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Everything posted by Negrosex

  1. Try not using the arpeggiator for everything and you will soon realise that creating melodies and harmonies, maby tied for 1st place with creating rythms, can be one of the most compelling parts of making music.
  2. Making music without drugs is like mixing your tracks on only one set of speakers. Just like a mix has to sound good in your monitors, your car, your brothers hifi speakers and your grandmothers radio. It has to sound good on all sorts of drugs, especially PCP! Dust is a must when making music!
  3. I have a pair, read some good reviews about them so i figured what the hell. They sound allright to me, but what do i know, we just wanted to hear what our music sounds like before we put it through the distortion pedal.
  4. Good idea! Here are a few of my ol' tracks. http://rapidshare.de/files/34679067/Tripmo..._Plane.mp3.html http://rapidshare.de/files/34681868/Tripmo.rar.html I hope you can find some use for them.
  5. Many psynews members would be banned from any other forum if they opened their mouths about their acid trips, weed smoking and psychedelic experiences. Im pretty sure some people on this forum might even loose their jobs if their bosses knew how their free time was spent. But thats all in order, right? We just need to know when to shut up. Becauce we don't speak up, we dress up! We dress up in our best carneval clothes during weekends so that no one will recognise us. Thats PLUR, thats what trance culture is all about. But at least we have internet forums like this one, where we can talk about things that society wont let us. Where we can be ourselves. Well unless ofcource your opinion differs from the rest. You cant be too controversial at a place like this you know. You can't run arround saying things like "love doesn't exist" and stuff like that. Everyone here should know that love exists. I mean, it's right there, between peace and understanding, right? No, we don't want anything except drugs and music to challange our opinions. Openmindedness is a difficult word to write.
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  9. Thanks for listening! hmm... maby the breaks are kind of long, ive been thinking about adding some more stuff to the breaks to make it more interresting but i don't want to ruin the atmosphere so im not really sure what kind of sounds i should use. Maby i just should shorten them a bit instead or leve it as it is, im not sure. I'll have to wait for a while before i can decide, the track is still to fresh for me to decide on this. As for what style it is i have no idea. Im not good at genres so you'd have to ask someone else. Maby it's hard to classify, i don't know.
  10. Nice track! It gives me a really warm feeling. And i like the bell sounds, they sounds kind of like the bells by the railroad that warn you when a train is coming. And the vocals are very relaxing. It doesn't seem like there are alot of people reading this section. Its sad becauce people put a lot of time and effort into making their tracks. Come on people! Let's breathe some life into this section, all comments can be inspirational and helpful! ...hmm i should probably post this in the offtopic section.
  11. I think the high end is a little to bright. My ears would be tired if i listen to a whole album with this mixing. Maby your using to much reverb? Try to eq out some of the higher frequencies on some of your sounds and on the reverb. And maby you could let the kick and bass have some more space in the mid and high frequencies as well, to bring them a little more to the front. The track has a nice early 90s feeling to it, i like that. Hey, maby you should ad a tb303 line to it? You can get rebirth for free now if you don't have it already. Just an idea. Rave on!
  12. I like it, well mixed. I cant really find anything wrong with it. If i had to critisise on something it would be that it's a bit too "plastic" sounding for my taste but so is most trance music to me so... But obviously that's just a matter of taste. I think your track is well produced and you should keep up the good work.
  13. Those links are out of date. This is my new page: >Tripmotor< Check out my new track (Chaos Motion). It's a little harder then before, i hope you'll like it. Im very interested in what you think about my tracks so please comment. I will upload the other tracks to the new location soon.
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