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Everything posted by zaib

  1. interesting thread, i wouldn't have though there would people who don't consider kindzadza as darkpsy but do space monkey as such, but maybe that shows how the meaning of the genre has evolved over time i didn't quite "get" kindzadza until last winter when i got to see him live... the sheer power of that bassline was simply irrestitable, and made me an instant convert to kindzadzaism i still can't stand half the tracks on that album though, as they're too minimal to my taste, but i'm glad he sort of moves away from that in many compilations his 13th dimension isn't really my cup of tea either
  2. had anyone ever heard that skazi remix of shaggy? seriously, i want that one (raggapsy all the way!)
  3. zaib


    if full-on'ish means his tunes will be like the one on ibiza 10am, i'll be eagerly awaiting his future album but i already felt that space was a bit full-on'ish already actually
  4. when matching the bpm of two tracks, the rule of the thumb is that 1 bpm equals 0.7% (although it doesn't hold when the bpm rates of 2 tunes diverge widely)
  5. congratulations...
  6. you can purchase boldly audio through sanaton's site
  7. zaib

    Ion - Ionized

    it's your loss
  8. zaib

    Ion - Ionized

    well, uplifting trance may be death but i like this album never the less - on of the more refreshing full on releases lately (as a matter of fact, i don't think this is uplifting music in the first place)
  9. yeah, i also recommend those + vertigo recs run motherfucker run from nabi is one of the better dark psy comps out there imho, i never get tired of listening to it
  10. i've been trying to create a list of labels that release dark stuff, and since most darkpsy labels have been found the past year or two... i'll just exclude all the labels of which i'm certain they've been around for a while already, but it's possible some of the ones below are rather old as well alkaloid auraquake dark life deja vu discovalley dropout insomnia mistress of evil paradiso parvati seraphana trishula vertigo nexus media timecode apoxima inty raimy yage nabi manic dragon (sub-label sonic dragon) peak kethu noise poison temple twisters
  11. i think it's rather due to lazyness, less layers = less work
  12. i like music that's utterly insane and twisted the most, but for some reason i always end up making proggy tunes, with few layers (yet melodic though)
  13. i'm having the opposite feeling: i think the cover rocks but i don't like the music
  14. as far as i'm concerned very few are better at creating melodies than talamasca is... take his last album for instance: in overall it was mediocre, but if you just listen at the last bit of every track you hear nothing but beautiful melodies
  15. on electric embryo as well, which is a total blast anybody willing to share that album through soulseek?
  16. released on...? thx
  17. btw, is it still the trashlords of just trashlord? the latest tune on ctrl+alt+delete had in singular and at a performance in belgium a while back it was also just jonas
  18. check out the other compilations by stone age records, most have a track by the trashlords on it, and also psychedelically yours 1 by parvati records
  19. i meant elecktro theater, instead of stereo electric
  20. talpa's tune in this comp is the best one i know of him, which is no mean feat imo
  21. sorry, but i agree with the negativeness about today's releases.... for instance, yesterday i received my latest order of cd's and first i listen to wizzy noise: the crazy melodies which makers my head spin 360 degrees, then i listen at klusters: the wacky noises make me bump up and down on my chair like a duracell bunny, then i listened psychiatric hospital ahead!: i almost had to be taken to a real hospital, and now i'm listening at multiple personalities: my neck-muscles are really starting to hurt now if anything there's lots more variation in psy-releases than there ever has been, you got everything these days: from charming old-skool goa to futuristic dark-psy to dreamy progressive and easy-to-digest fullon
  22. (again, too bad of the bad image quality)
  23. what i hear is just wizzy noise's typical melodies with a breakbeat beneath it, so the similarity could be coincidence
  24. i think that whether you like this album sort of depends if you like the wizzy noise's sound in general: i just can't get enough of their sound, hence i also love this album this album is a more melodic and powerful that stereo electric though, especially the punk city remix and behemoth are pretty heavy, but it's also lacking the mysterious, dark elements from their previous album in overall i liked stereo electric better, even though behemoth is absolutely a monster-tune ("killaaaarrrrgghhhr")
  25. kluster, wizzy noise and para halu
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