digital Arts << >> Déco / Scénography << Alternative Stage : Somethingroovy (UK) L'Oeil Magique (France) La Fôret Enchantée : Musact Dékoration (Germany) LINE UP SUBJECT TO CHANGE http://www.hadra.net/hadra_news/2013/Images/Hadra%2012-2236.jpg USEFUL INFORMATION: PRESALES : >> Associative Village << − Show Zelfir company : show and modern juggling deambulation flaming. − Workshops VJing, participative Sound System (pedaling = energy = power Sound System). − Conférences Relationship of man with nature Accessibility of a deficient public to electronic music .. − Healing zone Massages, Yoga, Relaxation... -- Over 50 stalls : crafts, world food, etc... − Local actions for a sustainable festival Sustainable actions Innovative carbon compensation project Carpooling... First presale period : 45€ / 4 days (limited to 500 tickets) > SOLD OUT !! Second presale period : 65€ / 4 days (limited to 1 000 tickets) > SOLD OUT !! Third presale period : 80€ / 4 days > http://www.hadra.net/shop/new/product.php? id_product=1075 1st of July >> Next phase 70€ / 3 days (limited to 1 000 tickets) 22 of July >> Last phase 90€ / 4 days Think carpooling : http://agenda.covoiturage.fr/festival/12222-hadra-trance-festival-vii Links: Facebook (Page spécial Festival): https://www.facebook.com/hadratrancefestival Facebook (Page Hadra): https://www.facebook.com/Hadra.official Facebook (Evènement): https://www.facebook.com/events/483291931713270/?fref=ts Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/hadratrancefestival Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/hadrarecords More information : www.hadratrancefestival.net
▀ ▀ TRANCE / TECHNO / DÉCO ▀ ▀ ▌▌▌▌ LINE UP ▌▌▌▌ -- 23h à 07h -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ▌▌MAIN STAGE - HADRA ▌▌ ►► PSYTRANCE SCENE ▌► SHANE GOBI DJ - Alchemy Records - Afrique Du Sud https://www.facebook.com/DJ.SHANE.GOBI ▌► KAMADEVA DJ - Panmusic Rec./ dFR Rec./ Womb Rec - Autriche https://soundcloud.com/kamadeva-1 ▌► SYCHO VIBES LIVE - Utopia Records / World Trance - Montpellier https://soundcloud.com/sychovibes ▌► STEVEN DJ - World People - Marseille http://www.world-people.org/ ▌► CUBIC SPLINE LIVE - Hadra Records - Grenoble https://soundcloud.com/cubic_spline ▌► B.BRAIN DJ - Hadra Records - Grenoble www.soundcloud.com/docteur-b-brain ▌► IVORT LIVE - Zenon Records - Grenoble https://soundcloud.com/ivort >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ▌▌SECOND STAGE - ELEKTRO SYSTEM ▌▌ ►► TECHNO SCENE ▌► PASCAL ROEDER LIVE - Elektro System - Lyon ▌► ACID SODA Elektro System - Lyon ▌► WAVESONIK Elektro System - Lyon ▌► IDRISS DE Elixion Records >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ►► DECORATION ▌► LES LUCIOLES Hadra - Grenoble >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ▌▌ AT NINKASI KAO ▌▌ 267 Rue Marcel Mérieux 69007 lyon/ Métro gerland. Cool security, cloakroom /smoke area Respect the venue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ►► PRICE : 15 € in Prepaid and 17 € on site http://www.weezevent.com/hadra-party-ninkasi-kao >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MORE INFORMATION: www.hadra.net www.elektrosystem.org
DOWNTOWN DREAMERS – MC2 – GRENOBLE FREE CONFERENCE ► April 20th, 2013 - Grenoble (Fr.) ► With : - ERIC BOUTOUYRIE - PATRICK ROGNAN - ABSOLUM – CHRISTOPHE DROUILLET - PHILIPPE TELLIER LINE UP From 10 pm to 8am. ►ABSOLUM - 3D Vision Records - Espagne https://www.facebook.com/christofabsolum01 ► GHOST RIDER - Iboga Records - Israel https://soundcloud.com/ghostrider_mag ► RIDDEN - Harmonia Records - Grèce https://soundcloud.com/ridden ► KOKMOK (DJ Set) - Hadra Records - Marseille https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kokmok/220241861345716?ref=ts&fref=ts ► SYSYPHE (DJ Set) - Hadra Records - Montpellier https://soundcloud.com/sysyphe ► ALDO BRIZZI - Italie http://www.aldobrizzi.net/ ► SMADJ - France https://soundcloud.com/smadji VENUE MC2 4 Rue Paul Claudel, 38000 Grenoble TICKETS ► €15 in presale (limited to 100 tickets) / €18 in presale / €20 at the door ► Reservation : MC2 : www.mc2grenoble.fr Shops : FNAC, Carrefour, etc...
