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Everything posted by AlieNed

  1. very nice , good work
  2. greets to Serbia very poor land but there r lots of psy trance aliens , ppl who loves psychedelia very much
  3. lol at the track titles , they got a good fantasy to name like that Nymphomaniac Nefertiti Schkitzophrenic Sphinxx Castration In Cairo
  4. poor u , u guys r just jelious mean idiots and nothing more SHAME
  5. hope its gonna be distributed via TME so i can get this one too Direct Source was really great , powerful vibes of neo full on psychedelia
  6. great album , despite of all negative shit that some of u thinking about Nina
  7. impressed by GOLDEN VIBES 3 available in WAVE http://www.ektoplazm.com/files/VA%20-%20Go...8%20-%20WAV.rar
  8. smooth tender and positive track from the isra psy gang Black & White vs. Quantum - Time Is My Enemy (Trance On Air ) Hommega http://www.sendspace.com/file/s3s6wd
  9. loved To Sirius , specially these cooperated tracks
  10. fanstastic album the only thing that made me confuzed is that it was released on perfecto recs , a lable own by Martins friend Paul Fuckenfold despite this fact , this is my fav album from MWNN
  11. AlieNed

    Etnica - Equator

    NITROX was pretty much diaapontin to me , and more disaponting was a japanis version of CHROME History is a brilliant album , specially 1st 5 track givin a whole picture of psychedelic journey , a tru trip to the inner world for me this is the best album since IFO
  12. AlieNed

    Ott - Skylon

    i didn heard this one but im glad that TWISTED is up , this is the big fact to me PSYSHOP http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/twi/twi1cd033.html
  13. NOTHIN IS AVAILABLE ON PSYSHOP RECENTLY http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/sut/
  14. check out how ? u shud drop the links ( yea with completly illegal mp3 files ) so we cud take a listen
  15. there is no trance xept psy trance , im listnin to psy for almost 10 yrs now since 96 - 97 and wud never try any crap trance like tiesto or van buren or anyone else thike this u better listen to some rock . rnb or punk instead of any other kind of trance :wank:
  16. its good to hear something new , wish u good luck
  17. ordered a bunch of full power trance from mexico , kindly regards to Jiga http://www.ap-records.com/doc/ap160/?sess=...b3c3811cf526823
  18. double post happend there was lot of diffrent screensavers and viz plugins , g force , psychedelic screensaver etc
  19. first of all , winamp is the best possible solution for playin music , not real player or specially win media player my fav viz is DylansDynamicTexturedCube - its totally asome , look like these rare videos of 96 , pure goa http://www.winamp.com/plugins/details/103843
  20. AlieNed

    V/A - Tantrance 7

    same happend with goa head and pulse , these great comps became a tottaly shit with all the recent releases
  21. fantastic album , a milestone of psychedelia not sure if this album is still in stocks of any shop so here u can hear the samples http://www.sendspace.com/file/d6rjtn
  22. AlieNed

    B P M

    140 -145 is my fav with no interference to hearts own beat
  23. its just builed on a full on structure , anyway its not full on at all but a very own production style of BB if u wanna look for a reall neo full on go check XI - Temporary Insanity or Nomad - Mad Attack , some of Atomic Pulse track and Spectrum -XXX
  24. r u fuckin mad ??? this is goin to be even more crazy then it was before , this is totaly bullshit im neither Thomas or Nina , not even Davinas new project Massive
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