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Dolmot last won the day on June 24 2023

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  1. That's a major milestone. Congratulations and thanks for being here, Psynews and everyone.
  2. It has been roughly forever since I last posted in this topic. 2024 was quite a shit show in general. Then I (maybe) waited for a few batches to arrive, and then waited three months more for one replacement. Anyway, here we go again. Let's start with the CDs. Something may have been on earlier lists already, something may be missing. Who knows at this point. Astral Projection – Let There Be Light Ka-Sol – Fairytale Mini Spacer – M.U.S.I.C. Xenomorph – Qlippoth Xenomorph – Demagoguery of the Obscurants Xenomorph – Netherverse Globular – Lifts the Curse of the Grey Goo Assimilators..! Gabriel Le Mar – Light of Unity Holeg Spies – Brave New World (Multimedia Pack) Banco De Gaia – Trauma Carbon Based Lifeforms – Seeker Elysium – A Journey through Time & Space Greg Hunter – Discography Part I Also, some dark ambient and disco and other cool stuff.
  3. I'm alive. My candle has just been burning at both ends and therefore my forum presence hasn't appeared alive. But now I'm doing Bandcamp Friday shopping.
  4. Well, maybe not that much new (or used) vinyl. Here's everything somehow related I could find right now. I've managed to score some nice finds from other genres recently, though. Tor.Ma in Dub – Terra Deep Fried Dub & Italiks – Crown Palefield Mountain – On My Way Syb Unity Nettwerk – Life Support System (Mindscape Mix) / Sun Invaders (Full Moon Mix) Astral Projection – Let There Be Light Meanwhile, one counter suggested that this would be the 9000th reply in this topic. (And now the forum found my lost draft, which I had already re-typed yesterday...)
  5. It has been a while again. There's quite an incoming pile here, old and new stuff. Time to update various listings. I'll start from CDs... Set:01 Kumharas Benza – Benza Society of Inner Light The Irresistible Force – Kira Kira (the 2017 disc, along the 2023 reissue/remaster release) Dub Trees – Nature Never Did Betray the Heart that Loved Her (2024 reissue/remaster) Pitch Black – Electronomicon (2CD version) Pitch Black - Invisible Circuits Acidum Influxum Veasna – Providence Vaporized – Human Odyssey Distant System – Distant System Tor.Ma in Dub – Life in Dub That should cover most of it. There's also some dark ambient from Cryo Chamber and some other things with no relation to this forum. I'll check and list vinyls in another post. It was already painful enough to lose half of this list once when I tried to click the tab but hit "close tab" instead. The forum had helpfully auto-saved exactly the first four words of it. Alright, time to rip a few discs with no digital versions and then stash this pile.
  6. Etnica - Full On Definitely true fact.
  7. Hello I still have a couple of things to wrap up today (or this year), but semi-relatedly, here are a few reminders: Suntrip writes: Today is the last day you can use the "newyear2024" code for your 20% discount! (Bandcamp store) Liquid Sound Design is clearing out. I think almost all of their stuff, excluding the very latest, is directly discounted still today. (store) Despite the recent acquisition, Bandcamp Fridays do seem to return. The next one is announced for February 2nd so you can save up until then if you want to support your favourite artists and labels 100% again. Apologies for being a bit late with these, but there has been some royal mess and the general to-do backlog has been immense. I hope you can still grab something if you feel like doing so.
  8. It's on the Lunar Civilization re-release, CD and digital. https://www.discogs.com/release/4571152-Crop-Circles-Lunar-Civilization-EP
  9. I might give at least some shit but I think I already have all those items...which may tell something. About the rest of the matter...I cannot phrase it properly right now because too many things are happening, but I really hope that at least some of those would turn for the better, eventually.