OUT NOW on Hadra Records - LovPacT – « RetrodeliK » Hadra est fier de vous présenter LovPacT, nouveau projet trance-progressive combinant le groove psychédélique du renommé LunaRave avec les mélodies envoutantes et mélancoliques de Sleeping Forest, dernière recrue ambient du label Hadra. Ref. : HADCD33 Sortie : 02 Fev. 2013 W&P by Sleeping Forest & Lunarave Artwork by Jibehem (jeanbaptiste.merendet[at]gmail.com) Mastering by Clément @ www.storm-mastering.com DISPONIBLE SUR - Hadra : http://www.hadra.net/index.php?goto=/label_artistpage.php?dj=26&&lang=fr - Beatport : http://www.beatport.com/search?query=lovpact - Psyshop : http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/haa/haa1cd033.html ♦ SUIVEZ MOI SUR ♦ - Soundcloud : http://soundcloud.com/lovpact/sets/lovpact-retrodelik-album/ - Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/lovpact?fref=ts
OUT NOW on Hadra Records – Sleeping Forest – « Rise of nature » Lisa-Marine, aka Sleeping Forest, is a newly welcomed ambient artist on Hadra Records. Her music combines influences from psychedelic rock and world music within the precision of electronic music. Her debut album 'Rise of Nature' is about to be released on Hadra Records. The atmosphere developed is both haunting, melancholic and epic and her compositions are full of emotional melodies and evolving layers of synthesizers. It contains heady rhythms close to dub music which puts in relief traditional drums and melodic arrangements that remind many musical styles such as classical, progressive rock or soundtracks. She also uses many samples of nature that bring total immersion into her very own universe. This album has been created to touch and rock its listeners into a world of fullness whose only Sleeping Forest has the secret. Ref. : HADCD34 Release : February 12th 2013 W&P by Lisa-Marine Caterino Artwork by Nikolapin ( nklp[at]psynap-s.com ) Mastering by Clément @ www.storm-mastering.com AVAILABLE ON - Hadra : http://www.hadra.net/index.php?goto=/label_releases.php?view=HADCD34&&lang=fr - Psyshop : http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/haa/haa1cd034.html - Beatport : http://www.beatport.com/track/rise-of-nature-original-mix/4179944 CHECK IT ON - Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/sleeping_forest - Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/sleepingforesthadra - Web : http://www.lunarave.com/sleepingforest
▌▌ DOWNTOWN DREAMERS – MC2 – GRENOBLE ▌▌ FREE CONFERENCE ▌► April 20th, 2013 - Grenoble (Fr.) ▌► With : - ERIC BOUTOUYRIE - PATRICK ROGNAN - ABSOLUM – CHRISTOPHE DROUILLET - PHILIPPE TELLIER ▌▌▌▌ LINE UP ▌▌▌▌ From 10 pm to 8am. ▌►ABSOLUM - 3D Vision Records - Espagne https://www.facebook.com/christofabsolum01 ▌► GHOST RIDER - Iboga Records - Israel https://soundcloud.com/ghostrider_mag ▌► RIDDEN - Harmonia Records - Grèce https://soundcloud.com/ridden ▌► KOKMOK (DJ Set) - Hadra Records - Marseille https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kokmok/220241861345716?ref=ts&fref=ts ▌► SYSYPHE (DJ Set) - Hadra Records - Montpellier https://soundcloud.com/sysyphe ▌► ALDO BRIZZI - Italie http://www.aldobrizzi.net/ ▌► SMADJ - France https://soundcloud.com/smadji ▌▌▌▌ VENUE ▌▌▌▌ MC2 4 Rue Paul Claudel, 38000 Grenoble ▌▌▌▌TICKETS ▌▌▌▌ ▌► €15 in presale (limited to 100 tickets) / €18 in presale / €20 at the door ▌► Reservation : MC2 : www.mc2grenoble.fr Shops : FNAC, Carrefour, etc...
