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Everything posted by AlieNed

  1. there is only one way to solve it , its kick off all the moders y moderate ? y delete topics / posts ? y no freedom of speech ? where is that shit called democracy ?
  2. im agree my all time psychedelc anthem is Tom Miraculix - Eclipse mixed with another psychedelic anthem wich is Tom Miraculix - Diablo and u surrounded by darkness watch out demons jump out of ya speakers and drag u to hell
  3. im agree , this is brilliant album
  4. i cud not belive that tender and beautiful flowers stick to dark psy , they say its powerful and pure psychedelic i wonder y is that dark psy found so much response in womens hearts ..
  5. The Freak Show is here at Psy Buy for less then 13 euro and fast shipping the freaks rocks !
  6. acept my congratz ! anotha lucky guy in here where r u in Suomiland ?
  7. i see the sing !!!! its about the great appering of the 666 guy !!!
  8. AlieNed


    Cheers Basio
  9. sucky sucky just for 2 bucks ? can i get few too ?
  10. i have a question is it possible to retrive the sound from an mp3 file that was burned onto cd as pcm ( an audio cd was made of mp3 files ) ? make remastering and remove the empty spaces , anything else to make it sound close to original source ?
  11. Name: Taltala@ secret sound labs 12.5.07.mp3 Size: 231MB Description: Oldschool goa trance. 231 mb big like a blackm*ans stick but no tracklist hehehe
  12. greets to NYC , i have a friend there , she has a candy shop but i still didn fint the way to visit
  13. wot a monster u put there in ya pic !!! poor guy , he has another ass instead of ... lol
  14. so i did and i like it alot !
  15. dogs bolls ? hehe i like Mr Peculiars album alot , i like his special style , its pumpering me ears hehe V/A - Get Your Wonk On - Sonic Dragon Records Mr Peculiar - Infinite Evolution - Sonic Dragon Records V/A - Neurology - Neurobiotic Records AMD - Big Fish - Nano Records few albums from the mix available in Psy Buy and we have mcuh more
  16. yes the album is out and available in Psy Buy just for 12 euro ( with tax ) HERE at Psy Buy
  17. and meanwhile im happy to tell u we have all 6 previous labums from Oxygen Recs if someone interested plz visit these pages for available stuff and sample Sound Field - Audio Surfin v/a Parsec Setherian - Postrancepose v/a Occurance Spectra - Beyond Belief v/a Satellite
  18. GeT Ya WinK Up ! aslo available in Psy Buy just for 12.40 euro ( with tax and gifts ) THIS WAY ! GRAB IT HERE !
  19. who i see , chp claw , hehe
  20. agree , the mix is great , its pure goa , and it was ripped with good 320 kbps quality
  21. agree wit sawfly ,anythin has some good or bad i like full on , specially neo full on that is diffrent from usual full on kind , i just dont like then full on loose any borders so it make u wonder wot the heck r u listning , thout its psy trance but it sound like some tiesto crap ( some tracks sound too close to tiesto style so u can not hear any diffrence but only some tracks ) anyway i wud prefer full on instaed of dark psy or minimal or progressive (exept maybe scandinavian artists like son kite , ticon , vibrasphere ) anyway Skazi can beat them all easily , he is the best ! master of psy ! hahaha
  22. so u dreaming about a big goadelic party with lot of vibrations and cosmic sound that come out the big sound system ? can i intrude into ya dreams ?
  23. u have to call to ya bank that emmited ya card 1st and tell them bout a questionable transaction u made they have a pretty stange name there , maybe they just fools ppl with thier fakeshop ?
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