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Everything posted by AlieNed

  1. im gonna sneak there and explore
  2. i dont know how to describe wot i feel heh its mind blowing , twisting tune , reminds me psychotic sound effect in 3d enviroment processing
  3. Kali u gonna pay respect to other goddesses ? or u just stick to Kali ?
  4. shud we try to go there and grab the tune ? have no soundlick account thou
  5. so means the album was supposted to released by suntrip ? and this not happend
  6. its kinda late so this crazy tune is pampering my tired mind http://video.mail.ru/mail/ckopoctb.east/2/31.html im loling watchin this funny guy , look how he shakes his balls or depthoating some thing its good for loling indeed
  7. have no idea woth the neurofuck is , hm trauma trance is the same as neuro trance , both defined and purified as dark psy
  8. there r too much albums i wud like to grab , mostly full OM
  9. OBJECTION !!! in all chemical crew there is Skazi only who really sucks all others r well talanted artists , specially paranormal attack ok i like whole 2 of his tracks , its pissed off from anumal and xtc from v/a zoo 2 http://video.mail.ru/mail/ckopoctb.east/2/31.html track is killar , very powerful ass kickin bassline , great video row
  10. Holyman - The last Universe (End All RMX) i cannot listen Yahel at all , spacially his latest albums , it not psy tance but for Holymen , i think Holy managed to kick lot of greek popos with his album the One , wich is brilliant gem , for me ist the best album in whole uplifting scene
  11. GOA / PSY trance culture will stay alive till the last day of this crappy completly screwd world this music is for this time , this human race and era i wonder if these indigi kids produce some like we have nowdays
  12. its not dead , its alive and there lot of ppl who loves and support this wonderful music i wud not call it this jewish name anyway and wud like to grab all albums from DR and Unicorn Music go Greece go
  13. this album was released twice , the 8 track cd relased by twisted recs and a 9 track rerelease by nova tekk with one more track included wanted to listen to it to lol but ma home cheap crap regrets to play this cd so its bout 2 weeks as im listnin twisted lol
  14. wots ya home system abasio ? to where u plug ya great phones ?
  15. lol i guess u wasnt wearin them while u were doin it lol
  16. check this out , she is better then Michele Adamson , the gurl look very nice and sweet voice
  17. i got philips hp 195 , pretty cheap , only 10 bucks , good for PC tryied many but they all was souding worse then my ancient technics 350 wich i screwd up senheizer mx 200 is the worse phones i eva had lol , mx 500 much better u shud not pay much attention to the price thou , it doesn mean if u pay alot for some expansve ones u wont get some terrebly sounded shit
  18. youtube has lots of kool music videos on other hand , i m always happy to see how psy culture is widely speading on the net lol
  19. i still love PRODIGY ! they r tru ass kickers ! i wud happy to grab this mix
  20. yea nice tracklist u got there ! gonna grab it and forward to my serbianian friend
  21. hey no ! how come he got banned ? Ellada ! no pasaran !
  22. we all need it plz !!! 10.Manmademan-The great seat is the master psy blaster !
  23. we all need it plz !!!
  24. my regards ! :posford: :posford: :posford: we r on the right path ! :posford: :posford: :posford:
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