VA OBSESSIV PROGRESSIV 2 Compiled by KOKMOK HADRA RECORDS http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc166/kokmok_bucket/obsessiv2_3D_400_zpsab7c8918.png[/img] Four years have already gone by since Hadra Records successfully released the first chapter of the compilation "Obsessiv Progressiv"; the tracks of which were heard on many dancefloors worldwide. In January 2013, Kokmok will have the pleasure to unleash the second chapter of this edition, the label's 32nd release. Devoted to fulfil his mission, Kokmok gathered some of the best progressive psytrance producers around. He collected an impressive tracklist that will exceed all expectations; whether you're a fan of slick psyprog or prefer a big slice of deep morning trance. Aerospace, Funky Dragon, Zyce and his remix of Easy Riders (the collaboration between Ace Ventura and Rocky), D_Root, Darma and Symbolic are some of the artists featuring on this new compilation! Obsessiv Progressiv 2 is scheduled to come out on the 18th of January and will be stay in your player for a long long time! TRACK LIST 1 AEROSPACE The Only Light 2 ODD WAVE Evasion 3 EASY RIDERS High Spirits ZYCE rmx 4 FUNKY DRAGON Remake 5 D_ROOT Rotate 64 6 DARMA One Direction 7 SYMBOLIC Crystal Clear SIDE EFFECTS rmx 8 ELECTIT My Own Way 9 NITRODROP Out of Space Avaible on http://www.beatport.com/release/obsessiv-progressiv-vol-2/1020869 http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/haa/haa1cd032.html http://hadra.net/label_releases.php?view=HADCD32&&lang=fr http://www.hadra.net/shop/new/product.php?id_product=984
HADRA, IN COLLABORATION WITH TRANSBUTIL, PRESENTS: “TWISTED” at DOCK DES SUDS, MARSEILLE, on: SATURDAY 19 JANUARY 2013 When 1, 500 people gathered at the Dock des Suds on 21 January, we kicked off the year with a powerful start: infectious sounds, magnificent décor and an outstanding atmosphere defined the vision for this second edition of the Twisted party... Hadra and Transbutil come together once again in 2013, to present yet another outstanding event, this time even bigger, even better! The third edition of Twisted will be taking place in a beautiful indoor space, featuring an epic-scale stage area. The party will take place 19 January 2013, adding to a month of celebrations where we just don't stop... Visuals, Art, Music, Decor – it's gonna blow your mind. So, get ready for yet another kick-ass party and... get ready to be “Twisted”! MAIN STAGE LIVE ACTS BRAIN DAMAGE - Jarring Effects / France http://www.brain-damage.fr/ www.jarringeffects.net https://www.facebook.com/pages/Brain-Damage/48071261708#!/braindamagedub LOGIC BOMB - TIP Records and Solstice Music / Suede https://www.facebook.com/Bomb.Lab http://www.logicbomb.se/ http://soundcloud.com/logicbomb SYNPHONIX - Blue tunes records / Germany http://www.facebook.com/symphonixmusic http://www.myspace.com/symphonixmusic http://soundcloud.com/symphonix KINDZADZA - Osom-music / Russia https://www.facebook.com/OsomKdd#!/OsomKdd http://kindzadza.bandcamp.com/ http://www.osom-music.com/ SHOTU - Hadra rec./ France http://www.facebook.com/shotumusic http://soundcloud.com/user9033717 DJ SETS KOKMOK - Transubtil and Hadra rec. / France http://www.facebook.com/djkokmok http://fr-fr.facebook.com/pages/Ayaska/184108308297268 JIMSON - Hadra Records / Belgium https://www.facebook.com/jimsonhadra www.soundcloud.com/jimson-hadra B BRAIN – Hadra records / France www.myspace.com/drbbrain www.soundcloud.com/docteur-b-brain DECORATION NILS ART’EVENT / Switzerland https://www.facebook.com/#!