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Everything posted by IAMbenjy

  1. if i am informed correctly i think its 2 different bands and or persons. could be wrong do ...
  2. i am inj favor of replacing the name goatrance with an other title . for goa 'the place in india' has little to do these days with the music . how about etnic -trance ? or 'the best ever' trance :posford:
  3. Lisening NOW !!! Already goosebumps and tears into the eye's ... YHIIHAAAAAAA!!!
  4. well some of you migth now i'm a bog ultimae fan. and this cd has all the soundscape's wich make's me love it that much but i was expeting something rejuvinating new ... and this lacks a bit... heared it only once. and maybe gotta be in tha right mood... review later :-)
  5. One or all of your search keywords were below 4 characters or you are searched for words which are not allowed, such as 'html', 'img', etc, please go back and increase the length of these search keywords or choose different keywords. help !
  6. @ the boom And at the rhythms of peace. I saw this sticker/flyer With the crazy idea to go overland to australia. To go to the solar eclipse festival as main goal in 2012 Great idea i thought :-) starting in 2009 if i remember correctly ... I would like to join with panterra with the 13moon knowledge. Ecological projects and many more skills. But i loved the flyer cause it said "PiRatEs NeedEd" Can someone help me? thanks inlakech Benjy
  7. is it like the dance? do the twist? and then dreams about this? twist dreams ? :-) like it cant wait for new album to download so i know it will be for sale
  8. one of the best tracks... agreed ... make's me cry not many sounds can do this ...
  9. like Aes dana dark deep touching. crawling sounds . lowbassline . with a melodic emotional tune... naturesounds ... thanks i already have all the sounds from ultimae So something outside ultimae records ....
  10. i would like to see more goatrance on international parties. filteria was on the full moon . but who the hell would go to that german partie nothing else to do then partie and take drugs... ??? i saw a few oldschool dj's on soulclipse. that was wicked . And ofcourse when baba D is playing we get spoiled ... so future perspective's ...
  11. second best live act of this year shared second place with ticon (nr1 cosmosis)
  12. wonderfull album from the beginning to the last a new styl worhty the name ticon with this the year 2006 is a great markerpoint for minimal progressive trance. and seeing them on soulclipse in turky in the end of march. made me feel very happy for the summer to come. where there will be more and very professional minimal artist attacking us with groovy housevibes but with that holy progressive formula and making the dancefloor a flowy loveplace
  13. i love global consiousness i was in the tranceshop the other day and i asked if the cujorius one had an album i found an old lp (2001) but i dont have an lp player and now a moth later i see that there is a new album from those guys... they made wicked progressive trance back in the days and it seems they continue to do so it just made my wishlist and its my b-day tomorrow wohooo
  14. i connected anoebis with a musicditributer from glastonburry i hope he did something with it...
  15. wtf? http://tribes.tribe.net/trancercize http://www.mistressofevil.com/gallery/moeg...otos/index.html moehahaha
  16. i bought the new cd it is very good my kind of ambient . dark bases but zith happy melody's and this 'the path' album is like penta's promo cd you cant find any other info on that one too best cd of pente imo
  17. download & buy cd's
  18. opinion SHMinion ful on is Killaargghh
  19. sure i always loved progressive remember a fairy forest party in finland with crazy purpleblue mushrooms A dj called styx :P ... NONO the new cd is too tekkie. ROLLING basline's !!!!! the first cd of sensient was DA BOMB and i was trying to type the 'alo alo' kind of german. you know tsie germans ....
  20. you know tshe kind tshey vlay in germany. or the cold penislshaped country's... norway ... lots of dark rolling basses. nice hyat work stuff like XV killist. Sonnevakuum noma
  21. again... ful on is KILLAAAAARRGHHH
  23. downloading as we speak
  24. IAMbenjy

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