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Everything posted by LuisBSF

  1. Brilliant, beautiful music and cover art.
  2. How about
  3. There are two kinds of people in this world: those who like acid, and those who are wrong.
  4. I agree with everything said here, NF makes some seriously gritty and powerful music. Looking forward to Redemption.
  5. Some people put a hi hat hit on every beat to coincide with the kickdrum. I personally don't like the sound of this when the same hat sound is used elsewhere as well (ruins the groove for me), neither do I like it when all the high and low mids of the hat are still present (ruins the body of the kick for me).
  6. Just ran through all the previews and I have to say I'm glad one of those is mine, some chunky music in there already, I love the company.
  7. I also use Bazzism, well worth the price. 2KHz (chesty part) and 5KHz (click) are good general areas to boost a tiny bit (broad Q) to make the transient come through the mix a bit better and to give some extra sharpness to the kickdrum.
  8. Very intense and elaborate. I really like this.
  9. I wrote the original version over two years ago and even though it was released in Pantheon quite some time afterwards, I could never get the mixdown as good as I would've liked. I hope this new version addresses some of those issues. The mixdown, however, is not the only thing that has changed. I have completely swapped an entire passage, which is also a bit longer; introduced a few new instruments, and cleaned up all the going ons everywhere. Please download and share! I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I did putting it all together. Mastered by Gregg Janman at Hermetech Mastering: http://hermetechmastering.com Image (The room of the moon) by Ricardo Lago: http://www.flickr.co...uzul/5301287331
  10. Have a look at http://www.cubase.net/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?p=1036888&sid=3ac7a190da1ff8cd37fb7e10b21c8724
  11. No problemo. What is it you're trying to accomplish, maybe sharing an instrument track with somebody who's using a different DAW? There might be other ways.
  12. A MIDI file won't be able to cut it I'm afraid, it might be able to hold notes and some of the automation to the instrument, but to the best of my knowledge you can't store any FX related stuff in it (ie which plugs, in which order and with which config). I use Ableton, so wouldn't know if there's a direct way in Cubase. You can always delete everything else but the instrument track in question, and save this as a new project. In Ableton you just need to drag the instrument track to the file browser to accomplish the same thing, maybe this can also be done in Cubase?
  13. Happy birthday! Listened to it yesterday, as good as the original but with an aggressive twist to it, nice!
  14. Indeed, as soon as the hats kick in, instant groove happens. Crazy ass tune too.
  15. I would like to add my 2p on the subject of basslines and danceability of neogoa etc. The kickdrum makes the tune tick along, the bassline makes it flow. But what gives a tune both funk, cheek and danceability is in my opinion the third main element to a dance tune, which is the percussion, in particular and at the most basic level, judicious use of hats and snares. I do feel percussion is greatly overlooked in general, and not taken care of as it should. I do like D5's sample.
  16. Ask Dunle mate, he's got impeccable skills and knows all of the discography already anyway https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dunle-Goaleidoscopic/191328630901860
  17. Quality music - I think you got the blend real nice on this tune. Looking forward to more of this!
  18. Been rocking this on repeat since it arrived - I love it!
  19. Shame sm exoscope isn't doing it for you, that's what I was going to suggest. I use it in conjunction with Sonogram SG1 to check bass isn't mounting on to the kickdrum.
  20. I use them the other way around funnily enough lol. I prefer the sound of ABL for higher pitched leads with not much distortion. I find I can get a more dynamic sound out of it. I've been told Diva is the dog's bollocks, but isn't it a bit resource intensive?
  21. As well as ABL, I'd like to recommend Phoscyon for acid sounds, apparently the closest thing to a 303 other than a xoxbox. Superwave P8 is free and fantastic for your bread and butter trance leads too. Synth1 is a lot more versatile than people think. You can get some great gritty fm lead sounds out of it among other things. Also free.
  22. I'll definitely try my best to get there, it's been too long mate.
  23. Just having a look at those waveforms and by the looks of them all 3 of them seem perfectly in phase with a slightly different attack time - more than a timing problem I'd say the differences in attack between the three of them could be related to a plugin on whatever you're recording which has a random component on its behavior, hence the waveform is slightly different on each take. I wouldn't worry too much and in any case you know the timing issue could present itself, so you can be vigilant to it Looks that way! Looking forward to meeting you
  24. I can think of three ways of doing so. It depends whether you want to record any FX from return channels or not: create a new audio track, set its input to your "backbone" group, hit record and play. This won't pick up any return channel output. on the menu to export to audio, one of the first options is a drop down with a choice of master, groups and channels - allows you to render to file whatever you select in there. I'm not 100% certain but I think this won't pick up return channel output when you select anything other than the master. Worth experimenting though, as I seldom use this feature and I might very well be wrong. Make sure you export into 32 bit audio so that you can apply gain changes on the resulting file without loss of audio resolution. what you were doing already: audio track on resampling, record and play. This will definitely pick up return channels, for as long as they aren't silenced. I use this a lot whenever I'm readying a new tune for the live set and works well. Just keep in mind to increase the gain on the recorded clip by the same amount of negative decibels on the master when you recorded it to bring it up to the same level as the rest of the tune. There's a fourth option which is adding your FX on the master then use automation, but you're probably tried this already and found it to be inflexible and fiddly, or otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation. Hope this helps
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