/nils.artevent TRANSUBTIL TEAM / France https://www.facebook.com/#!/transubtilpsytrance VIDEO HOP / France NEURON HERTZ – Hpm2f et Opsygen / France http://m.facebook.com/jeremy.hpmdeuxf LIKID – Hadra / France Myspace.com/likidart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAZZA : ALTERNATIVE STAGE LIVE ACTS and DJ SETS SYSYPHE – Hadra records and Ultimae records / France www.facebook.com/sysyphe.hadra1 soundcloud.com/sysyphe ODD WAVE / France - Plusquam Records/Soundz Painterz - France https://www.facebook.com/#!/MrOddwave http://www.beatport.com/release/signal-to-noise/960987 http://soundcloud.com/oddwave/tracks DJ SETS AYASKA - Transubtil / France https://www.facebook.com/#!/ayaska.transubtil B BRAIN – Hadra records / France www.myspace.com/drbbrain www.soundcloud.com/docteur-b-brain DIRTY PONY / HARKONNENS - France http://soundcloud.com/lesatreides DECORATION LES LUCIOLES - Hadra / France http://fr-fr.facebook.com/group.php?gid=343719934624&v=wall Le collectif Family DRANG- TEP / France https://www.facebook.com/la.famille.d.ran.g PRESALES Hadra Shop : http://www.hadra.net/shop/new/category.php?id_category=6 Presales :17€ (Limited to the 100 tickets) – 20€ At the door : 25€ Limited Capacity: 3000 persons ! VENUE http://www.dock-des-suds.org/#dock MORE INFO www.hadra.net https://www.facebook.com/#!/events/431390230229977/
◄ Secret Vibes new album – WATERFALLS - on HADRA RECORDS 14th december ► With more than 10 years of musical experience behind them and 3 acclaimed albums, Secret Vibes has become one of the most established leading acts of the French electro-ethno trance scene. As a celebration of this thriving band, which sources its inspiration from very varied backgrounds somewhere between ethnic, lyric and electronic music; Hadra Records is delighted to release their fourth album, “Waterfalls”, scheduled for release on 14th December! This new opus is the result of 3 years spent researching and composing a matchless universe where traditional and classical instruments meet contemporary numeric musical creation tools, resulting in an explosive sound made of samplers, FX, drums, Didgeridoos, flutes, multifaceted voices and many more surprises ! Listen on : http://soundcloud.com/secret-vibes http://www.hadra.net/label_releases.php?view=HADCD31 ◄ MORE INFO ► www.secretvibes.fr www.hadra.net Mixed by Vincent Bruley Mastered by Clément / www.storm-mastering.com Artwork by avy@Atomes-asso.com Ref. : HADCD31 Release : 14th december 2012 sur Hadra Records Soon available on : http://www.hadra.net/shop/new/
HADRA, IN COLLABORATION WITH TRANSBUTIL, PRESENTS: “TWISTED” at DOCK DES SUDS, MARSEILLE, on: SATURDAY 19 JANUARY 2013 When 1, 500 people gathered at the Dock des Suds on 21 January, we kicked off the year with a powerful start: infectious sounds, magnificent décor and an outstanding atmosphere defined the vision for this second edition of the Twisted party... Hadra and Transbutil come together once again in 2013, to present yet another outstanding event, this time even bigger, even better! The third edition of Twisted will be taking place in a beautiful indoor space, featuring an epic-scale stage area. The party will take place 19 January 2013, adding to a month of celebrations where we just don't stop... Visuals, Art, Music, Decor – it's gonna blow your mind. So, get ready for yet another kick-ass party and... get ready to be “Twisted”! MAIN STAGE LIVE ACTS BRAIN DAMAGE - Jarring Effects / France http://www.brain-damage.fr/ www.jarringeffects.net https://www.facebook.../braindamagedub LOGIC BOMB - TIP Records and Solstice Music / Suede https://www.facebook.com/Bomb.Lab http://www.logicbomb.se/ http://soundcloud.com/logicbomb SYNPHONIX - Blue tunes records / Germany http://www.facebook.com/symphonixmusic http://www.myspace.com/symphonixmusic http://soundcloud.com/symphonix KINDZADZA - Osom-music / Russia https://www.facebook...omKdd#!