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Everything posted by zaib

  1. never ordered from them but it seemed like a nice shop - regularly went to check their charts, which were rather cool
  2. best: penta xenomorph dark nebula filteria kindzadza grapes of wrath worst: hmmm eskimo perhaps
  3. va - the night tribe (vertigo recs) this one has been surprising me big-time, very gloomy, very subtle, very deep
  4. i think it's funny that whenever a guy specifically asks for "music that sounds like artist x", people invariable end up offering names that cover the whole spectre of a (sub)genre, and beyond in other words dajek, and sorry if i'm being rude to others, if you want something that's pretty close to ghreg on earth (industrial, gothic, deep) check para halu, dark soho (the influences from their album 'combustion' on ghreg are sometimes really obvious) or xenomorph most of the other artists that have been suggested here, grapes of wrath, procs, scatterbrain... they make very good music, but you can't really say their sound is akin to that of ghreg on earth
  5. thought that is one of their lesser ones, less subtle and more catchy than usual the live set is very nice btw
  6. imo dark soho, para halu and xenomorph are closest to ghreg on earth in vibe
  7. scatterbrain - infernal angels and transwave - phototropic, defitely (since you can't just order them from psyshop anymore)
  8. not really a cd-case, rather a cardboard-box, with cd's i recently bought others i want to take a closer/another listen at: psystories II (another bullseye for parvati, listening at it again right now) freshly squeezed (surprisingly good compilation, been often listening at it the past few days) psyside - anomaly in your brain (seems ok, kind of catchy) quasar - one day (only had one listen at it so far, because this really is something you need to listen at it one go) the night tribe (this is also something special, very atmospheric music - definitely one of vertigo's better releases) alien fm (should have gotten it a lot earlier) chew on this (haven't really listened at it yet) project eleusis (hmmm, first listen didn't impress) liquid quit (haven't listened yet) bodhisattva 13:20 - excursions throigh the ancient future (first listen disappointed me, didn't make it beyond the third track) psyfactor - evil inside (this has been a tough nut to crack ever since i got it, i love psyfactor's synths, but those heavy basslines aren't easy to digest) horror place - hobyah (basslines are drowning the otherwise excellent synths'n melodies) azax syndrom vs psychotic micro - voices of madness digital shaman (hmmm some very mediocre tunes on this one, some very good as well, particularly crying orc and zoolog) dark side of goa (seems to be discovalley's weakest release so far) xenomorph - qlippoth (the classic of all classics) acidsport (disappointed me at first but i started to like it recently) fullcolor - utopia miraculix - the arrival (hehe, crunchy happy-mood music) filteria - heliopolis (couldn't keep up my attention so far) the encroachment san fran psychos 1 (seems pretty bland, maybe future listens will change my mind) schizm (i want more of this)
  9. and what about kindzadza's waves from outer space or psychotic micro vs azax syndrom? i know not everybody is fond of those albums but they sure had impact
  10. zaib

    Horror Place - Hobyah

    well, this could have been a very nice album - i love horror place's tune on va - phenix, for instance - full of crispy'n freaky noises, but unfortunately there's just too much bass covering it all
  11. well, i just happen to be listening to my copy psy stories II that dropped in the mailbox 2 days ago, and it just strikes how they once again manage to deliver a compilation that's energetic and powerful but not aggressive or shallow, subtle yet not boring - and this while kindzadza is the only "older" artist on it (who's been featuring regularly on previous parvati releases) i think it's truly remarkable that a label manages to adapt over the years, but never quite loses their unique style, and that it manages to consistently keep up the quality praise to them
  12. looks like a lovely comp
  13. yeah well, anyway, do i get to be on the next ace venture release or what?
  14. i doubt hommega would be willing to let themselves go broke because you think there are too many labels out there i think it's normal that labels release what sells - not that i intend any disrespect for labels that have the courage to take risks, but it's understandable not everyone wants to take such risks
  15. you'd rather want them to go broke on releasing music nobody wants to buy?
  16. zaib


    congratulations NHJOHYENNRO
  17. i haven't got a tan (to put it mildly) but there's nothing a quick trip to the carribeans can't fix
  18. brain forest record? i don't think this is a legit release
  19. you know, i've been keeping a list of "dark psy" labels, i'm using a rather loose definition of it (if a label has released something is darkish and/or kbbb, it's in my list) but never-the-less the lion share of these labels has been founded the past year or 2: acidance alkaloid ambivalent auraquake avatar apocalypse apoxima bhooteshwara cannibal syndrome d.a.r.k. dark prisma deja vu devil's mind digital psionics discovalley doof dropout evil knivel geomagnetic.tv gi'iwa glowing flame goanmantra hypnotica illuminati inpsyde insomnia inty raimy kabrathor kagdilia ketuh manic dragon mistress of evil morphonic nabi nexus media noise poison noize conspiracy paradiso parvati peak pixan psybertribe sanaton seraphana sin sonic tantra spectral concepts stone age tantrumm timecode temple twisters trishula truffle vertigo yage zaikadelic zavyrian productions eyes popping out yet?
  20. i think cybermancy, cyclotron and even stereo electric are very techy, but i suppose it's possible my idea of tech-trance is not what's generally understood by it
  21. silent noise @ sin records (yet *another* new dark label), featuring killaargh tunes such as "oscar powerrrr" (exact spelling)
  22. well, it's already released, but i can surely say i wasn't exactly waiting in agony for another darkpsy album
  23. fearkiller - nonexistence (va - durdom) has a real nice vibe
  24. would it be too obvious to suggest wizzy noise?
  25. procs - stuck in the oven with me
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