  10. Unfortunately I skipped that one, despite it sounding pretty good. As mentioned in my previous rant, there was a completely absurd amount of hassle with all of my summer orders when this was released so I couldn't handle any more logistics. My wallet was also bleeding, and UK shipping + customs really bite for single discs. Furthermore, it's a nice collectible, but I really doubt whether I'd really play the vinyl anywhere. I have to draw a line somewhere with shelf-filling collectibles...although it's pretty far out there. Maybe I'll eventually regret this skipping too. Anyway...now basically all of those cursed orders have arrived (except one CD which may not be even pressed yet, thus not shipped either). So let's clear the backlog before I go shopping again. Many familiar and trusted labels here. Fractal Glider – Zactoglider Martin Nonstatic – Pulsatille Lauge & Aes Dana – Terrene Triquetra – Myriad Vision Morphic Resonance – Extrasensory Perception Triquetra – Access Denied 12" Virtuart – Pisces Moon Rising EP Hallucinogen – The Albums Remastered Gaudi + Savona – Havana Meets Kingston in Dub Hibernation ...and more disco.
  11. This is not secret because it's on Ultimae's pages: https://ultimae.bandcamp.com/ https://ultimae.com/ultimae-summer-sales-2023/
  12. All psydub, basically. Well, more seriously, a lot of roots reggae and dub runs at a tempo that could be described as emphasising (in drumming) only the 1st and 3rd beats of 140-ish BPM, so that we might want to call it 70 BPM instead. Coincidentally, a lot of classic and newschool goa runs at 140-something BPM, allowing a drop from the steady every-quarter beat to the halved reggae/dub pattern. I've sometimes used that in mixes to provide a break from the standard mayhem. Furthermore, if you play kicks for all quarter notes in reggae, you get the steppers rhythm (basically four-on-the-floor before disco made it cool and then it evolved into house) which was used in the classic era of reggae and it comes up in psydub as well. For example, check Vlastur - Steppa9, which is apparently named after that rhythm and it runs at something like 141 BPM due to that drumming, even though it has the half-time dub nature and bassline as well. It's not goa, but it shows how that crossover could work. Then there are some goa tracks which pull off that half-BPM dub switch within the track itself, for example Cosmosis - Spores from Space in its intro/outro and for a brief moment at 4:30 (while the full-speed bassline is still playing). Koxbox - A Major Problem in Australia was remixed to a dub version with that trick by Saafi Brothers, also using steppers-like drumming in some parts of it. Etnica in Dub album does that as well. Are we getting anywhere here? There are opportunities but also challenges in that combination of two quite different BPM ranges. The question might be if the combination can really exist smoothly or do we just have dub with goa hints and goa with dub hints...
  13. Bandcamp Friday returns from its summer break! The next one is August 4th. (Although I think I got a fake announcement from Woob already in July. ) I had some random chaos, events and farewell parties on those Fridays in April and May, thus I didn't place any orders back then, and then the summer break started. Of course, I have some more of that stuff again, but maybe I could make a shopping list beforehand and act fast on Friday? Ultimae has some new releases and represses. DAT Universe released Fractal Glider this spring yet I postponed buying it. Suntrip has new 12"s and pre-orders for Acidum Influxum... The actual special offers, if any, will probably roll in on Thursday/Friday thus it's unlikely that I would have any time to post those, but remember to watch the spaces. Or share some ideas already now.
  14. Bah, let's do this. Or at least try. I've had tons of hassle this year with orders failing in almost every imaginable way. Now the queue of outstanding stuff may be shortening a bit. Some replacements and the Hallucinogen remasters are still on their way but it's about time to sort this incoming-pile. Arrived CDs, this year or so, probably in no particular order: Proxeeus – Non-Euclidean Geometry Proxeeus – Weep From Within Infinite Zen – Goa Generator Various – ZNA Gathering (The Retro-Futuristic Compilation Volume 3) Youth & Gaudi – Stratosphere (CD version this time) Violeta Vicci – Autovia Remixed Various – Illuminations The Orb – The Dream Kurbeats – Folktronica and vinyl... Nervasystem – Underground Culture Kurbeats – Folktronica (this too because why not) Globular – Magnitudes Of Order Pitch Black – Futureproof Pitch Black – Ape To Angel ...and some disco and italo and epic synth stuff and other things that I don't feel like listing right now. Now I can finally archive these somewhere deeper and start pondering new purchases as Bandcamp Fridays are returning soon.
  15. I don't have that CDr, although apparently I do have an old, random mp3 copy of Rotating Fields. The information there probably isn't reliable, but the more interesting part would be comparing whether it's the same version as on the bonus disc of Live in Athens... https://www.discogs.com/master/498247-Etnica-Live-In-Athens-1996
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