/OsomKdd http://kindzadza.bandcamp.com/ http://www.osom-music.com/ SHOTU - Hadra rec./ France http://www.facebook.com/shotumusic http://soundcloud.com/user9033717 DJ SETS KOKMOK - Transubtil and Hadra rec. / France http://www.facebook.com/djkokmok http://fr-fr.facebook.com/pages/Ayaska/184108308297268 JIMSON - Hadra Records / Belgium https://www.facebook.com/jimsonhadra www.soundcloud.com/jimson-hadra B BRAIN – Hadra records / France www.myspace.com/drbbrain www.soundcloud.com/docteur-b-brain DECORATION NILS ART’EVENT / Switzerland https://www.facebook...!/nils.artevent TRANSUBTIL TEAM / France https://www.facebook.com/#!/transubtilpsytrance VIDEO HOP / France NEURON HERTZ – Hpm2f et Opsygen / France http://m.facebook.com/jeremy.hpmdeuxf LIKID – Hadra / France Myspace.com/likidart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAZZA : ALTERNATIVE STAGE LIVE ACTS and DJ SETS SYSYPHE – Hadra records and Ultimae records / France www.facebook.com/sysyphe.hadra1 soundcloud.com/sysyphe ODD WAVE / France - Plusquam Records/Soundz Painterz - France https://www.facebook...om/#!/MrOddwave http://www.beatport....to-noise/960987 http://soundcloud.com/oddwave/tracks DJ SETS AYASKA - Transubtil / France https://www.facebook...aska.transubtil B BRAIN – Hadra records / France www.myspace.com/drbbrain www.soundcloud.com/docteur-b-brain DIRTY PONY / HARKONNENS - France http://soundcloud.com/lesatreides DECORATION LES LUCIOLES - Hadra / France http://fr-fr.facebook.com/group.php?gid=343719934624&v=wall Le collectif Family DRANG- TEP / France https://www.facebook.com/la.famille.d.ran.g PRESALES Hadra Shop : http://www.hadra.net...p?id_category=6 Presales :17€ (Limited to the 100 tickets) – 20€ At the door : 25€ Limited Capacity: 3000 persons ! VENUE http://www.dock-des-suds.org/#dock MORE INFO www.hadra.net https://www.facebook...31390230229977/
- Hadra
- Transbutil
(and 6 more)
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MR PECULIAR – ALTERNATE WORLDS – on HADRA RECORDS Dustin Bint a.k.a Mr Peculiar has been pleasing peoples body and soul since the 90's with a mixed range of music but mainly focusing on meledic twilight trance. His latest album Alternate Worlds is a psychedelic trip down trance lane. Alternate Worlds is Dustin's 5th album and newest release in 4 years with French label Hadra Records and is about to set a new standard in pystrance, encompassing a wide range of styles. All of the tracks featured have been tried and tested on dancefloors around the world and refined to create an audio journey the evovles and twists through many emotions and takes the listener to an "Alternate World". To coincide with the release of "Alternate Worlds" Dustin will be launching a tour of Europe and Australia from March 2012. Samples on : http://www.hadra.net/index.php?goto=/label_releases.php?view=HADCD28 Soundcloud : http://soundcloud.com/mr-peculiar Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mr-Peculiar/118862461466050 Available soon on : http://www.hadra.net/shop/new/ Ref: HADCD28 Official release : 6th of april 2012 on Hadra Records ! Artwork by Dustin Bint Mastering by Dustin Bint Distribution by Arabesque Contact & Booking >>> booking@hadra.net