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Everything posted by AlieNed

  1. my friend Andrew Zirrex was tryin to contact or make a good deal with many labels and didnt sussesed becoz of some reasons he has lot of unreleased material , but i m sure he never let it to be released in mp3 coz of the hard work on mastering and sound production and time he spent on makin his music sound perfect so it supposted to be released on the cd only anyway i will ask him , or can give u his contact info ps im really glad that Planet Ben signed with Trancexplorer , u did a great choice , so i can enjoy the great sound of Electric Boris for less afforts it wud be wonderful to have the rest of Bens albums distrubuted by Trancexplorer
  2. um thats becoz of yousendit as the name says itself for sendin big files instead of addin atachments to an email (wich is litimet to 10 mb only ) yousent arent the file hostin service , and free acount kees the sent files within a week only i wud advice Agneton to use sendspace or filefactory host instead
  3. i wud really like to know , wot type of audio systems it supposted to be played on ? in general the range is too wide , from 3 quids cost some speakers in plastic case for the pc or some branded hi fi / hi end equipment i heard that some artist make their music ' balanced ' so it shud play quite good on any system , cheap or expensive
  4. the cover is great i remeber i had a song with the same name Khooman , a term was taken out of the movie ' incantaton of the snakes valley ' after listnin dos samples ( big thanks they r 3 mins big , not as usally 45 sec short , size does matter) i cud characterize this as a hypno-shamanic trip
  5. that the way to get on top , leanin studin expreriments practic , gainin skills and teqnique , u on the way so smile
  6. James Blunt - You are Beautiful
  7. its Paranoic Sensations - America , originally was a soviet rock song from 80s called Goodbye America , Parasense made a great remix based on an original melody
  8. reminds me these lyrics from a song Cause I, I just need time, My heart is numb has no feeling, So while I'm still healing, Just try, and have a little patience, Have a little patience, My heart is numb has no feeling, So while I'm still healing Just try and have a little... Patience i belive moni is doing her best to finish this task so we have to be a lil patient i wish i cud be born as mister London Raddison Sas so i cud support the scene and psy followers / lovers / enthusiasts to treat thier neeads its really hard to work at 2 jobs , u become a workaholic or completly exgausted
  9. right now im gonna listenin the silence , actually silence in action , form actually one of the most anticipated artist , definetly he is the best , Boris Blenn Silence In Action
  10. yea ! we can see that , now its 1: 31 , add some more synts and sfx . let it grow here is a direction u shud move to http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...132F8DC3B082A07
  11. espero que este album sea maravilloso y precioso como las mujeres españolas
  12. i do like but wud never call it this way , they say they created psy trance as well as goa trance and they were 1st who settled in indian goa track is 500 kb big and whole 30 seconds long , surprized to see aother person who use yousendit service track soundin nice even it shorter then these samples in psyshop
  13. flacistan ? u mean froggystan or fraggystan ? r u flac /frag /flag ? make a smile , just jokin aac is an alternative media format wich uses compression but in other way then mp3 or wma so it makes very good results and much better quality as well http://www.ebu.ch/en/technical/trev/trev_305-moser.pdf
  14. it got messed up ! ma previous post supposted to be edited not reposted i can look for some mp3 stuff , specially for that guy who never heard it , DM5 - Trancedimentional / Second Phase http://www.filefactory.com/file/49f840 the stuff u can not find story btw ita about the age ago we wanted to buy a few cds straight from Youths Dragonfly e-shop , it took months and we got only one cd from odrered /expected . that was Shakta - Enlighten Ape wich has a very bad sound , dunno hos Seb managed to deal with terreble mastering so if any chance for this album to be repressed (not mantioned Sun Trip ) it definetly MUST be remastered , these few other cds we ordered was both Pleiadians albums i bet anyone of us wud be more then happy to get a chance got something he was looking for years , or replace old scratched cds for example ,all that the repressing can give
  15. Tims 4CN studio made alot of mastering work for diffrent labels remastering is very good thing as well if sound engeneer is professional and skilled maybe this is not a resonable idea to make 2 diffrent versions so anyone can chooce either originally mastered stuff or modern teqnic remastered
  16. Mr Peculiar - Infinite Evolution is OUT now ! Catalogue: SDREC-07 Format: Digipak Release Date: March 2007 Distribution by: Arabesque (non-Japan) File Records (Japan) (p)+ © 2007 Sonic Dragon Records Artwork by Dustin Saalfield http://www.sonic-dragon.com/?load=/sonic_dragon.htm Sonic Dragon home page , all releases , short samples http://www.filefactory.com/file/576f7f Mr Peculiar - Infinite Evolution ( album DJ mix ) in mp3
  17. The Secret Of The Thirteen Crystal Skulls is diffrent , and for me its much better then the 1st chapter
  18. sounds good to me , well produced ,interestin sounds and musical idea its only this ' wack wack ' sample shud not be repeated too often overall opition : very good track , moody and shining
  19. Howling at the Moon was very dissaponted coz this track was not includedn in Akashic , despite on this is the bestest Bills track he eva created wich can be compared with Seb Shaktas ' Between the Nothing ' only Contac was pretty weak work but Trancendance was very good
  20. im listnin this track on cheap Genius dynamics wot he said there ? ' nikogda 'or 'inogda '? cud not get it overall opinion : the track sounds finalized / finished , well produced , normal / usual dark stuff , no flaws / glitches found
  21. There is only one looserless format , its AAC Plus vesrion 2
  22. AP is my fav label since they presents the mexican psy scene like Lamat , Sharigrama , Psypsiq and Smuhg anyone who likes Lamat , shud also check his side projectc FFT - Future Frequency Technology http://www.ap-records.com/main.php3?t=releases&format=1 available Cds http://www.filefactory.com/file/175208/ promo LP , contain 2 tracks
  23. this album is great , but many ppl make complains on mastering issue as like guys rejoined together , i wonder how will be their upcoming album sounds like http://www.filefactory.com/file/90ba4e/ here is their Photoprotic album from 1996 wich has Malaka Dance , Lnd of Freedom etc
  24. Scooter was very great indeed ,i had thier early albums , i wud not say its somehow worse then modern psy (pop psy) happy hard core style had the same mood as goa , u can hear many similar notes /sounds and sounds pretty nice anyway and Shiva never told me i shud stay away from Scooter or Green Day as long they doin a good job and at the point hear the freakest HPs yell ITS WEEEEEEEEEEEKEEEEEND !!!! http://www.discogs.com/release/374439
  25. quote : Anything is going to the End anyway we still can choose , soon we may loose the chance to choose from
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